Date:05/12 / (1 HOUR)OBJECTIVES: / After working through this lesson, participants will be able to:
Name places where Moringa can be grown.
Describe ways that Moringa can be grown.
Describe the cultivation of Moringa as a crop.
OVERVIEW FOR TRAINERS:This is the third lesson in the series on Moringa. Most of this information is adapted from Trees for Life.More detailed information is found in Suggested cultivation practices for Moringa.
Illustration: Show the illustration, Where is Moringa grown? / 5” / Moringa is grown:- With other trees, in a forest
- It can grow near your house or in your backyard.
- Moringa can be cultivated as a crop.
I. / Moringa as a crop
Discuss in large group. / 10” / I. / Moringa as a crop
A. / Look at the last two pictures again. How is Moringa grown as a crop? / A. / How is Moringa grown?
Moringa trees can be planted very close together.
Moringa trees can be grown as a field crop.
Later, as the trees grow, only the healthiest saplings are kept so they are spaced further apart.
Moringa grows quickly.
Moringa can be harvested several times a year.
The plants are harvested 10 to 15 cm. above the base.
The leaves and green shoots can be used.
The green tops grown back again and can be harvested again in another month or two.
II. / Planting Moringa / 20” / II. / Planting Moringa
A. / What are some ways that Moringa can be planted? / A. / How can Moringa be planted?
From seeds
From cuttings
From seeds in plastic bags
B. / Divide into small groups. Describe different ways to plant Moringa. / B. / Different ways to plant Moringa
From seeds
--Plant seeds in light and sandy soil.
--Plant several seeds in each hole.
--Keep soil moist.
--When the saplings have grown, keep only the strongest sapling in each hole.
From cuttings
--After the trees have stopped growing for the year, cut off some branches.
--That allows new braches to grow on the tree.
--Plant the cutting in dry, sandy soil.
--Water generously but do not drown the cuttings.
From seeds in a plastic bag
--Fill the plastic seedling bags with light, sandy soil.
--Plant 2 or 3 seeds in each bag.
--Keep moist but not wet.
--Transplant the seedlings into soil after 4-6 months.
III. / Application
Divide into small groups to discuss:
- Where can you get Moringa seeds or cuttings?
- Where will you plant Moringa?
- What will you use the Moringa for?
A. / Where can you get Moringa seeds or cuttings? / A. / Where can you get Moringa
B. / Where will you plant Moringa? / B. / Where will you plant Moringa?
We will plant Moringa . . .
We will plant Moringa . . .
C. / What will you use the Moringa for? / C. / What will you use the Moringa for?
We will use Moringa leaves for . . .
We will dry the Moringa leaves and use the powder for . . .
We will use the Moringa pods for . . .
We will use the Moringa seeds for . . .
We will make Moringa oil from the seeds and use it for . . .
Moringa Tree Foundation. Miracle trees. Available from:
Palada MC, and LC Chang. 2003.Suggested cultivation practices for Moringa.AVRDC Publication #03-545. Available from:
Trees for Life. 2011. Moringa tree. Available from:
Trees for Life. 2011. Moringa book. Available from:
Trees for Life. 2011 Moringa presentation. Available from:
Wikipedia. 2012. Moringaoleifera. Available from
ATTITUDE: / .We can grow Moringa.
SKILL: / Participants will learn techniques to grow Moringa.
EVALUATION: / Are the participants making plans to grow Moringa?
/ -Newsprint, markers, masking tape-Illustration.Where is Moringa grown?
This lesson is used in: Appropriate Technology/ Moringa