Group Presentations (During Classtime on June 7th, and 12th)
The purpose of the group presentation is to give you a chance to explore an authentic, current problem, which has something to do with chemistry, and to provide an additional collaboration opportunity. We will have a mini-conference at the end of the quarter in which you and your peers will present your work to the class. Grades will be given on a group, not individual basis, and will be based on quality of research, presentation abilities and creativity. Anonymous assessments of your group work, completed by each members of your group, will be part of your presentation grade.
Group Size. The group size can be 3 or 4 members. If you already have a topic in mind you can recruit other classmates to join you in your topic.
Groups should be formed and a topic selected by May 25th. On this date please present Stephanie will the members of your group and the topic.
Presentations: You may do a powerpoint presentation, chalk talk, use the overhead, or make a poster. The presentation should last roughly 5 minutes per member of your group. You can use a lecture format with or without notes, sing, dance mime…what ever way you feel is best to convey the information you have gathered.
This does not need to be a ‘hard core’ scientific presentation. Social, economic, political and historical issues will be welcome additions to your presentation.
Find a topic that you are genuinely interested in – not only will it expand your expertise in this area but you will also be sharing you knowledge with your classmates.
Attached is a list of possible topics—please feel free to diverge from this list as it is just there to give you some ideas.
Group Presentations – Some Suggested Topics
This is a list to help you generate ideas and if you have an idea that is not represented by this list, come talk to me about it before proposals are due!
- Organic farming-explain what is used in place of traditional pesticides and why.
- Vitamins-what are they and how do they work?
- The chemistry of cooking
- Drugs-pick out a few related drugs and explain how they work.
- Hydrogen fuel cells
- Fragrances-what causes them and how do they work?
- Tastes-What causes them how do they work?
- Brain chemistry-neurotransmitters, saretonin, saretonin inhibitors (‘prozac’)
- Carbon dioxide emissions, green house effects
- ozone layer-What does it do? What caused it and what is making it worse? What is being done to slow down its growth?
- Steriod use in athletics.
- Chemotherapy-how does it work, what type of compounds are used?
- Plastics, synthetic fibers, use in construction, body implants etc…
- Chemistry of beer and/or wine.