
Standing on Eli Goldratt Shoulders

Management attention to build the ever-flourishing state


Alvaro Heinert, George Karoba, Andrés Hurtado and Julio Fiallos


Grupo Berlin (BOSCH Ecuador) & Goldratt Consulting Ltd.


CFO, Plant Manager, GC Consultants


Viable Vision is the process to achieve the Ever Flourishing state. Companies that decide to move forward into this challenge needs to decipher how to close the GAP between TOC theory and practice. It means management team needs: 1) Understand the TOC required knowledge for the different paradigm shifts and 2) Decipher how to use it on their specific supply chain characteristics and circumstances.

Grupo Berlin has decided to move into their Viable Vision since two years ago. We would like to share the way this management team has been interacting according the TOC concepts to Build, Capitalize and Sustain their Decisive Competitive Edge based on Inventory Turns offer.

The main topic of this presentation is Grupo Berlin´s Viable Vision process, how it has been implemented, and results in terms of: Financial Performance, Stability (building the clock) and Harmony as well as the next challenges to overcome in the near future.

Presentation Title:

Standing on Eli Goldratt Shoulders

Management attention to build the ever-flourishing state

Presentation goal & Key learning Points

Going through this presentation, participants will see (and evaluate) the magnitude of the potential that can be released, having a management team focusing their attention on build, capitalize and sustain a DCE.

Key learning points:

1.  The TOC Inventory Turns benefits potential along the supply chain: For the Plant and Retailers

2.  How to change a sales system from the push conventional mode of operation to a pure pull mode of operation – the new sales force role and new internal required processes and interactions.

3.  How stability can release management attention in order to have them thinking about projects for the future

Material covered:

Company situation before implementation, the process they have been covered as well as the obstacles, learning points, results, next challenges and conclusions.

Attendee benefits:

1.  See how a company can move through the holistic S&T implementation – having management attention focused on build, capitalize and sustain their DCE.

2.  See how a company can build the clock designing and adjusting processes to increase the flow.

3.  See the possible effects on the human relationships that come from having flow under control.

Speaker’s bio:

George Karoba Grupo Berlin Plant Manager

Andres Hurtado

Industrial Engineer from National University – Colombia. Currently working as Goldratt Consulting Project Director and Auditor for Grupo Berlin project. TOC-ICO Supply Chain Practitioner and Speaker (at TOC-ICO 2009)

Julio Fiallos

MBA from Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, México and Industrial Engineer from Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral - Ecuador. Currently working as Goldratt Consulting Project Director for some VV projects in Ecuador. TOC Consultant.

Alvaro Heinert

Undergraduate degree in Business Economics from the University of South Carolina and MBA-Finance from the University of North Carolina. In the past held executive positions in the food industry, currently working as CFO of the Grupo Berlin.