Special Edition

March 2014

Vol. 2013-4BAYNOTES


Empowering Women since 1881 Through Advocacy, Education, Philanthropy and Research



Take Your Daughter to Listen: Women Pioneers
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 7:00-8:00 pm at NevilleMuseumfollowed by reception sponsored by AAUW-GBArea Branch
What was it like to establish credit, to start a business, to break into a career in a male-dominated industry, and how do you make your dreams come true?
Bring your daughter and listen to the stories of local women who made a difference, lived the history and paved the way.Like WWII's Women Air Service Pilots in UW-GreenBay's production of Censored on Final Approach, women have faced prejudice and hurdles in the workplace and in life in general. Often, our daughters believe that this is ancient history not realizing that it is only a generation or two away ---and still exists today. When we understand our history, we can better steer our course. A celebration of Women's History Month.
Panel: Jessie Garcia: Sportscaster, mother, author
Sidney H. Bremer: Former CEO UW-Marinette, UW-GB Women’s Studies co-founder, author
Donna Streckenbach: Businesswoman -The BridalChurch & The Bridal Chapel in DoorCounty
Kathy Hinkfuss: CEO YWCA Of Green Bay and DePere
Beverly French: Former owner of Orde Advertising, Weidner Center Presents, Inc. Board &
Green Bay Packers Board
Eileen Littig: Award Winning Film maker and television producer
This discussion is in partnership with UW-Green Bay Theatre & Dance and UW-Green Bay Women’s and Gender Studies. Cost: Free of charge.

THURSDAY, MARCH 6TH INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY LUNCHEON FEATURES U OF NEW MEXICO SCHOLARKIMBERLY GAUDERMAN,an associate professor of Latin American History at the University of New Mexico, will discuss her work in Andean nations and Central America with people seeking asylum from political, domestic and sexual violence as guest speaker at UW-Green Bay’s annual International Women’s Day Luncheon. THE PROGRAM TAKES PLACE FROM NOON TO 1:30 P.M. THIS THURSDAY (MARCH 6) IN THE 1965 ROOM OF THE UNIVERSITY UNION,with a light lunch provided. Lunch is free, but registration is required.Register online at . The luncheon is organized by the Office of Student Life and the campus Common Theme Committee.

Panel Discussion:

Date: Thursday, March 6, 4:30 p.m.

Panel: Women Veterans from Vietnam, Desert Storm, AfghanistanIraq

Price: Free & open to the public. Limited seating 184 capacity

Location: ChristieTheatre, UW-Green Bay Union (lower level) free parking in the visitor lotby the union.

Theatre Partner: UW-GreenBay Veterans Services


Jean Weidner Theatre, WeidnerCenter, UW-Green Bay 7:30pm

We have 20 group tickets for members and friends to attend the 7:30 pm Friday, March 7th performance at the special price of $15 (no extra taxes or fees) Please contact Pat Hinckley and leave a message to reserve your ticket(s). You may pay cash or check to Pat the night of the performance. The theatre is providing a talk back for us with cast and crew members after the performance.

Here is info about the play:

The women who were a part of the Women Air Force Service Pilots (WASP) program of more than a half a

century ago wanted merely to serve their country in time of war. To do so, they endured bigotry that was not only routinely demeaning but occasionally fatal. That they also might, years later (as some characters in this play do) choose to forget how their colleagues died and concentrate instead on memories of good times with youthful friends is perhaps natural. The fact is, however that this play is about the American military’s first women fliers who do not focus only on relatively tame late-century sexual problems resembling the Tailhook or Kelly Flinn fiascoes but rather on homicidal sabotage and consequent cover-ups. The result is not a

simple good-versus-evil scenario. Instead, Censored brings a nearly forgotten history to life as it shows the three-dimensional conflict implied and expressed among the males and females, the non-coms and the officers, the staffers and the pilots and the commanders in the American Military (and American society) of 1943-45.


Directory Update

The AAUW Green Bay Area Branch directory for 2013-14 isstill available. If you didn’t get a copy yet, contact Mary Schmidt, , to make arrangements to have one sent to you.

Member News

Branch members Eileen Littig and Sid Bremer will be part of the panel of local “pioneers” at the Neville on March 4th. Be sure to come and bring your daughters, granddaughters, and younger colleagues.

By joining AAUW, we belong to a community that breaks through educational and economic barriers so that all women have a fair chance.

DREAMERS AND DOERS WORKERS NEEDED.We are looking for a few good women – new members and veterans – to give a little of your time talent and treasure during March to help make our Dreamers and Doers events successful and raise needed $ for scholarships. Please contact Sandy Melroy if you would be willing to “join the team” – the more ideas and helping hands the better!


All who were AAUW members as of Jan. 1, 2014 should have recently received the winter issue of both Outlookand Badger Briefs. If you did NOT receive these copies please let Mary Schmidt know so she can check to see that you get on the association membership rolls.


The annual AAUW-WI spring (?) convention is fast approaching even if the weather doesn’t show it.

Registration form and info can be found in recent Badger Briefs and on AAUW-WI websiteaauw-wi.aauw.net Special this year is Start Smart training provided by AAUW-WI and the Wage Project for 20 AAUW members for 3 hours on Friday. Sign up soon to get a spot. Let Mary Schmidt know if you plan to attend April 25 and 26th – the branch will pay registration fees for several members.

Saturday features a panel of AAUW grant and fellowship recipients; workshops on Smart Media Use, It’s My Vote! and C/U 101: Create Campus Partners; and the showing of the film Girl Rising. Girl Rising uses the power of storytelling to show that educating girls can transform societies. All the information you need to register for the convention and to make your hotel reservation can be found in the spring issue of the Badger Briefs.

April 8 is Equal Pay Day

Save the date! AAUW-WI will host an Equal Pay Call-in Day on April 8. This is a scheduled day to call your elected officials and urge them to support equal pay. Stay tuned for more details.

SCHOLARSHIP Jill Lauritsen

Scholarship info is available on our AAUW web site. We are again able to offer three $1,000!! Women need to be attending UWGB, St Norbert’s, or BellinCollege and entering their Jr or Sr year. Applicants also qualify if attending NWTC/GB campus or The College of Menomonee Nation/GB campus their last year (scholarship will be awarded in their last semester). If you know of anyone who could qualify please let them know of our scholarship. If you have any questions you can call me. Remember, scholarships are possible because of our Dreamers and Doers Events.


Legal Advocacy Fund

Fellow AAUW Members…we must make our voices heard. AAUW Action Network stated that there are two bills in the Senate that would allow Federal taxpayer dollars (Vouchers) to fund private and religious schools. This article doesn’t emphasize the lack of accountability in the academic area but rather the discrimination policies that the private and religious schools could impose against students and teachers.

“Admissions policies at private and religious schools can discriminate on the basis of gender, special needs, income, behavioral history, prior academic achievement, standardized test scores, and more. Furthermore, not only are private and religious voucher schools not required to hire “highly qualified” teachers, they are also allowed to choose not to employ education professionals for discriminatory reasons such as religion, gender, and sexual orientation.”

This article states that one billion dollars of Federal education monies was given to the Voucher program rather than to public education. This amount was given to the Voucher program in one year. How scary is this!

This is a call to action. Pick up the phone and tell Ron and Tammy that our education dollars are solely for public education. Senator Ron Johnson 202-224-5323 Senator Tammy Baldwin 202-224-5653

You might like to go to the LAF Web site and click on Blog. The Blog has wonderful human interest stories which feature women and girls, and valuable information such as why unemployment insurance needs to be extended. What struck me though is I could share these information/stories with my grand-niece. She would love the story about the Paw Washing Machine. We could both learn about Helen Taussig, pioneer in Pediatric Cardiology. Be sure to stroll down and click on the numeral blocks to find more information. Number 24 is titled Voucher Schools Provide Choice, Except They Don’t. Take time to look at the LAF Blog.

CHIX AND FLIX Ginnie Erdmann

This is a group for movie enthusiasts who get together (almost) every month. After the movie the group enjoys a casual meal at a nearby restaurant. If you want to be put on the contact list, please call Ginnie Erdmann or Maryl Hitchcock. We are able to alert you to the date of our next get-together, but won't know the exact movie and show time until two days before because of ever-changing theater schedules. An accurate count is always needed as restaurant reservations are made in advance. All members and friends are welcome.

BOOK GROUP Stella Frigo

In February, we had a very good discussion on the book, Home by Tony Morrison. Home is a small book with a lot of depth. I think we all walked away with new insights. The discussion group chose the following books for the coming months:

March 25th Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight,

April 22nd Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver,

May 27th The Girl Who Fell From the Sky by Heidi Durrow

June 24thMrs. Lincoln’s Dressmaker by Jennifer Chiaverini

No discussion in July

August 26th Wild by Cheryl Stray

You may purchase the above books at Reader’s Loft and receive a 15% discount-just mention AAUW Book Group. Come and join the discussion at the Reader’s Loft –3:00-4:30 pm. –the 4th Tues. of the month.

All are welcome!


ARTgarage The originals –Mary Jo Scanlan, Sandi Van Sistine, Holly Hebel – artwork by three of the original artists of ARTgarage on display March 2-29, 2014.

March 4 5 :00 -7:00pm at the WeidnerCenter UW-GreenBay popular Afterthoughts Series. $14

Christina Ortiz, Professor of Humanistic Studies

March 4th 7:00 – 8:30pm at the MautheCenter(on UW-GreenBay campus)next program in series Sisters of the Abrahamic Religions: Empowering Women with Wisdomat 7pm.

March 7 & 8 9:00am - 4:00 pm2014 Needle Work Show at Botanical GardenExhibiters: GBArea Chapter of Embroiders’ Guild of America, Ikebana, Women Who Run With Scissors and GB Antique Study Group

March 30th2014 Quilt Show by Evergreen Quilters Guild 10-4 SundayAshwaubenon H.S.


March 4 “Bring Your Daughter to Listen” Panel at NevilleMuseum7-8:00pm; reception sponsored by AAUW-GBArea Branch

March 6International Women’s Day Luncheonat UWGB Noon-1:30pm Reservations needed.

March 6Panel of Women Veterans4:30 pm at Christie theatre, Student Union UW-Green Bay

March 7Censored on Approach7:30pmplay and talkback Jean Weidner Theatre

tickets from Pat Hinckley 217-3073 reserve; pay at play

March 25Book Group at Reader’s Loft 3:00pm ALL are welcome!Reconstructing Amelia

March 27AFTERHOURS with Dreamers and Doers 5:30-8:00 at Heritage Hill Tickets At Festival

March 29Dreamers and DoersAward Luncheon 11-2:00 at Heritage Hill. Reservations a must!

April1Voting Day

April 8Equal Pay Day

April 16 Branch Meeting

April 25-26 AAUW-WI Spring Convention in Eau Claire