GSA Award for Conferences
The GSA Award for Conferences is a highly competitive, merit-based award that is intended to cover the costs of attending a conference (up to $1,500) for NC State graduate students.
Students who wish to apply for this award must submit a complete application using thesubmission form. If you would like to prepare your application before using the online form, a pdf version of the application can be downloadedhere. The deadline for the Fall and Spring semesters are September 15 and February 15, respectively by 5 pm.A student can only receive the GSA Award for Conferences once per graduate degree.
Although students may apply in advance for funding, theGSA Award for Conferences operates on a reimbursement basis, meaning awardees are reimbursed for costs after travel takes place.
The GSA Award for Conferences is open to currently enrolled, fee-paying graduate students in good
academic standing (GPA > 3.00). Please note that if you are taking advantage of the faculty waiver program (outlined here) you are not eligible for this award.
A student can only receive the GSA Award for Conferences once per graduate degree. If awarded, a student is reimbursed up to $1,500.00 to cover conference and travel expenses.
Application Requirements
All parts of this application must be received.Applications missing any of these will not be considered:
- Completed application form
- Personal statement of correct length (4500 characters)
- Copy of abstract submitted to conference and confirmation of abstract acceptance (if received)
- Copy of NC State unofficial transcript (accessible via MyPackPortal)
- Curriculum Vitae (include list of publications, if applicable)
- Two letters of recommendation
- Authorization from applicant’s Director of Graduate Programs (DGP)
Recommendation letters must be submitted hereby the deadline.
DGP Authorization must be submitted hereby the deadline.
Application Timeline
Fall Travel Awards:
Deadline: September 15, 2017
Travel Dates: April 2017-April 15, 2018
Notification Date: November 15, 2017
(Travel up to ~5 months in advance of notification date)
Spring Travel Awards:
Deadline: February 15, 2018
Travel Dates: September 2017 -September 15, 2018
Notification date: April 15, 2018
(Travel up to ~5 months in advance of notification date)
Any questions should be sent to Desireé Unselt at