
Greetngs from us, the FSIC Sisters of Sabah!

A Brief History

We, the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (FSIC) are a local Congregation of women religious founded in 1936 by Monsignor August Wachter, MHM, from Austria, Prefect Apostolic of North Borneo with Mother Rose Charnley, FMSJ, from England as our Co-foundress.

We have 121 members to date spreading to 33 Convents (houses) throughout the state of Sabah, Malaysia and one in West Malaysia.

As a Local Congregation, we are registered under the Trustee of the Diocese of Kota Kinabalu, with Loreto Convent (Generalate), as our headquarters which is situated at Mile 4½ Old Penampang Road, Penampang.

Our Mission


- Teaching in Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary Schools


-Reaching out to families, couples, individuals (children, youth, elderly, the sick,)irrespective of

their religious background, especially to those who are poor, underprivileged and


We also provide the needy children basic education (kindergarten) with one meal a day,

particularly in Paitan Mission which is situated in the remote area of Sandakan.

-Homes for the Aged (Holy Family Residence, Purak, Papar)

-Hostels for children/students (boys and girls) as follows:

1. San Damiano Convent, Kiulu – 125 (boys and girls); *

2. Our Lady of Lourdes Convent, Telipok – 7 (girls only); *

3. Mother of Divine Grace Convent, Kota Belud – (10 girls only); *

4. St. Maria Goretti Girls Hostel, Binaong, Keningau – 50 (girls only); *

5. Bondulu Needy Children, Toboh, Tambunan – 60 (boys and girls); *

6. St Theresa Hostel, Kota Marudu – 47 (boys and girls) *

7. Stella Maris Girls’ Hostel, Tanjung Aru – 9 (girls only)

8. St. Clare Convent, Tawau – 6 (girls only)

  • Children accommodated in these Hostels are either orphan, poor, from large families, broken families as well as from divorced and single parents. These include those who are staying very far away from their respective schools. The number of the students mentioned here varies from year to year.
  1. FORMATION (Staff)

- “On the Job Training” and providing opportunities for further training to all who are called to

serve and collaborate in the Sisters’ Mission.

- Providing the Sisters with on-going formation in all aspects related to their Mission to enhance

competency in their given Mission in life;

Our Needs

Hence, we are always in need of assistance in whatsoever form (in cash or in kind) in support of our Mission work. Monthly, we need at least RM50,000.00 in cash and about 3500 KG of rice not to mention other kinds of foodstuff that are also needed, such as noodles, cooking oil, sauces, sugar, Milo, coffee, canned food, condensed milk, toiletries, etc.

Usable second-hand goods which are still in good condition are also welcome. These could be clothings, household appliances, stationery, etc.

We welcome any amount of financial aid from generous, understanding and kind benefactors. Kindly refer to our PLEDGE FORM attached herein. Cash donations could be sent to Loreto Convent, Generalate at Mile 4½ Old Penampang Road, Penampang.

Donations by cheque/s or money order must be made payable to: “RTDKK-FSIC MISSION FUND“ (RTDKK is Registered Trustee of the Diocese of Kota Kinabalu) or could be credited direct to our bank account in Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad, Donggongon Penampang branch, Sabah, Malaysia : A/C No.101-2300-1004-5709.

Kindly forward the bank slip confirming donation made by facsimile/fax (088-715861) or post to Loreto Convent, P.O.Box 13574, 88840 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia to enable us to acknowledge your generous contribution with an official receipt.

We would like to express in advance

our sincere and heartfelt thanks, gratitude and prayers

to all who are one with us in our Mission

through their sincere and generous donations in whatever form.

“WE CAN reach out TOGETHER,

YOU CAN give food,




For further information or inquiries, please contact:

Mother General (Sr. Mary Grace Deosing) OR Sr. Margaret Shak

Tel. No. : 088 – 711991 or 088 -727977

Fax : 088 – 715861
