Parish Council Meeting To be held at Elsing Village Hall

on Monday 19th September 2016 at 7.30 pm


(1097)Apologies and declarations of interest in items on the agenda.

(1098)Statement from the Chairman regarding eligibility of councillors.

(1099)To establish the procedure for appointment of Parish Clerk

(1100)Minutes of the two Meetings 23rdMay 2016

(1101)Matters arising from the minutes.

(1102)To consider a resolution to suspend the meeting for contributions frommembers of the public and to receive

reports from the District/County Councillors.and PCSO Hayley Greenhill

(1103)Big Plantation

(i)Report from WH on the use of a Public Works Loan

(ii)To receive feedback from O. Laws regarding potential sale of Big Plantation.

(1104)Public Footpaths

(i)FP4 - To discuss public injury from barbed wire

(ii)FP4 – To consider response from Norfolk CC and the proposal tofund movement of fencing and replacement of barbed wire.

(iii)To receive feedback from O. Laws regarding Parish paths seminar.

(1105)Ragwort Control – To note response from landowners.

(1106)To note Church/Village Car Park development and update.

(1107)Correspondence – Communication regarding mobile Post office

(1108)Parish Orchard & Allotments

(i)To consider replacement/maintenance costs for rabbit fencing posts.

(ii)Report on the produce show

(iii)To consider expenses incurred at said show

a. Voucher for the judge and prize: £23.95

b.. Engraving three cups: £37.75.

c. Prizes: £21.50

d Wood for making 11 display boxes: £66.25. Total £149.45.

(1109)Village Sign (provision for future replacement).

(1110)Financial Matters

(i)Financial Report –Clerk’s record and bank statements circulated.

(ii)Community Car Scheme May2016 –Mrs J. Kemp. (£20.50 paid by bank transfer).

(iii)Community Car Scheme June 2016 – Mrs J. Kemp. (£18.75 paid by bank transfer).

(iv)Payment of Clerk’s salary £87.95 (P. Dilloway) 1st to 30th June (£67.36) & expenses to date (£20.59) – (Paid by bank transfer).

(v)Community Car Scheme July 2016 – Mrs J. Kemp. (£38.28 paid by bank transfer).

(vi)Norfolk ALC subs 2016/17 (£97.39 paid by bank transfer).

(vii)UK Power Networks Wayleave payment £19.27 received.

(viii)Community Car Scheme August 2016 – Mrs J. Kemp. (£22.00 paid by bank transfer).

(ix)Receipt of half cost of CCS Funding since May; £10.25, £9.38, £19.13.

(x)Clerk’s Equipment/cost sharing with Lyng & Sparham PC’s

(xi)Payment of Clerk’s salary 1stto 31st July (£TBA) & expenses to date (£TBA)–(to be paid by bank transfer).

(xii)Bank Mandate update

(1111)Planning Matters


a)3PL/2016/0557/F - Land Adjacent Tu Bay Cottage Mill Street - Erection of dwelling. Permission granted

b)3PL/2016/0589/F - Agricultural Glebe Land Adjacent St Marys Church - Change of use of agricultural field to carpark and stock proof fencing around and creation of new access. Permission granted



(1112)Other Parish Matters and future agenda items.

(1113)Date and Time of Next Meeting: Monday 21st November 2016 at 7.30 pm.

Signed………………………………….ChairmanDate………………….Page 1 of 2