Greene County Board of Commissioners
January Monthly Meeting
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Chairman Bullard led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Call to Order: Chairman Bullard called the Work Session to order at 5:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Commissioners Torbert, Andrews, Rhodes, and Chairman Bullard were present. Commissioner Britt was absent due to a business trip. Also present was County Manager Byron Lombard.
Minutes: The Minutes from the December 2012 Regular Monthly Meeting were discussed. The Chairman inquired with the Commissioners to determine if any corrections were necessary. No corrections were noted. No official action was taken.
Planning & Zoning:
Final Plat Approval for Reynolds Plantation – Horseshoe Bend, Section II: The Commissioners reviewed a request from Reynolds Plantation for Final Plat approval for Horseshoe Bend, Section II. The proposed subdivision will create 18 lots, and is located at the end of Linger Longer Drive. The parcel of land contains 30.73 acres zoned LPUD, of which 26.952 acres will be used for this subdivision. No official action was taken.
Business Items:
Alcoholic Beverage License – Kicked Up Foods of Oconee, LLC (dba – Piccolos Italian Steakhouse): The Commissioners received information that the location formerly operated as the Filet Steakhouse is being opened as a new restaurant called Piccolos Italian Steakhouse. The new restaurant owner has requested the issuance of a consumption on the premises license for liquor, beer & wine for the business located at 1010 Market Street. No official action was taken.
Appointments to the Greene County Family Connection Commission: The Commissioners received information that the terms of Avis Williams and Elaine McGinty on the Family Connection Commission have expired. According to the Family Connection Commission Coordinator, Avis Williams is eligible for reappointment, but Elaine McGinty cannot be reappointed due to attendance. No official action was taken.
Appointment to the Lake Oconee Area Development Authority: Chairman Bullard gave background on the Lake Oconee Area Development Authority, adding that Bob Moran would be interested in serving and evaluating whether the Authority is still needed. No official action was taken.
Appointment to the Tourism Committee: Chairman Bullard gave background on the guidelines established by the Board for the creation of the Tourism Committee and how they specify that a member of the Board of Commissioners shall serve as a member of the Tourism Committee. Dene Channell previously served as the designated member from the Board. A replacement needs to be designated by the Board to serve on the Tourism Committee. No official action was taken.
Budget Adjustment: The Commissioners received information that a budget adjustment for the 2013 fiscal year is needed to account for proceeds received from the insurance company due to claims for a damaged vehicle. The adjustment is needed to recognize the revenue and offset the associated repair expense. No official action was taken.
Policy Regarding Commission Appointees to Boards and Authorities: Chairman Bullard gave a brief overview of a Policy the Board previously discussed concerning provisions that should be considered when making appointments to the various boards and authorities. County residency, limiting the number of boards and authorities to which a single individual can be appointed, and ensuring appropriate attendance by those appointed to fill a public role are all elements desired by the Board, and all are incorporated into the proposed draft Policy. No official action was taken.
Rules of Order: Chairman Bullard gave background that the Board voted to change the meeting schedule, which is governed through the Rules of Order. He added that the proposed revisions to the Rules of Order also address how items are added to the agenda, explaining that the proposed change would require a majority of the Commissioners to recall an item previously acted upon by the current seated board. Chairman Bullard also added that the proposed changes address and clarify how called meetings are handled, soliciting feedback from the Commissioners for any way to further clarify the called meetings provisions. No official action was taken.
Adjournment: Chairman Bullard adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m.
Chairman Bullard led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Call to Order: Chairman Bullard called the Voting Session to order at 5:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Commissioners Andrews, Rhodes, Torbert, Britt and Chairman Bullard were present. Also present was County Manager Byron Lombard.
Minutes: Commissioner Torbert motioned to approve the minutes from the December Regular Monthly Meeting Commissioner Rhodes seconded. Motion carried 3-0 as Chairman Bullard and Commissioner Britt did not vote on minutes from a meeting that occurred prior to the beginning of their term of office.
Planning & Zoning:
Final Plat Approval for Reynolds Plantation – Horseshoe Bend, Section II: Commissioner Britt motioned to approve the Final Plat for Horseshoe Bend, Section II submitted by Reynolds Plantation. Commissioner Torbert seconded. Motioned carried unanimously.
Business Items:
Alcoholic Beverage License – Kicked Up Foods of Oconee, LLC (dba – Piccolos Italian Steakhouse): Commissioner Britt motioned to approve an alcoholic beverage license for consumption on the premises for Liquor, Beer & Wine for Kicked Up Foods of Oconee, LLC, doing business as Piccolos Italian Steakhouse for the restaurant to be located at 1010 Market Street in the name of Gary Marshall Franklin, Jr. as the holder of the License. Commissioner Torbert seconded. Motioned carried unanimously.
Appointments to the Greene County Family Connection Commission: Commissioner Torbert motioned to appoint Avis Williams to the Greene County Family Connection Commission for a two-year term. Commissioner Britt seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Appointment to the Lake Oconee Area Development Authority: Commissioner Britt motioned to appoint Bob Moran to the Lake Oconee Area Development Authority to fill the vacant Greene County seat having a term that expires 12/31/2016. Commissioner Torbert seconded. Motion carried with Chairman Bullard, Commissioners Torbert, Rhodes, and Britt voting in favor, Andrews voting against.
Appointment to the Tourism Committee: Commissioner Torbert motioned to appoint Ed Bullard to the Tourism Committee to serve as the representative on the Committee from the Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Britt seconded. Motioned carried unanimously.
Budget Adjustment: Commissioner Torbert motioned to approve the necessary budget adjustments to account for insurance proceeds totaling $5,438.29 along with the corresponding expenses and balancing entries. Commissioner Britt seconded. Motioned carried unanimously.
Policy Regarding Commission Appointees to Boards and Authorities: Commissioner Torbert motioned to adopt the General Policy for Appointment to Board and Authorities, making the Policy effective upon adoption. Commissioner Britt seconded. Motion carried with Chairman Bullard, Commissioners Andrews, Britt, and Torbert voting in favor, Rhodes voting against.
Rules of Order: Commissioner Britt motioned to adopt the revised Rules of Order for the Board of Commissioners making the revised Rules effective upon adoption. Commissioner Torbert seconded. Motioned carried with Torbert, Britt and Bullard voting in favor, Andrews and Rhodes voting against.
Commissioner’s Report:
District One Commissioner had no report.
District Two Commissioner had no report.
District Three Commissioner had no report.
District Four Commissioner had no report.
Chairman Bullard had no report.
Executive Session: None
Adjournment: Chairman Bullard adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sylvia V. Hill, County Clerk
The above minutes were adopted and approved this day 14th day of February, 2013.
Ed Bullard, Chairman Titus Andrews, Sr., Vice-Chairman
Marion Rhodes, Commissioner Gerald Torbert, Commissioner
Jimmy Britt, Commissioner