MAP – find a myPlan that is right for you

MyPlans are designed to move you through self-discovery,

major & career exploration, civic and social involvement, and the transition out of college.

The first step of the journey is to meet with a Navigator in the Compass,

145 Campus Center, to “MAP out” which myPlan is best for you.

Discover more about your strengths, interests, and abilities through a variety of activities.
Example activities
self assessments ▪ volunteerism ▪ career awareness campus involvement
“dissect a major” ▪ major exploration courses
Components: Self-awareness, Major Exploration & Confirmation, Academic Transition, Civic & Social Engagement, Prepare for Develop Phase
Develop yourself through involvement and practical experience.
Example activities
internship orientation workshop ▪ active participation in a club or organization
community service ▪ “What Can I do with a major in…”
Components: Career Exploration, Commitment to Major, Campus & Community Involvement, Community Awareness Prepare for Define Phase
Define specific areas to specialize in and seek out opportunities to enhance your skills and expertise.
Example activities
internships ▪ independent study ▪ job shadow
career fairs ▪ graduate school fair ▪ alternative breaks develop cover letter & resume
Leadership, Networking & Mentor Relationships, Career Awareness, Community & Personal Awareness,
Life Beyond Oswego, Plan for the Distinguish Phase
Distinguish yourself and make yourself marketable as you transition out of college.
Example activities
graduate school/job search timeline ▪ secure and manage references
mock interview ▪ etiquette dinner ▪ career fairs
Develop and Finalize Your Plan, Making Yourself Marketable, Engaging in the search process, Put it Into Action!, Planning for the next phase