Guidance for First Aid Staff
1. Introduction
People at work can suffer injuries or fall ill and it is important that they receive immediate attention and that an ambulance is called in serious cases. First aid can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones.
First aid at work covers the arrangements that need to be made to ensure this happens, that is, the initial management of any injury or illness suffered at work. The University aims to provide first aid resources and support a network of first aiders based on the requirements of The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 to minimise the effects of accidents and incidents that may occur.
2. First Aid Staff
First Aiders perform an important role in creating a safe and healthy environment at Glasgow Caledonian University and must:
· Be readily available and reliable to respond immediately to an emergency Monday – Friday between the hours of 09:00 – 17:00 whilst on the rota (out with these hours security will attend)
· Collect their designated mobile phone from the Govan Mbeki Reception desk on the first day of rota duty, ensure the phones are kept fully charged and return them to the Govan Mbeki Reception desk on the last day of the rota by 5 pm
· Keep their designated mobile phone available at all times and answer any call
that is made whilst they are on the rota
· Notify the Govan Mbeki Reception desk (ext. 3786) whenever they will not be available, including holidays, going off-site at any time whilst on the rota
· Notify the Govan Mbeki reception of any mobile phone problems/faults encountered
· Undertake a rota frequency of more than one in every 4 weeks, where required
· Complete an incident/near miss form for all incidents attended and either email to or send via the internal post to the Health & Safety Department. In the case of a major injury or fatality, the First Aider must telephone the University Health and Safety Department with the details
· Be willing to be on the University First Aid Rota for at least one year
· Have the ability to cope in an emergency situation calmly
· Be aware of their limitations and be able to make appropriate judgements about the need to seek medical advice or call an ambulance
3. Procedures
3.1 Mobile Phones – pick up, drop off and reporting faults
It is vital that all First Aiders collect their designated mobile phones from the Govan Mbeki Reception desk on the first day of their rota duty, which is usually Monday morning. The mobile phones should be charged overnight for optimum performance. Mobile phones should be returned to the Govan Mbeki Reception desk on the last day of their rota duty by 5 pm, which is usually a Friday.
All First Aiders should notify the Govan Mbeki Reception desk (ext. 3786) whenever they will not be available, including holidays, going off-site at any time whilst on the rota. This will enable the Facilities Management Co-ordinator to exclude the First Aider from the rota to ensure the first aid response for an individual is not delayed.
Where a first aider experiences a problem/fault with the mobile phone, then they should notify the Govan Mbeki reception desk, with a description of the fault encountered.
3.2 Mobile Phones - Pre-Programmed Telephone Numbers
All dedicated first aid mobile phones are pre-programmed with the following numbers:
First Aid 1 07826532761
First Aid 2 07770643406
First Aid 3 07770643436
First Aid 4 07770643449
First Aid 5 07795971660
First Aid 6 07796193848
First Aid 7 07825316130
First Aid 8 07826532572
Main desk 0141 331 3000
Campus Emer 0141 273 1999 (routed to ext. 2222)
Facilities desk 0141 331 3999
Colette Hamilton 0141 331 8255 (Health & Safety)
Emergency services 999
Security desk 0141 331 3787
3.3 First Aid response
First aiders must keep their mobile phones available at all times and must answer any call that is made whilst they are on the rota.
Once contacted, the receptionist will advise the First Aider of the location and nature
of the emergency and the First Aider(s) will make their way to the casualty and
administer first aid treatment.
If, in the opinion of the first aider, it is determined, as a precautionary measure, that
an individual requires attention at a hospital accident and emergency department,
the first aider should contact “Campus Emerg” (which is pre-programmed to 0141
273 1999 and routed to ext. 2222) in order to arrange suitable transport.
The first aider should provide the following information when requesting an
ambulance, the patients name, gender, age, symptoms, exact location, for example,
building and room number and whether the patient is breathing/conscious.
If it is deemed necessary to send an individual to hospital, a first aider or member of staff or a colleague should, where possible, accompany theindividual to hospital and must leave the casualty in the care of the hospital staff. After the casualty has been registered in the hospital the escort must phone the Main desk (0141 331 3000) where a receptionist will arrange for the escort to return to the University. The Head of School/Department or suitable deputy should be informed of all such instances.
Where a defibrillator is required for a call out, a first aider trained in defibrillation
will be contacted. The locations of the defibrillators are as follows:
William Harley (Security Office)
Arc Reception (on wall)
Arc 1st floor (wall outside S112)
George Moore (Grd floor on wall beside disabled toilet)
Hamish Wood (1st floor on wall at the lifts)
Govan Mbeki Building Reception (on wall)
Saltire Reception (level 1 on wall at the side of T.V. screen)
Britannia Building reception (on wall at window)
Milton Street (on corridor wall across from Room MS009 or MS011)
Charles Oakley (On wall next to room C236)
North Hanover Street (Behind reception – level 1)
Caledonian Court (Security Office)
Advanced Higher Hub (W609 on wall)
High Voltage Area (Grd floor Charles Oakley)
3.4 First Aid Rooms
Charles Oakley ground floor C017 and Saltire Centre ground floor back corridor
First Aiders on the rota will have keys to the first aid rooms, as will on call services
such as Security. The rooms are to be used for the purposes of administering First
Aid only.
All first aid rooms have a wheelchair or carrier chair, a bed including blanket and
pillows, sharps bin and body fluid bin.
3.5 Reporting Accidents
After giving treatment to any person, First Aiders must complete Sections 1 - 4 of an Incident /Near Miss Form (Form S1 or S1e) and forward the form to the Health and Safety Department by internal post or by e-mail to (even in the case of a minor injury or ill-health). In the case of a major injury or fatality, the First Aider must telephone the University Health and Safety Department with the details.
The Incident/Near Miss Form can be found at
3.6 First Aid Supplies
All First Aiders on rota are issued with individual bags containing first aid supplies.
First Aiders should replenish their bags by contacting Ann Craig on 0141 331 3790 or by e-mail at who will arrange supplies to be made available from the supply cupboard in Saltire First Aid room.
4. First Aid Allowance
All designated First Aiders who are on the First Aid Rota are paid an allowance, as determined by the University. The allowance is paid into the First Aiders’ salary in November of every year. Those who have to discontinue first aid duties for the University will be given a proportion of the allowance depending on when they terminate their first aid duties.
Terminating duties is held to mean no longer actively on rota/on call. Payment will be made to those First Aiders who are actively acting as First Aiders within their own department; this must be supported in writing by their Head of Department or Line Manager.
5. Employee Assistance Programme
Following an incident there may be members of staff who may need further
assistance in terms of their wellbeing. The University has an employee assistance
programme that staff can access 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, for any personal or work related issue, including for example, stress and anxiety and offer short term
counselling through any one of the following access points:
· Freephone line (0800 882 4102)
· Website ( - Please use username: GCU and password: EAP
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