Search location
Site name / e.g. Clarence Arcade /Site central grid reference / e.g. SJ 9386 9891
You can lookup the grid reference using our mapapp -
Plan or GIS file included or to follow? / No ☐
The grid reference above will be used / Yes ☐
If providing GIS we prefer TAB orSHP
Local Authority area
if known / Select… /
Date and deadlineWe endeavour to process searches within fourteen days of receiving go ahead. Occasionally other work pressures may result in a short delay.
Date of this request / DD/MM/YYYY / Deadline / DD/MM/YYYYStandard ecological search criteria
Within the site / Up to 500m from the site / Up to 1km from the site / Up to 2km from the siteMap of designated sites
Sites of Biological Importance (SBI) & LNRs / ☐ / ☐ / ☒ / ☐ /
Citation sheets for SBIs / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Maps of protected species / ALL includes *GMBRG data / ☐ / ☐ / ☒ / ☐ /
Just badgers / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Just bats includes **SLBG data / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Just great crested newts / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Just water voles / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ /
Maps of UK Biodiversity Action Plan (UK BAP) & Section 41 species includes *GMBRG data / ☐ / ☐ / ☒ / ☐ /
*Greater Manchester Bird Recording Group**South Lancashire Bat Group (SLBG)
Ecological search extras
Fast track (within 2 business days) an additional £50 charge will apply / ☐ /Tabular data an additional minimum £50 charge will apply / ☐ /
Additional GMBRG Records (e.g. Red & Amber list) an additional minimum £50 charge will apply / ☐ /
Your details
Full name / Please enter your full name /Telephone number(s) / Please enter your telephone number(s) /
Company’s full name for invoicing / Please enter your company’s full name /
Invoice address
Invoices will be issued by Tameside Council following the delivery of your data search. / Please enter the address for invoicing
Purchase order number / Please provide a purchase order number to invoice against /
Additional comments / Any other information
Pre-authorisation to proceed with the search.
Please proceed if the cost will be £100+ VAT for a 1km search or £150+ VAT for a 2km search (excludes extras) / No ☐Provide a quote first / Yes ☐
•An administrative charge is likely to be levied for any search undertaken. If you wish to receive an approximate cost for the search prior to submitting this form, please contact the Ecology Unit on 0161 342 4409.
•Unless preauthorisation to proceed is provided above we will always provide you with a quote for the cost of a search prior to going ahead. We endeavour to process searches within fourteen working days of receiving the go ahead. Occasionally however, other work pressures may result in a short delay. Please provide as much information as possible to reduce the likelihood of a delay.
•If no plan is provided the site will be taken as the grid reference given (e.g. the search will take place within a 1km radius of the centre of a given grid reference).
•Please note that data will be supplied in the form of maps. If you require further information, such as the data presented in a tabular form, an additional charge will be made. Requests for this additional information should be made when requesting the search, as this will have to be factored into the time it takes to fulfil the search and as such the price.
•Our records are not comprehensive and a negative result does not indicate the absence of protected species from the area of search. We advise that all suitable habitats and structures impacted by the proposals are surveyed for protected species.
•Our data searches include all data held by the South Lancashire Bat Group and the Greater Manchester Bird Recording Group with a portion of the search fee being passed to these groups to support their ongoing work.