Grundy County Memorial Hospital Foundation
Community Health Grant Application
Purpose and Policies
The Grundy County Memorial Hospital(GCMH) Foundation created the Community Health Grants in 2014 to address the community health needs identified in the Grundy County Memorial Hospital service area. Grant funding may be accessed to provide for new and creative ways of delivering programming on health-promoting topics or delivering a specific service that addresses a community health need.
Grant deadline:
Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on the following dates to the GCMH Foundation, 201 East J Ave,
March 1
July 1
November 1
Eligible Organizations:
- Non-profit organizations who desire to promote projects that address the community health needs of the GCMH service area, which includes the communities of Aplington, Beaman, Conrad, Dike, Eldora, Gladbrook, Grundy Center, Holland, Hudson, Morrison, Lincoln, Parkersburg, Reinbeck, Steamboat Rock, Stout, and Wellsburg.
- GCMH departments and/or work teams who wish to create and deliver health programming in addition to the classes, support groups, and programs that are regularly offered by the hospital
Grant guidelines:
- Grant requests need to address at least one of the specific areas of:
- Access to health care
- Chronic disease management
- Prevention of health conditions or disease
- Wellness (activities designed to support healthy behaviors in the community or workplace)
- The project’s primary goal must reflect an improvement in health status
- New and creative ideas for programming are encouraged
- Grants may fund staff time, materials, supplies, and publicity costs
- Preference will be given to grants that address unmet community health needs
- Recipient agrees to mention the partnership with the GCMH Foundation as the grant goals are carried out and in publicity
- Typed grants are preferred, but not required
Minimum grant award is $50; maximum is $5,000. Ongoing projects may reapply for funding.
Please contact GCMH Foundation staff, Keely Harken or Erin Schildroth, at or (319)824-4152 with questions.
Grundy County Memorial Hospital Foundation
Community Health Grant Application Cover Page
(Please limit this section to 1 page.)
OrganizationProject Title
Amount Requested
Application Contact Person
Contact’s Phone Number
Contact’s E-mail
Organization’s Address
Project Summary (this description will be used to publicize if your grant is approved)
Signature of Applicant: ______
Name and Title: Date:
Grundy County Memorial Hospital Foundation
Community Health Grant Application Narrative
1. What community health need will be addressed through this project, and how will it be addressed? (Access to Health Care, Chronic Disease Management, Prevention, and/or Wellness – see Grant Guidelines for details.)2. Briefly describe your project, including the dates it will be carried out and the audience you plan to reach.
3. What is the project’s primary goal?
4. Approximately how many people will directly benefit from this project?
5. Will your organization also be helping fund this project? If yes, list amount.
6. Would partial funding of this project be helpful?
7. How will the program be evaluated?
8. Are you collaborating with another organization on this project? If yes, who?
9. Provide a detailed budget for the proposed project. (Attach a copy of quotes if available.)
*Attach verification of non-profit status, including 501(c)3 if applicable
Return completed form to: GCMH Foundation, 201 East J Ave, Grundy Center, IA 50638 or via
e-mail to
Thank you for your interest in the GCMH FoundationCommunity Health Grants!