Greene County Board of Commissioners
November 22, 2013 Called Meeting
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Call to Order: Chairman Bullard called the meeting to order at 9:00am.
Roll Call: Commissioners Torbert, Andrews, Britt, Rhodes and Chairman Bullard were present. Also present was County Manager Byron Lombard.
Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Construction & Paving Contracts for Phase II of the East/West Connector Project (Veazey Connector) with Approval for Necessary Budget Adjustments: During the October monthly meeting, the Board approved condemnation on two small parcels for the Veazey Connector that was necessary to obtain clear title. With the acquisition of those two parcels, all of the right-of-way for the project has been acquired. The bid opening for the project was held on November 12th. Funding for this project was set aside by the Board through committing prior years’ fund balance, but additional fund balance will be needed to complete the project (note that the fund balance for GF for the FY13 year is expected to increase by $1.7M).
Low Bidder: Southern Asphalt, LLC
$2,320,480.00 clearing, grading, aggregate base, asphalt base, erosion control
$415,272.00 estimate for 2” 12.5mm Super pave topping
$1,200,000.00 estimate for bridge work
Commissioner Torbert motioned to adopt Resolution Number 2013.11.22 approving the Veazey Connector Project, and the use of previously committed fund balance and additional fund balance of the General Fund to complete the Project, and to waive the reading of the Resolution. Commissioner Britt seconded the motion. Motion passed with Commissioners Bullard, Britt, and Torbert voting in favor, Commissioners Rhodes and Andrews voting against.
Amendment to the Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance: With the passage of the Referendums regarding Sunday sales of alcohol, the County Code requires revision to incorporate the voter approved direction for Sunday sales. The Referendums specified December 1st as the effective date, so amending the Ordinance to align with the language the voters approved is necessary to complete the process. Commissioner Britt motioned to adopt the revisions to Chapter 6 of the Greene County Code amending the provisions regulating the licensing and sales of Alcoholic Beverages. Commissioner Torbert seconded the motion. Motion passed with Commissioners Bullard, Britt, Andrews, and Torbert voting in favor, Commissioners Rhodes voting against.
Adjournment: Chairman Bullard adjourned the meeting at 9:07am.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sylvia V. Hill, County Clerk
The above minutes were adopted and approved this 12th day of December, 2013.
Ed Bullard, Chairman Titus Andrews, Sr., Vice-Chairman
Marion Rhodes, Commissioner Gerald Torbert, Commissioner
Jimmy Britt, Commissioner