Leicestershire County Integrated 2 year Review
Guidance to Support Practitioner Liaison regarding the Integrated 2 year Review
Roles and responsibilities:
Every early year’s setting will have a nominated Healthy Child Programme Lead whose role it will be to:
- Encourage parents to talk to their own named HV in the first instance if as parents they need any health advice or support re their child’s health and development, if for example parents have concerns about their child’s speech and language.
- Seek consent from parents if they wish to discuss the needs of a particular child with the link health visitor or community nursery nurse.
- Communicate with the setting’s link health visitor or community nursery nurse according to need.
- Provide information to LPT child health via secure e-mail on a termly basis re the names of children attending their setting who are resident in Leicestershire.
- Identify common health themes and suggest health enhancing activities eg healthy eating, oral health that could be co-delivered within the settings by staff working together.
Every link HV or community nursery nurse will:
- Visit the setting once a term.
- Communicate with the setting for whom they have responsibility – frequency to be determined by need.
- Work with the staff in the settings to promote opportunities for parents to be advised of how to make healthy lifestyle choices for their children, providing opportunities for their children to reach their full potential and helping parents to feel confident and capable in their parenting.
- Act as a point of reference should the staff in the settings wish to discuss concerns about children in their care of a general nature eg raising awareness about the availability of Let’s Get Talking Groups and the availability of other supportive services in the local neighbourhood. This does not apply if there are safeguarding concerns.