Daily Life in Victorian England - A Webquest
Ms. Stevens – Period 1
Introduction: You are about to read “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. Since the story takes place in the 1800s, how people lived was probably VERY different than the way we live today. This webquest will help you learn what it was like to live in England during the 1800s. You will use what you find to make a powerpoint to share with the class.
Each group will be responsible for researching and finding the information on one of the topics listed below. Make sure you answer all the questions and find pictures for your powerpoint presentation. Good Luck!!!
Group 1 -The Rich and the Poor in the 1800s:
- Find 3 Facts and 3 Pictures about the kind of JOBS the Working Class (poor) People held.
- Find 3 Facts and 3 Pictures about the kind of JOBS the Wealthy (rich) People held.
Group 2 - What Victorians Wore – Clothing in the 1800s:
- Find 3 Facts and 3 Pictures of Clothing for Wealthy (rich) WOMENand Wealthy (rich) MAN
- Find 3 Facts and 3 Pictures of Clothing forWorking Class (poor) WOMEN and Working Class(poor)MAN
Group 3 - Life Inside the Victorian Home:
- Describe the HOMESin which the Wealthy livedand include pictures of what those homes might look like, inside and out, and where they might be located.
- Describe the HOMES in which the POOR lived and include pictures of what those homes might look like, inside and out and where they might be located.
Group 4 - Technology in the Victorian Home:
1. Write down the Items in a Victorian Age home, then compare the house to what we have NOW in our homes. (Think about electricity, heat, cooking, and bathrooms.) Find pictures of some things you might find in a Victorian home.
Group 5 - Getting Around – Transportation in the 1800s:
- Describe what kind of transportation Wealthy (rich) People might use to get around town. How did they travel outside of town?
- Describe what kind of transportation Working Class (poor) People might use to get around town. Did they travel outside of town?
Group 6 - Victorian School Days:
If your family was wealthy you got to go to school and most likely a private school. If your family was poor, chances are your parents could not pay to send you to school and so you got a job. If your parents could save money for you to go to school, you would go to public school.
- What was classroom like in the 1800s?
- What did the children learn?
- How were the students punished if they acted badly?
- How did they address their teachers?
- Were the classrooms for the Wealthy and the Working Class the same? Did they study the same things?
Additional source for pictures and more information:
Created by J. Stevens & R. Johnson 10/2013