Greater Giving Sales Import Instructions

The following process describes how to import sales from BidPal to Greater Giving Event Software PC prior to checkout during your fundraising event.

Before the Event

The Mobile Bidding Company will reach out to you prior to your event to request data for their system. They will also work with you to test the file import process.

During the Event

Step 1:

Insure that any walk-ins are assigned bidder numbers and are in both systems.

Before beginning the import process back up your database.

Step 2:

As soon as the silent auction closes, a Mobile Bidding auction consultant will save and export three .CSV (comma separated value) files from the Mobile Bidding application. Typically these files, titled “Items,” “Fixed Price,” and “Donations,” will be saved to a flash drive by the Mobile Bidding consultant and given on the flash drive to your team member that is handling the auction data in Event Software PC.

To begin import, insert the flash drive into the Event Software PC server computer.

Steps 3 through 9 below describe the process to import the Mobile Bidding data into Event Software PC.

Step 3:

To avoid importing the same record multiple times, close all Grid Views in Event Software PC. In the Event Software PC, click on File located in the upper toolbar and select “Import Data.”

Step 4:

In the Custom Data Import (1/5) screen, Files to be Imported section, click “Browse.” A pop-up window will appear. Double-click on the flash drive to view the files for import. Identify the location of the Mobile Bidding silent auction data on the flash drive, highlight the first .CSV file listed and select “Open.”

In the Import Data Info section, make sure that you select the “Sales” button. In the Import Profile section, select the “Start with default settings” button.

Click “Next.”

Step 5:

In the Custom Data Import (2/5) screen you’ll see that the data fields to import have been identified and field mapping has been done for you.

Click “Next.”

Step 6:

In the Custom Data Import (3/5) screen you’ll see that the import profile has been automatically saved.

Click “Next.”

If you receive an error “Invalid Parameter,” stop the import process immediately by clicking the “Cancel” button. Jump to the bottom of this document for troubleshooting steps.

Step 7:

In the Custom Data Import (4/5) screen, check to make sure that all data records will import. Review the Imported Records section, which lists package numbers and corresponding sale price. Use the right hand scroll bar if needed to view every package. If a record will be imported correctly, the record will have a blue check mark. If every record listed has a blue check mark, click “Next.”

If one or more of the records in the Imported Records section has a red X, the “Next” button at the bottom of the screen will be grayed out. This indicates that the record(s) with the red X has missing data or an incorrect data file was imported.

If red X’s appear in the “Imported Records” grid, there is a mismatch between the Mobile Bidding file and Greater Giving with either Package Number or Bidder Number. Make a note of any errors (Bidder Number, Package Number, Sale Price, and Quantity) for later reconciliation. Highlight the record in error then click the “Delete Record” button. If the “Next” button is still grayed out, scroll through the list to identify any further errors. Once all error records are deleted, click the “Next” button to continue.

Step 8:

The Custom Data Import (5/5) screen confirms a successful import.

Click “Finish.”

To view the imported data, click on the Sales Tab found on the left side of the Event Software PC query bar, then click on “Query.” This will open the Sales Grid.

Double-check the Sales Grid for duplicates (caused by importing the same file multiple times- see step 3) by scrolling down the grid and looking for duplicate rows. If you see duplicate rows, press the “CTRL” key on the keyboard while left-clicking on each duplicate row. When the rows are highlighted, press the “Delete” key and click on the “OK” button to delete the duplicate rows.

Step 9:

Repeat steps 3-8 for the second and third .CSV files.

Troubleshooting - If the steps listed below do not resolve the data import issue, contact Greater Giving Event Night Support at 1-866-269-8151 for assistance.

If your PC has Excel, follow these steps:

1. Open the first .CSV file provided by the Mobile Bidding company.

2. Select File from the toolbar and select “Save As.”

3. Save the file to the desktop location as an .XLS (Excel) type.

4. Go back to File and select “Save As.”

5. Save the file to the desktop location as a .CSV (Comma delimited) file.

6. Import the file into Event Software PC following steps 3-8 (During the Event section) above.

If your PC does not have Excel, follow these steps:

1. Right click on the .CSV (Comma delimited) file on your desktop.

2. Go to “Open With” and select Notepad.

3. If the data does not look like this:

4. Continue on with the following steps:

5. Press Ctrl-End.

6. Press Backspace twice.

7. Save the file to your desktop.

8. Use this file to import into Event Software PC following steps 3-8 (During the Event) above.

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Greater Giving | 13221 SW 68th Parkway | Suite 460 | Portland, OR 97223 | 800-276-5992 |