Greetings Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
In October the cold brisk wind that penetrates our clothing calls us to a time of preparation for the coming winter. But to only think ahead to winter would be to abandon the beauty and splendor of October’s autumn transformation. It is a transformation of preparedness. Leaves change from their summer green to a rainbow of reds, yellows, and oranges as God paints the landscape around us. Those leaves will form a nourishing blanket that protects plants and animals. Many other transformations will occur in this month which prepares creation for a time of renewal and rebirth.
October can also be a month where we as Christians explore our preparedness for God’s call to us and our community. Through prayer, study and conversation, we renew our commitment to God, seek out God’s call to us, and continue our transformation in Jesus Christ. As a community, let us gather in God’s name, pray to God, read God’s word, share our thoughts and ideas about what God is calling us to do, and then answer God’s call to us and our community. Let us participate in Christ’s faith because Christ is the only one to answer God’s call faithfully and completely.
“But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit”(2 Corinthians 3:16-18).
It is Christ’s faith that releases us from the bonds of this world enabling us to hear God’s call.
It is Christ’s faith that transforms us into God’s faithful children, now and forever.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Steve
Ending Hunger one step at a time.
You can help end the curse of hunger by gathering donations from family and friends to support the work Church World Service. CROP Hunger Walks help hungry people at home and around the world. This year our crop walk will be held in the Lowden area. So come and join us on our walk around our community for a great cause. Forms are in the office, please stop by and pick one up.
The Walk will be on October 7, at 3:00 pm.
October 7 Church Council
October 14 Annette Behrens
Jared Bentrott
October 21 Rick & Karen Bentrott
October 28 Senior High Fellowship
October 1 Harlan Deerberg,
Kyle Proesch
October 3 Janice Strackbein, Sheila Bowling
October 4 Robert Johnson
October 7 Karen Baldwin, Marx Dittmer
October 8 Marlene Wiedenhoff
October 10 Merle Tank, Laurie Steinke,
Dan Mohr
October 11 Deloris Kahl
October 12 Jim Kruckenberg
October 13 Fern Schluter
October 16 *Trilby Klavemann,
Julie Hoffmeier,
Addi Ra Ehlts
October 17 Marlene Fox
October 18 Donna Jensen, Andy Kahl Marlin Mowry
October 19 Tessa Holst
October 21 *Diane Mostaert, Heidi Krafock
October 24 Jane Armstrong,
Johny Dean Amina
October 25 Linda Behrens Michael Clark
Jaydon Nabb
October 30 Fred Klavemann Wes Griesbach
Hilary Griesbach
October 31 Samuel Combs
October 11 Deloris Kahl, 503 Grant Avenue,
PO Box 211, Lowden, Iowa 52255
October 30 Fred Klavemann, 608 Lynn Street
Tipton, Iowa 52772
October 4 Stacy & *Eric Pedretti 4 yrs
October 7 Royce & Lisa Gottschalk 17 yrs.
Sheila & *Travis Bowling 6 yrs.
October 8 *Brian & Jane Armstrong 18 yrs
October 11 Matthew & *Amber Fields 4 yrs.
October 15 Tim & Jane Drewelow 35 yrs.
October 16 Jamie & Kelly Nabb 13 yrs.
Congratulations to Jill and Mike Jacobs on the birth of their daughter Shelly Ann Marie on September 2, 2012. Shelly is welcomed home by her big brother, Aidan.
Zion United Church of Christ in Lowden is proud to announce the recent publication of the 150th Anniversary Cookbook commemorating the establishment at Zion Church in 1863.
The cookbook contains over 800 recipes from members and friends. The cookbook will make a wonderful gift for all occasions.
Books may be purchased for $15.00 from the Committee (Sharon Elijah, Julie Hoffmeier, Marilyn Klahn, and Vicki Mohr), the church office, or various businesses in Lowden. For mail orders or other information, contact any committee member.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2012
The Zion UCC Council met at 6:30 p.m. on September 11, 2012. Those present were Cheryl Boedeker, Leroy Luepker, Donavon Frees, David Niermeyer, Linda Horman and Pastor Steve Stepp. Linda Behrens was there for a portion of the meeting.
President David called the meeting to order. Pastor Steve opened with a reading and a prayer
Joys and concerns were shared.
Secretary’s minutes were read and stand approved on a motion by Donavon, second LeRoy. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Reports were reviewed and accepted on a motion by Donavon, second, LeRoy, motion carried.
· Deerberg Door. The door has been removed and will be replaced. It is expected to be gone 1-2 Sundays; work is still in progress.
· Flooring Completion: The carpet stripping has been replaced and meets with approval so this project is now complete.
· Wedding Policy: This was brought up and discussed again and tabled for now until we have more information.
· Food Pantry Usage: David explained to us how the food pantry works. Julie Hoffmeier is in charge of keeping the food items replenished and also pays bills. Pastor or Linda Behrens, church secretary, may give slips to people who are in need of perishables and they are then able to go to J&J Grocery to get those items and JJ sends the bills to Julie and she pays them.
· Boiler Approval: Lowden Plumbing & Heating has fixed all issues and all of the paperwork has been sent in. We are waiting for the inspectors to return for the final approval.
· Sanctuary Dedication: We are still thinking sometime in October; however it is still on hold.
· Flooring Project: The flooring project has been completed with the replacement of the carpet stripping. The bid for this project was $13,977.92 and down payment of $7,000.00 has been paid leaving a balance of $6,977.92. The estimate for the projector and permanent screen in $9,900.00. We cashed in two CD’s from the Norman and Emogene Conrad Trust totaling $18,744.30 and paid off the flooring and repaid $7,000.00 to the Endowment Fund. Leaving a balance of $4,766.38 for the projector/screen project. Council felt that we should try and work to repay the money that has been used from the Endowment Fund.
· Discussion was held regarding lighting candles. Pastor will work with and talk to the youth that are scheduled to acolyte.
· The Cookbook Committee will be opening a new account instead of putting money received into the Improvement Fund, (the cookbook account will be closed once sales are done). Cookbooks are expected to be in Thursday, September 13th and sales will begin immediately,
· Discussion was held about taking Communion in different ways, the tradition of our church and serving of Communion.
· President David emphasized the importance of council members being at worship on Communion Sundays, if at all possible, so we aren’t shorthanded.
It was brought to the attention of a council member that the windows on the east side of Educational Building are in bad need of new putty and painting. When the Building & Grounds Committee members did their walk through this was one of the items on the list. Council does feel that this is important and discussion was held on different ways that we could get this done. Discussion was also held regarding a bad section of sidewalk on the east side of the church.
The Mission Committee has donated $1,000.00 to the Clarence and Lowden Food Pantries. They are tentatively planning on donating $2,000.00 to the Christmas Bell Program. Nineteen bells were served in 2011. They will also be doing mission reading during the worship services.
· Funeral Services for Valora Gehrls was held on September1st.
· Teacher installation was September 9th.
· Communion on October 7th will be altar using the cups.
· Pastor has 10 days of vacation remaining and will be taking it sporadically.
· Pastor has met with the confirmation students and their parents. He would like the students to have study Bibles. Council members felt that the Confirmation Class members should be in class and worship 90% of the time realizing that there will be exceptions that a student may be excused for.
· We will be receiving new members on October 14th.
· Worship services were held in Clarence on August 5th and at Wheatland on September 6th. Pastor continues to do hospital, nursing home, and shut-in visits.
· North Cedar Clergy met on September 4th. They discussed the need for additional assistance for school students, food pantry supplies are needed in Clarence and Mechanicsville and the Christmas Bell Program.
· Christian Education held an Open House on September 5th. Sunday school is off to a great start. Confirmation begins September 12th and Biblical Conversations will begin September 18 at 7:00 p.m. and ending at 8:30 p.m.
· Neighbors in Need Offering is October 7th.
· Pastor attended the Justice Ministry workshop in Iowa City on August 25th.
· Motion to reimburse Pastor’s expenses in the amount of $455.56 was made by Cheryl and second by Linda, motion carried.
Next Church council meeting will be held October 9, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.
Pastor Steve read a hymn in closing.
Having no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl Boedeker, Secretary
September 17, 2012
The Evening Circle started their New Year program at Roland and Marlene Fox’s pond site. The members attended with their husbands as special guests.
After a bountiful potluck supper, Bingo was played by everyone .Several prizes were awarded.
Sharon Elijah and Joy Combs presented the programs for the coming year. Sharon encouraged us to save educational coupons from such items as Our Family products, Campbell’s soups, Kemp and Swiss Valley items, and that carry “Box Tops for Education” on suggested items as cake mixes, cereals, Hefty bags, etc. These coupons will be taken to North Cedar Elementary School. They are able to purchase items for their classrooms from these awards.
Meeting Adjourned
Marilyn Klahn, Secretary
Well, we are up and running. We welcomed the students back on September 12. We talked about “HUNGRY” right here in Lowden, which came as a surprise to most, and then we went shopping for our Food Pantry. New rules were introduced. We had a good time, and plenty of healthy snacks to eat.
Leaders, Sig & Sand
Senior High Fellowship
The youth and parents met on Sunday, September 9th and discussed a new leadership model for the group. It was decided that the entire group will plan, organize and work on all activities throughout the year. Tessa Holst agreed to coordinate communications for the group. Parents and families are encouraged to attend all monthly meetings with the youth. Each meeting will begin with a youth led devotional followed with a meal sponsored by one family. After the meal, a planning meeting will be held to discuss upcoming events. Please note that the November meeting was moved to November 18.
Sunday School classes began Sunday, September 9. We welcomed many new faces this year! Eric and Katie Hein, Hannah and Karly Cerda, Tyler Stewart, Matthew Bramlett, and Jacob Gottschalk are all new to our Christian Education program. We are so happy to have them all join us!
September’s bible verse has been, Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” Matthew 14:19. Our focus of faith has been about “God is with me when I need help!” We have begun in our classrooms with the teaching of the life of MOSES and will conclude this fall with the Ten Commandments.
Sunday, September 30 will be our 4th Annual PARK DAY! Please have all students dress for outdoor activities! We will meet at church at 9AM sharp and then we will head to Lowden Memorial Park for the hour.
Sunday, October 7 is the CROP WALK in Lowden this year! It will begin at 3:00p.m and a walking route will be set later around Lowden. We encourage all parents and students to attend and help walk for hunger!
Sunday, October 21 is the BELGIAM WAFFLE BREAKFAST at the LOWDEN FIRE STATION! We have attended the last two years and donated our offerings to the Fire Chief. This year we plan to meet at 8:30AM and walk over for breakfast and be back at 9AM for classes! All students and families are encouraged to join together at 8:30 at church and go over as a group for breakfast!