Greenfield Capital, Bank House, 8 Cherry Street, Birmingham, B2 5AL, Tel: 0121 270 6344, Fax: 0121 259 0258

Our Ref : / Date: / Fri 2 March 2012
TO : / Property Address :
Estimated Value: £ / Description:
Property Type:Residential
Proposed Borrower Name: / CONTACT No:
Price agreed £ inc vat. Please take card payment directly from customer

Please inspect the above property at your earliest opportunity, contacting the CLIENT directly to arrange payment and a convenient time for inspection and forward the report to:

John Yates, Greenfield Capital, Bank House, 8 Cherry Street, Birmingham, B2 5AL

Please note that valuers are to address their invoice to the proposed borrower and not Greenfield Capital. The valuer is to confirm payment arrangements

with the proposed borrower before the commencement of any valuation work and Greenfield Capital is not liable for any payment in this regard.

Please provide a Bricks and Mortar Valuation addressed to :-

1)  Greenfield Capital – Bank House, 8 Cherry Street, Birmingham, B2 5AL

2)  Greenfield Securities Bridging Fund PC (Guernsey) – EFG House, St Julian's Avenue, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4NN

ñ  N.B – Please only send hard copies to Greenfield Capital

Please pay special attention to the following to ensure they are covered within your valuation report

ñ  Specifically excluding any value attributing to fixtures, fittings, stock, hope value and goodwill to include the following information

ñ  Market Value (vacant possession)

ñ  Market Value with the special assumption of a 90-day marketing period (vacant possession)

ñ  Market Value with the special assumption of a 180-day marketing period (vacant possession)

ñ  If the property is leased – we would like an opinion on how this affects the figures above

ñ  Reinstatement Value

ñ  Confirmation of Gross Development Value

ñ  Internal and External (Front Rear) photographs of the property

ñ  Rental Value

ñ  Details of who occupies the property

ñ  Copy of the relevant leases, tenancy agreements and comments thereon

ñ  Residential element as a percentage of the property

ñ  Rateable Value (not required for residential properties)

ñ  Total area of the property including land

ñ  Ancillary Floor Area

ñ  Office Copies entries

ñ  Plan of Title for the area valued

ñ  Copy of any relevant planning consents and comment thereon

ñ  Details of comparable's used

ñ  If the property is to be refurbished or reconstructed in any way, please estimate the cost to undertake the works and the value when the works have been completed

ñ  If the property is on the market, please provide details of the selling agent and include a copy of the sales particulars in the report


John Yates
Greenfield Capital
T 0121 270 4136
F 0121 259 0258