Established in 1894

Mr John Missing11 Back Lane,

Clerk to the Parish CouncilPott Row, Grimston,

Chairman: Mr Trevor StebbingsKing's Lynn,

Vice Chairman: Mrs Christine MooreNorfolk PE32 1BT.


Tele: 01485 600875

8th May 2012

The Grimston Parish Council Annual General Meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 14th May 2012, commencing at about 8.00 p.m. or before.


1) Apologies.

2) Election of Chairman & Signing and Declaration of Acceptance of Office form.

3) Election of Vice Chairman & Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office form.

4) Election of: Planning Committee, P/C Representatives to Village Hall Committee (one) & HFLL (one).

5) To receive Declarations of Interest

6) Minutes of the previous meeting

7) Approval of Accounts for payment, including Parish Council Insurance & Internal Auditor.

8) Matters arising from the previous meeting.

9) Police Matters.

10) Quarterly Budget Statement and Register of Attendance.

11) The Jubilee Event.

12) To consider Neighbourhood Planning

13) Highway Matters, including Sign Cleaning/Grass Cutting & to formally accept Chapel Rd. Trod Grant offer.

14) Planning Matters, including the Norfolk Mineral Plan.

15) Correspondence.

16) Other Business, for the exchange of information only, to be conducted at the discretion of the Chairman.

Also an opportunity for members of the public to raise issues & exchange information (time permitting).

Signed John Missing, Clerk to the Parish Council.



ON MONDAY 2ndAPRIL 2012 AT 7.15 PM

Present: Cllr Moore (Chairman), Cllrs Coe, Fulcher, Israel, Johnson, O'Brien, Pitcher & Whitmore, and about 14 members of the public, including Sally Bettinson.

Apologies: Cllrs Stebbings, Howard & Packer.

To receive Declarations of Interest: There were none.

The Minutes of the previous meeting: were taken as read, Approved by the Council and signed by theChairman.

The following Accounts were Approved for payment:

E-on Energy – February energy charge (£73.48) paid DD on 14/03/12;

BT Broadband – March broadband & NetProtect Plus (£2 L29) paid DD on 16/03/12;

MHB Services Ltd – March streetlight maintenance (£90.44) paid STO on 28/03/12;

Other accounts approved: James Hoddy Tree Services – Work on 3 trees on Pott Row Green (£760.00); BCKLWN – Dog bin clearance, 1/4/11 – 31/3/12 (£361.92); Mr L Richardson – to clean Bus Shelter windows, 30/3/12 (£15.00); Mr J Missing – Clerk's March wage (£296.16) & Clerk's March expenses (£11.27).

NALC (f297.86) & NRCC (f15.00) Subscriptions: For 2012/13: Cllr Pitcher Proposed that both be continued, Cllr Fulcher Seconded, Agreed. The cheques were signed.

Business Reserve Gross Interest - £1.08 was paid into the A/C on 2°d March.

Planning: Considered by the Planning Committee since last meeting:

11/02184/F: Norfolk Free Range Ltd, Three Holes, Wisbech – Barn conversion to form offices at Spot Farm, Sandy Lane: Approve.

12/00348/F: Mr/Mrs Thompson, 8 Nursery Way – Extension & new drive: Approve.

Enforcement Appeal No. 2170382:

APP/V2635/C/12/2170382: As a result of an Enforcement Order by Borough Planning, put on Field Lodge, Back Lane. Appeal by Mr Grange & others against the Enforcement Order on the erection of a dwelling house & the laying of block foundations & concrete hardstanding, built without planning permission. Somebody has lived there for years, so there is a right to live there. It is whether the "log cabin" meets the requirements of the Caravan Act, measurements in particular. The owner, Mrs Wright asked for the P/Council's support. Cllr Whitmore Proposed that the P/Council support the appeal, Cllr Fulcher Seconded, 7 For, 1 Abstained.

Borough Planning has given permission for Mrs George, 31 Leziate Drove (Proposed new dwelling on the site of an existing dwelling to be demolished) – Approved by P/C.

The Planning Training Sessions & final version of the presentation, emailed all 15/3/12 for information. A Basics of Planning talk can be provided if enough interest – some would be interested depending on time and content. To enquire.

Plot at Bell – Emailed Stuart Ashworth re. builder started on 27/03/12. He is away, so copied to David Parkin for a response. A reply from David Parkin received (emailed to all) – no decision of what will be done, if anything. It was resolved to write to raise P/Council concerns and ask why nothing is being done.

Proposed Energy from Waste Facility – PP/C/2/2011/2020: Further information received (emailed all) + hard copy now received. It will be circulated to the Planning Committee, along with Environment Agency – Notice of 2°d consultation period on incinerator from 16 April.

National Grid – Further consultation re. KIL "B" Power Station Connection Project, near W. Winch. Out of our area.

Talk by Sally Bettinson from Highways, about Updating you on Highway Services: Sally announced that we have got the grant for the Chapel Road Trod. She said they want to localise some smaller services, e.g. gritting footways, grass cutting & sign washing (some funding is available for grass & signs). Regular work can be done by the Highway Rangers (they will cut hedges only for safety reasons & might sweep soil & shingle on footways, though it is not their job). Sweeping the highway is done by Borough, but only where there is a kerb. Hedges overhanging footways – the P/Council should write first, if nothing happens Highways will write. Potholes are temporarily filled, but should be filled permanently and sealed within 8-10 weeks.

CountyCouncillor's Report: Mr Murphy was not present.

Borough Councillor's Report: Mr Pitcher said that a letter had been sent to Eric Pickles (Minister), asking him to call in the incinerator application and they had also asked Carol Spellman (Minister) why she had changed her mind over funding it. He said there were still funds available for the Jubilee.



Matters Arising:

Chequers Green – Cllr Pitcher will try the Probation Service.

Post Office Closure – Received a response from Peter Wilkinson which did not answer our concerns about how temporary the reopening is, but they are still looking for a permanent solution (emailed to all).

Public Rights of Way Service – Sent invite – received a response – they don't have enough information yet and don't know who would be the right person to send. Will send more information when available.

Sand Quarrying – There will be a further consultation about May time. The site (Min 41), north of the Lynn Road was not Allocated, but the sand people have provided more evidence that they will not affect the water table, so NCC have now Allocated the site. It was agreed to ask Roydon & Congham if they want to put up a joint opposition?

Police Matters:

SNAP meeting – Received the 9th February Minutes. Some points: Holly Meadows school – it was requested that the zig zag lines be extended, but they are the maximum length; It will be wait & see as to whether the new tea room will have an impact; there were 59 crimes reported in the SNAP area from 15/12/11 to 9/02/12 (including 1 murder & 18 criminal damage); PC Lambert did not feel that switching off streetlights had made a difference on criminal/ASB activities.

Fly tipping, litter problems, street sweeping, graffiti can be reported to 0500 253 2687 or .

Parking on pavements – Is still a problem – to raise at the next SNAP meeting & put in V/Link.

Speeding – Also still a problem, including around the Fen Lane/Leziate Drove corner – to raise at the SNAP meeting.

To decide a Jubilee Event: Cllrs Pitcher, Fulcher & Israel met to discuss ideas for an event for Grimston. Our insurer's requirements: Insurance & The Jubilee Celebrations were emailed to Cllr Pitcher. It will be on the Saturday prior to the Roydon event, not in competition with, starting with unveiling the new Plaque at about 4 p.m. (sherry reception). The event will then move to Pott Row Green, with a picnic, hog roast, disco, bring your own deckchairs & drink and the Village Hall will be backup in case of adverse weather. Cllr Coe Proposed that the event should go ahead with the P/Council's support, Cllr Whitmore Seconded, Agreed.

To consider Neighbourhood Planning: Everyone should have read the two booklets – unfortunately this was not the case. It was agreed to ask Congham & Roydon their views on doing a joint plan. The issue will be featured regularly.

To install the Clock Plaque: Mr Sloan met with Andrew and sent a quote to erect the new stone plaque: £400 + Vat. Cllr Whitmore Proposed that Sloans (did the restoration) be asked to install the stone, Cllr Pitcher.Seconded, Agreed.

Highway Matters:

Potholes – reply: programmed.

Hedges – At The Old Rectory, Massingham Road: reply: they have written to Mr Case.

Chapel Rd Trod – Trod grant decision today: We got the grant, Cllr Moore signed the acceptance & Cllr Pitcher witnessed it. There had been some uncertainty about whether we would get funding. A similar scheme may continue in 2013/14.

Leziate Drove Trod – The trod was resurfaced as requested on 8`h March.

Temporary Road Closure – Chequers Road: 12-16 April (5 days): between No. 21 & junction of Little Lane. Lynn Rd Trod – A lorry has damaged it opposite Lodge Farm – To report.


Drought – Drought Situation information from Anglian Water + leaflet (V/Link).

Public Footpaths – Complaint from a Mr Jones about the state of 3 Footpaths, not being reinstated. To ask Mr Coe to look at, but several people present said they thought the paths are marked.

AOB (for exchange of information only):

Horse Muck – Complaint about deposits on the Lynn Road trod, also public footpaths – To feature in V/Link. Loose Dogs – On farm land. To be featured in V/Link – may damage crops, nesting birds and is private land.

AOB (for exchange of information only) for members of the public:

Horses – A lady asked if "Slow Horses" signs could be put around the Fen Lane/Leziate Drove junction – many horses are using this lane. To report.

Bus – Unofficial stops were raised. Possibly new drivers are not aware that they should stop at request stops. To report.

The meeting closed at 9.17 p.m.

Date of the next meeting (AGM): Monday 14th May 2012 at 8.00 p.m.

Signed Dated


Meeting: 14th May 2012. These items will be available for councillors to view for 10 minutes before the meeting: Correspondence: Non Agenda or Matters Arising items.

Items to be raised under Correspondence:

Borough Council:Invite for Presentation Ceremony – Mayors Award for Design in the environment 2011 on 8th May (Councillor Moore going).

1948 Torch Trail Event: 2-5 June – Rambles – sign up online – in aid of Stroke Ass.

NALC:E: LAIS 1327.1 (Nat. Planning Policy Framework) (2 copies circ. for information). E: LAIS 1327.2 (Traveller Sites) (2 copies circ. for information).

Items listed for information only:

Borough Council:Borough Council Meeting, 26th April, Agenda + Annual Council Meeting, 10 May agenda. W. Norfolk Sports Council Annual Meeting, 12 June, 7 p.m.

NCC:E: Better Broadband for Norfolk Information Sheet 5 (emailed all).

NRCC: Signpost, March issue (2 copies circ. for information).

E: Village SOS Roadshow 2012, 31 May, Norwich (emailed all). Playing Field, Spring issue.


E: Special Educational Needs info from NCC (emailed V/L). Norfolk Link 187 (2 copies circ. for information).

Summer Event – the Broads, Rivers & Seascape, 8 June, 10 – 3 p.m. Initial Training – more events.

Insurance Advice for Jubilee events (Came & Co).

Joint Summer Conference, 3 July, info.

Filestream information.


E: April e-bulletin from Norfolk CPRE (emailed all). Countryside Voice, Spring.

Membership Guide 2012.

W. Norfolk Events info.

Fieldwork, Spring issue.

W. Norf. Older Persons Forum:Event K/L Town Hall, 10 – 1 p.m., 21 May (emailed all + NtBd). Norf. Playing Fields Ass: Application for membership (passed to HFLL).

National Grid:K/L B Power Station Connection Project meetings + other info.

Nott's Sport:MUGA Surfaces.

C&C,D:C & C, D, issue 81.

Glasdon:Products for Local Councils catalogues.

Borough Planning has given permission for

12/00034/BT: BT Payphones (Removal of Public Payphone, Leziate Drove) - Approved by P/C.

Plot at Bell – No response received.

Proposed Energy from Waste Facility – PP/C/2/2011/2020: Received a letter from the Leader of the Borough Council (Nick Daubney) – emailed all, including a copy of Borough's Letter to Eric Pickles (Sec. State).

Environment Agency – Notice of 2nd consultation period on incinerator from 16 April. Both circulated Planning Committee.
