Greek Mythology Comic Strip

Directions: Greek mythology and religion helped to explain the mysteries of life and provide an understanding of nature – not unlike today’s religions. In addition, the gods and goddesses had many human qualities except they were immortal. For this project you will have three specific tasks. See below for further details.

Part 1. Research (5 points)

The first aspect of the project is to research one of the major twelve Olympian gods. Remember that each god or goddess represents values, beliefs, and character traits important to the Greek people. Reference the chart in the packet for names and description. You must detail the qualities each god possesses and their power. Take notes on the attached graphic organizer. You must turn in your notes and a bibliography page.

Part 2. Comic Strip (10 points)

Your task is to develop a comic strip based around your god or goddess chosen. The theme of the story should be based on the qualities and traits you have researched. The comic strip must have a minimum of six panels. While you will not be scored on artistic ability, you will be assessed on creating a story that is based in mythology and reflects the proper qualities of your god or goddess.

Research Resources: Use both print and electronic resources available to find reliable information about the Olympians. You may not copy information (plagiarism) word or word from a website or book. All information gathered must be put into your own words.



You will find books in the library that will assist your research – Genoa or Westerville

Part 3. Bibliography (5 points)

When using material from a source you must cite where you got the information. This is usually done with a bibliography or works cited page. Below are examples of common bibliography citations. There are also electronic cites available that will do the formatting correctly for you if you input the information correctly.

A book with one author:

Yingling, Matthew. The Minotaur’s Revenge. Columbus, OH: Simon & Schuster, 2012.

Koller, Brenda. “Olympians Have a Strange Way of Dressing.” Odd but True Greek Stories. 1

August 2012 <


God Background God Qualities

Stories or MythsIdeas for Comic Strip