GreenwoodHigh School Show Choir Contract
In order for our group to attain the highest quality possible, there needs to be an agreement concerning the expectations for participation.
Show Choir meets on Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30, and on Wednesdays , 3:30-4:30
- I (we) understand that attendance on a regular basis is necessary. If I have three unexcused absences for the year, I understand that I will no longer be a member of the choir. Show Choir members MUST text, e-mail, or send a note stating the reason for any absence for rehearsal or performance.
- I (we) understand that rehearsals are very important. I understand that tardiness to rehearsals is not acceptable. Ten minutes late, or more is considered a tardy. Three tardies will be considered an absence.
- I (we) understand that show choir students need to be picked up on time from every rehearsal and performance. Ten minutes past the appropriate time is considered a late pick up. Three late pick ups, and the student will be dismissed from the Show Choir
- I (we) understand that student behavior needs to be appropriate. Students who disrupt rehearsal may be asked to leave the rehearsal. Those who regularly disrupt the rehearsal will be asked to leave the choir. Parents will be contacted before this step is taken.
- I (we) understand that being a member of Show Choir means that I am a leader of in the GHS Choral Department. I am expected to participate fully in chorus class every day. I am expected to be a leader in class. If I choose to become a behavior problem in class, or choose not to participate, I understand that I may be dismissed from Show Choir.
- I (we) understand that for performances, the choir uniform must be worn. The uniforms need to be wrinkle free. Boys must wear black socks!
- I (we) understand that I must pay all fees in a timely manner. $50 Show Choir commitment fee must be paid for by August 6th. Show Choir outfits must be paid in full by September 25th. ½ of outfit payment is due by August 25th. Outstanding chorus fees from previous years must be paid in full by August 25tht. I understand that I will be dismissed from Show Choir if I have not made arrangements to take care of all chorus fees.
- I (we) understand that it is my responsibility to keep up with the rehearsal and performance schedule. I understand that I will need to check the Chorus website on-line regularly for Show Choir updates. I understand that Mrs. Jolly will NOT be handing out paper copies of rehearsals and performances.
- All Show Choir parents are expected to join the GHS Choral Booster Club. Membership fees range from $15- $100 according to the membership that you choose.
I (we) have read and agree to the Greenwood High School Show Choir Contract.
StudentName______Student cell #: ______
Student’s Signature ______Date ______
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______Parents cell phone #: ______Parents indicate: (circle) YES / N0 .
I would like to receive show choir text message reminders from Mrs. Jolly.