Los AngelesSouthwestCollege, Curriculum Committee, Minutes of October 18, 2005 Page 1 of 3

Minutes of October 18, 2005
President’s Conference Room, 1:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Name / Area / Attendance / Name / Area / Attendance
Pat Lewis / The ARTS / absent / Glenn Yoshida / SCI’s, HLTH & PE / present
Dr. Sandra Lee/Al Reed Jr. / BEHAV & SOC SCI’s / absent / Linda Larson-Singer / ART. OFF. & CC Chair / present
Carolyn Magee / BUS / present / Rose Calderon / MATRIC. Coord. / present
Kathi Cliff / CH DEV & F CS / present / Emeral Price / PACE / present
Reggie Morris / COUNS. & AS Pres. / present / Leige Henderson / VP, Acad. Aff’s / absent
Dr. Sharon Maselli / ENGLISH & F L’s / absent / Vincent Jackson / DEAN, Acad. Aff’s / present
Shelley Werts / LIBRARY / present / Dr. Earnestine Thomas-Robertson / DEAN, Acad. Aff’s / present
Dr. Neil Mantena / MATH & ENGIN / absent / Dan Walden / DEAN, Research, Plan. / absent
Norma Carter / NURSING / absent

Guests: Dr. Arabella Persaud, Professor, Foreign Languages

1. Call to Order

Linda Larson Singer, Curriculum Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:15.

2. Introductions

Dr. Persaud was introduced to the Committee.

3. Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved as revised, including Item 8G, New Business.

4.Approval of Minutes (9/20/05)

It was M/S/P that the minutes be approved with no corrections.

5. Reports

A. Matriculation

Rose Calderon reported that 1) the Office of Matriculation was scheduled to be moved into the new Student Services Building on November 10; 2) ESL cut scores are being worked on; 3) over 900 students were placed on Academic or Progress Probation last semester and of those about half returned this semester; students will be sent a letter asking them to meet with counselors; those who did not return will also be contacted.

B. Articulation

Linda Larson Singer discussed and distributed an Articulation report regarding 1) approval of new courses submitted for UC transferability (CHEM 211 & 212, HISTORY 52, JAPAN 1, and PHYS ED 170); 2) approval of courses submitted for continued UC transferability (ADM JUS 67, ART 101, BIOLOGY 6 & 7, BUS 5, CHEM 101, HISTORY 5, MATH 265, PSYCH 1, PSYCH 2 & 3, SOC 11); 3) denial of UC transferability (ADM JUS 73 – “No comparable UC course in lower division”)

C. Curriculum Dean

Dean Robertson discussed 1) the 5-semester plans on file for various majors and programs; all may be viewed in her office; distributed samples of plans for Developmental Communications, Spanish and French, Mathematics and Computer Science and Information Technology; 2) the approval of the Advanced Course Guidelines and potential list; 3) the goal to update numerous outlines by December 2005, as listed by discipline on the previously distributed flowchart; 4) distributed the 05-06 catalog along with CD versions.

D. District Curriculum Committee

Linda Larson Singer stated that there had not been a meeting since the last report; the next meeting will be Friday, October 21, 2005.

E. LASC Senate (SLO Committee)

Glenn Yoshida, Committee Chair, reported that 1) there will be a Town Hall meeting on November 14 from 11:45 to 1:00 in order to get feedback regarding institutional SLO’s; 2) on November 21, in the evening and afternoon, there will be workshops on the incorporation/implementation of SLO’s into the course outlines; 3) work is being done on procedures for assessment. There was discussion. Kathi Cliff stated that SLO’s will be proposed as part of the syllabus template; Dean Robertson stated that instructors could begin doing pre and post testing of students in the Winter and Spring sessions.

6. Consent Items

A. Course Archival, Economics 5 + Cover Sheet

Carolyn Magee proposed archival of Economics 5, Economics for the Citizen. Documentation will accompany the proposal including 1) rationale: the course has not been taught for years, 2) approval of two faculty members teaching Economics, Joanna Mrava and Nouha Toure. There was discussion. The initial need for the course was not known. Departmental sign-offs will be placed on the back of the archival form; information will be sent on to the catalog committee. Archival of ECON 5 was approved.

7. Old Business

A.Course Outline Preparation/Training/Technical Review

Linda had prepared information to be presented to the Curriculum Committee but instead was presenting it to each content expert as outlines were being updated. Technical Review of outlines has begun and the Tech Review Committee has been trained.

B. Advanced Course Application Subcommittee (Morris, Lee, Magee, Yoshida) – Tabled

C. Prerequisite Validation Schedule—Tabled

D. “Good Practices” for Course Syllabi

Kathi Cliff reported that she and Sharon Maselli will present a template at the November meeting.

E. Cover Sheet, Discipline/Department Changes/Proposals (Magee, Maselli, Price)

Linda distributed a sample sign-off document; there was discussion. Reggie Morris stated that Chairs need proof of faculty agreement and support. It was the consensus that the sign-off should be placed on the back of the archival form including rationale and faculty signatures.

8. New Business

A. Distribution of Additional Documents

Linda distributed the regulations for the Program Approval Process, E-64.

B. Course Outline Approval, Updated Outlines

ADM JUS 1, 2, 3: M/S/P to approve outlines for ADM JUS 1 as submitted, ADM JUS 2 and 3 approved pending corrections; M/S/P to approve advisory of ADM JUS 1 for ADM JUS 2 and prerequisites of ADM JUS 1 and 2 for ADM JUS 3. ADM JUS 4 was tabled.

C. Noticed Action: Residency Requirements for Child Development degree – Tabled

D. Noticed Motion: “To approve an updated course outline by consensus, as recommended by the Technical Review Committee, unless it represents an item of controversy, in which case it will be individually reviewed by the Curriculum Committee. Following discussion, M/S/P approve motion as amended: To approve an updated course outline by consensus, as recommended by the Technical Review Committee, unless substantialchanges are involved. Any revision may be requested for review by the full Curriculum Committee.”

E. Goals of the Committee -- Tabled

F. Concept: Professional Spanish Certificate, 15 units

Dr. Persaud distributed a future proposal, stating that Spanish is helpful in many employment situations; students are not necessarily fluent in writing though fluent speakers. Various issues were raised: 1) are native speakers excluded who have not taken Spanish 1 and 2?, 2) what specific employment skills will be presented?, 3) what will such a certificate mean to an employer? Glenn Yoshida stated that Advisory Committee minutes must be submitted along with the justification for the program. Perhaps relationship can be established with nearby industries. The full program proposal will later be presented.

G. Grading, Developmental Communications

Reggie Morris stated that grades A-F are now given in Developmental Communications. Low grades in the initial classes discourage students and impact numbers of students on Academic Probation. As both DC 21 and 23 are recommended, it is a common scenario for students to receive two Fails. It is his recommendation to change from issuing grades to taking the classes for Credit or No Credit. Any initiation of a change rests with the discipline.

9. Announcements

A. Political Forum, “Vote, Take Control of Your Life;” October 20, 2005, 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.; sponsored by the ASO.

10. Public Speaking—None

11. Adjournment

Linda Larson Singer adjourned the meeting at 3:10

Minutes prepared by Linda Larson Singer

NEXT MEETING: November 15, 2005; President’s Conference Room, 1:00 p.m.

NEXT SCHEDULED TECH REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING: November 23 (to reschedule) and December 7


Posted, email, 11/10/05

Approved as submitted, Curriculum Committee Meeting, 11/15/05
