Guest Editor - Special Issueproposal Form

Guest Editor - Special Issueproposal Form


Guest Editor - Special IssueProposal Form


The Architecture_MPS Guest Editor Series is a rolling program of short guest edited special issues. Each edition is envisaged as a focused examination of a theme relevant to the remit of the journal Architecture_MPS.

For more information on the remit of Architecture_MPS, visit:

Queries and completed proposal forms should be submitted to the Principal Editor, Dr Graham Cairns:


Outline Details for Guest Editors

- The standard special issue should include between 3 and 6 essays from different authors.

- Each essay should be related in theme.

- The theme is usually directly related to the guest editor’s specialist area of research / work / knowledge.

- The guest editor will be the key coordinator and subject specialist for the issue and will be responsible for:

1. setting the special issue theme

2. identifying and engaging appropriate authors

3. initial peer reviewing of essays

4.managing the submissions of their selected authors

- The guest editor will work with an assigned Architecture_MPS coordinating editor to ensure the special issue meets the scholarly standards set by the journal and follows its publication models in terms of citation system etc.

Throughout the process guest editors are free to liaise and seek advice from the coordinating editor as needed.

Special Edition Proposal Form

Nb. Some overlap may occur in your answers to these questions. You can cross reference your responses by using terms such as: See Question 1.

  1. Guest editor name and affiliation:
  1. Proposed Title of Special Issue:
  1. What are the subject areas covered?
  1. One sentence outline of the theme:
  1. Description of theme (up to 500 words):
  1. Why are you well positioned to edit a publication on this theme?
  1. List of possible contributors and essay topics/titles:

Nb. If the authors have not yet been approached to contribute please indicate this.

  1. What is the approximate submission date for the completed special issue?
  1. Please provide any available weblinks to the profile and works ofyourself and your proposed authors:

Queries and completed forms should be submitted to Dr. Graham Cairns. Guest Editors will work on the development of their Special Issues with the appropriate co-ordinating editor.