2— 2006


J. Kornai

Great Transformation of the Central - East Europe: Success and Disappointment

Development of eight countries, which became members of the European Union in 2004: Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Estonia are reviewed in this article. The European Union has uneasy times and it is impossible to foresee, what will bring the future. This region deserves of the separate analysis because each of the countries included in it was by a subject of the most inspect studying before acceptance in EU. Their membership in EU can serve as the certificate of recognition in these countries both democratic political systems, and functioning market economies.

V. Lopatov.

Russia and Africa: Who for Whom is More Necessary?

The data of customs statistics on foreign trade of Russia from year to year specify that Africa steadily takes a penultimate place in distribution of foreign trade of our country on continents – approximately about 1 %. The last line is occupied constantly by Australia and Oceania. It is possible, that these data are base of the Russian external economic politics, reflecting as a whole a negative attitude to the African countries as to trade and economic partners. The author tries to show that disappears behind figures of customs statistics and about what it actually conceal.

V. Teperman, O. Gridchina

Russia – Cuba: a Current State and Perspectives of Cooperation

The socialist Republic Cuba acted as the main political, ideological, geostrategic and trading partner of Russia in the Latin American region from the beginning 60 up to the end of 80th years of XX century. Within 30 years economic relations between Cuba and the USSR developed very dynamically and covered practically all spheres. However modern Russian - Cuban trade and economic relations do not answer to potential opportunities of two countries and do not allow using the advanced industrial infrastructure of Cuba effectively. Consecutive and more flexible politics is necessary for strengthening relations from both sides.

V. Bondarenko

The Kremlin Influence in Republics of Former USSR

It is considered to be, that influence of Russia and the Kremlin is very great in former republics USSR. This opinion was come from days of the Political bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU and till now it is rather popular. But on closer examination it appears: Russia and the Kremlin – completely not the same. The Kremlin for some reason not too strongly influences many processes, – and whether influences? The Kremlin either does not want, or cannot influence essentially a geopolitical situation in former republics…

V. Khvinteliani

On hills of Georgia sad…

To day it’s difficult to understand relations between Russia and Georgia outside of the historical context. Now, unfortunately, we have to statement crisis concerning the sides, caused by Russian encouragement of separatist aspirations of politicians of Abkhazia and South Osetia and Russian economic sanctions concerning Georgia with obvious political implied sense, and also rapprochement of Georgia with the NATO. However Russian and Georgian peoples, during long time keeping fidelity to traditions of friendship and mutual support, hope for the prompt elimination of interstate disagreements, development of closer and mutually advantageous economic, cultural, social connections.

V. Dergachev

Consequences of a Tsunami of Thoughtless Democracy

After disintegration of the USSR in front of Ukraine, as well as before all other states, there was a problem of definition of the civilization and geopolitical identity. The independent state and political elite have been called to solve this most complicated problem first of all. Despite of existence of three ethnically and cultural differing regions with unequal values and political orientations of the population the state has headed for connection to the NATO and entrance in the European Union, simultaneously separating from Russia. The main task of the Ukrainian politicians – to show a civil liability, to use high potential of creative energy of people for union, instead of separations of the nation.

M. Runiewicz

A Role of the CIS in Economic Integration of Region

Significant breakaway of former Soviet republics from the western countries in a level of productivity, structural and technical characteristics has made reorientation of their foreign trade to the new markets of very difficult task. By alternative to this could become a reconstruction of intraregional relations on a new economic basis. However regional integration within the framework of the CIS was not so successful, as integration of the countries of Central and East Europe in EU. What role the CIS has played in increase of volumes both inside- and inter-regional trade and formation of an investment climate in region?

V. Petukhov

Branch off paths a garden

To all appearances 2006 will be main for the future of CIS including for Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia and Kazakhstan. Some of politicians believe that CIS has not future. They doubt whether it go through its 15 years. One of the key arguments for it – the ways has gone away of many countries of CIS. However power elite and population have their opinion of world and near neighbors.

K. Yanachek, S. Yanachkova

The Czech Republic Strategy to Become a Member of Euro Zone: Chances and Risks

After the introduction the Czech Republic in EU on May 1, 2004, discussions about affiliation this countries to European exchange union again have activated. The effective date for accession in ЕВС is great importance for Czech Republic. The introduction in ЕВС will demand basic structural changes from Czech Republic. It should adapt for rather complex conditions which following from the existing European legislations.

Shocks Without Frontiers: Transnational Breakdowns, Critical Incidents and Role for the EU?

Destructive flooding, hurricanes and earthquakes, pandemics and acts of terrorism – these phenomena and events, certainly, are extremely diverse, but all of them aggravate vulnerability of the countries and peoples to threats of their safety. Transboundary character of extreme situations also demands and promotes for development of the international cooperation in sphere of safety, both on bilateral, and on a multilateral basis.

P. Stanek[* ]

Globalization Paradoxes

Process of globalization has significant influence on the world development. Together with globalization there were a number of new phenomena, which compel to look at existing postulates of the economic theory in a new fashion completely.

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