GRMD 3105 GIS Workshop

2nd term of 2010-2011

Lecturer:Prof. Bo Huang:Mr. Zhang Wei
Office :WFY 227
Office Tel:26096536
Email: / Tutor: Liu Lu
Office: WFY 219
Office Tel: 26096233
E-mail: / Tutor: Zhang Hankui
Office: WFY 221A
Office Tel: 26961025

Course learning outcome

The GIS Workshop covers the basic principles of GIS project design and an independent project to be conducted by the students. Tutorials on GIS customization will also be provided. Students will develop and demonstrate competence in using and developing GIS techniques in a substantive application to their field of interest.

At the end of the course, students are expected to:

  • Understand the principles of GIS Design using Structured System Analysis and Design Method
  • Gain familiarity with the methods for customizing GIS
  • Develop competence in implementing a GIS-based application system

Course syllabus

The projects will be identified by the student and approved by the tutor and instructor during the first six weeks of class. From the seventh week onward, students are expected to work independently, using the university computer labs or facilities off-site as needed to complete their chosen project. After nine weeks, the class will meet at mid-semester for students to discuss project progress and demonstrate provisional results to the class, and at the end of the semester to present their final results.


6th week Detailed proposals due.

9th week Mid-term presentations

13th week Final presentations

14th week All project deliverables due on or before

To help students understand the basic principles of GIS customization, the following tutorials will be provided by the tutor:


Tutorial 1. Introduction to ArcMap, ArcObjects and VBA

Tutorial 2. Developing ArcGIS applications with ArcObjects

and ArcMap Customization

Tutorial 3. Using ArcMap maps and layers with VBA

Tutorial 4. Using ArcMap data windows and page layouts with VBA

Lecture notes will beavailable at the course WebCT homepage

Login Name: your_computing_id

Password: your_mailserv_id

* copyrights reserved and only for the teaching and learning program of this course.

Assessment type and percentage

The grade for the class will be based on three components: (1) a project including two presentations and reports (60%); (2) two assignments (30%); and (3) class participation and discussions (10%).

A written project plan (hard-copy or e-mail) is required within the first six weeks of the semester. This should clearly describe: (i) the scope and objective of the project; (ii) the data to be used, and its sources; (iii) the processing, programming, and/or analysis to be applied to the data in order to meet the objective; and (iv) the results and conclusions you expect to obtain. It is particularly important to ensure that the data required for the project be available in an appropriate form within the time constraints.

The project deliverables at semester end must include: (1) a digital and hard-copy report documenting the project, (2) power point files for presentations, and (3) any map, computer program, ArcGIS script or database resulting from the project.

Feedback for evaluation

Qualitative feedback from student panels/ forums/ internet forums

Revised course questionnaire

Reflection of teachers (including evidence from assessment)

Required readings

Chang, K.(2004)Programming ArcObjects with VBA: A Task-Oriented Approach, CRC Press.

Recommended readings


Burke, R. (2003) Getting to Know ArcObjects, ESRI Press.


International Journal of Geographical Information Science / International Journal of Geographical Information Systems) [G70.2 .I59 UL Periodical]

Transactions in GIS [G70.212 .T73 UL Periodical]

ArcUser -

ArcNews -

Internet Resources (online GIS study materials)

Online GIS Training materials

GIS Virtual Classroom

Application of GIS on Water and Environmental Engineering

Notes for GIS and The Geographer’s Craft

GIS learning materials at Purdue

Online ArcView Tutorials

The NCGIA Core Curriculum in GIScience

ESRI ArcObjects Online Help:

ESRI online VBA samples at


GRMD 3105 2nd term 10-11