MARCH 21, 2013

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: President Doug Guinsler, Secretary-Treasurer Suzanne Delbrugge, Trustees: Bud Downs,David Drake,Carmi Kissel Engler, Lori Freiling, Randy Kissel, Scott Kowatch, Mick Orosz,Jeff Otterbacher,Bill Sterling, Mike TedrickandLobbyist Carolyn Towner.

GUESTS PRESENT: Past President Jack Woods, Past President Bill Prowant

President Doug Guinsler called the meeting to order at 10:00a.m. withthe Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call was taken. Minutes of the February 2013 meeting were approved as written with a motion made by Bud Downs and seconded by Mick Orosz. Motion carried.

Various items of correspondence were shared and guests were recognized.

TheFinancial Report for February 2013was presented. A motion to approve the financial report as presentedwas made by Mike Tedrickand seconded by Randy Kissel. Motion carried.

Jeff Otterbacher opened discussion on ways to retain members and avoid new members only joining for one year. Mike Tedrick suggested using the health departments to encourage people that are new to the business to join our organization. Lori Freiling added that we may not want some people as members due to their poor business practices but joining our organization might be a way for them to improve. Past President Jack Woods mentioned that we must tout what we’re doing for our members and constantly remind people of the benefits of being a member. Scott Kowatch said that the Membership Committee is working on compiling a list of benefits for the new application as well as working with companies to add new benefits for members.


  1. Games Committee-Carmi Kissel Engler reported that there hadn’t been any changes made to the games rules yet and it may be too late for any changes to be implemented this year.
  1. Nominating & Awards Committee-Jeff Otterbacher reported that the award nomination forms would be in the yearbook. He also reported that Howard and Theresa Call were very surprised at and appreciative of the award they were presented with at the recent Spring Meetings.
  1. Newsletter Committee-It was reported that the deadline for the next newsletter was March 29th.
  1. Social Media Committee-The changes made to the website were reviewed and suggestions for additional changes were accepted. The need to send the letter concerning the proposed sales tax changes to legislators was discussed. It was suggested that the letter be printed and mailed to members for them to sign and send to their legislators. After discussion, it was decided to wait to decide if the letters should be sent to members.
  1. Ways & Means Committee- CoChairmanJeff Otterbacher reported that not much was happening with the committee.
  1. Buyers Program/Preferred Suppliers Committee-Co Chairman Jeff Otterbacher reported that he hadn’t received any commitments for the program yet for this year. He also reported that Atlantic Food Distributors would disperse the funds from last year’s program soon.
  1. Yearbook Committee-Chairman Jeff Otterbacherreported that the committee met with Shreve recently and that all of the ads on the tabs were sold and the Buyer’s Guide would be more accessible.
  1. Scholarship Committee-It was mentioned that there was nothing new to report.
  1. Ticket Committee-Chairman David Drake reported that he would have the tickets at the next meeting due to the printer’s machine being down. He presented the idea of having a new raffle for a pair of guns. Details for the raffle were discussed including the option for cash instead of a gun and using a store to obtain the gun and requiring a background check. David also mentioned that 500 tickets would be sold with one drawing held at Circleville for a hand gun and the other at the Convention for a rifle. Following discussion, a motion to proceed with planning the gun raffle with the proceeds going to the general fund was made by Bill Sterling and seconded by Jeff Otterbacher. Motion carried. Past President Jack Woods mentioned that he had the tickets for the Survival Kit Raffles and reminded board members to get some before the end of the meeting.
  1. Programs & Outings Committee-Secretary-Treasurer Suzanne Delbrugge reported that $837.00 was raised for the Scholarship Fund at the recent Hit the Road Party. Lori Freiling explained that the reason why lower prices for the GOSA Fellowship cruise could be found online is because the room types for groups are higher quality and group cabins included $100.00 credit. David Drake reported on the recent Concealed Carry class held at Briar Rabbit Shooting Sports near Zanesville. He reported that Mike Wilson donated his time instructing the class and $250.00 and that the use of the facility was also donated. David mentioned that another class was planned for the fall and other shooting sports would also be available. The report of the committee was closed with the announcement of the Kissel Scholarship Bus Trip to St. Louis and Nashville December 4-8, 2013.
  1. Health & Sanitation Committee-Chairman Mike Tedrick reported that there wasn’t any new information to report concerning the laws. On behalf of Kevin Pope he reported that the mobile risk committee met recently and finalized the four risk classes. He also reported that mobile kitchens were approved and they were still discussing the requirement of re-inspections.
  1. Policies and Procedures Committee-Chairman Mike Tedrick had nothing new to report.
  1. Ohio State Fair Communications Committee-Chairman Mick Orosz reported that he was still waiting on a Luis Perez to set a date for the meeting.
  1. Membership Committee-Chairman Scott Kowatchreported that the committee was still working on compiling the list of membership benefits as well as adding new ones and that the new application would be ready soon.
  1. Ride Safety Committee-Chairman Randy Kissel reported that there would be a committee meeting soonto work on the classification of rides and inspection costs.

Lobbyist Carolyn Towner opened the Legislative report by reviewing the PAC report including recent contributions to legislators. She reported that members recently testified against the sales tax changes in the proposed budget bill. Carolyn also reported on her recent meeting with the Tax Commissioner and distributed copies of the letter he wrote regarding fairs being exempt from paying sales tax. She reported that the OFMA supported including rides and games in the exemption. Carolyn also reported that she met with Representative Ron Hood who has a background in the industry and would represent us and support an exemption. Language for an amendment granting exemption for rides and games developed by Representative Jim Buchy’s office was reviewed and edited. Carolyn urged that we continue to write letters and talk to legislators and encourage them to support the exemption of our industry. She also reported that Representative Buchy was also working to get state funds in the budget for the Amusement Ride Safety Division. The need to show our strength in numbers while testifying at the State House was suggested. Carolyn advised that may not be in our best interest. She also mentioned that the requirement of new licenses for changes in the prices of games was a rule but not a law and suggested that we work on it with the ODA.


An update was given on the status of reinstating the J-1 VISA program or one similar. Therecent publication of an article regarding a study group of the H2B program with negative results was discussed. It was mentioned that the meeting with the State Department had been delayed until June. The need to get enough representation to support our industry in Washington was noted. The role of the labor unions in ending the J-1 VISA program was also mentioned.

The Convention Display cases for the plaques were again discussed. Jeff Otterbacher mentioned that he was still waiting on quotes for costs on having cases built. Bill Prowant suggested someone that may be able to build the cases. Past President Jack Woods explained his feelings that the board should pay for damages to the plaques. It was also reported that we were granted approval for displaying the plaques at the Ohio Expo Center and State Fairgrounds in the Rhodes Center if we were still interested in doing so but the management requested to see the display case and have their employees install it.

Trustee Bill Sterling reported that the cost of the cardboard placards from Fair Publishing was $3.00 each. He reported that he was looking for something with a lower price and that he was still looking for a license holder.

The recent OFMA Spring District Meetings were reviewed and it was mentioned that the awards presented were very well received. Past President Bill Prowant complimented the script used for our portion of the meetings. It was reported that eight cabins were booked for the GOSA Fellowship Cruise next winter.

Trustee David Drake presented a computer bag and hooded sweatshirts with the GOSA logo to be sold as a fundraiser for the organization. Following discussion it was decided that the bags would be sold for $65.00 each and both types of hooded sweatshirts would sold for $45.00 each.


The meeting schedule for the remainder of 2013 and spring 2014 was presented. Discussion was held on the time for the Annual Meeting. It was determined that the time for the meeting remain at 1:00 p.m. for next year.

The need to show our strength in numbers while testifying was again suggested. It was determined that that approach was not necessary yet and was not likely in our best interest.

President Doug Guinsler individually asked everyone present if they had any additional items to discuss. Lori Freiling asked Lobbyist Carolyn Towner if there was any progress on the question of the legality of fairs selling alcohol. Carolyn answered that there had not been anything further on it yet. Bill Sterling reminded those present to think of accomplishments of the organization to include on the membership application and insert for invoices.

With no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made byMick Oroszand seconded by Jeff Otterbacher. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 2:31 p.m.