Great Bay Community College

Course Number: / HIT 125 / Course Title: / CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS
Department: / Department of Bus. Administration and Information Technology / Date Prepared: / 01/2012
Program: / Health Information Technology / Prepared by: / Nancy Withee
Theory Hours: / 3 / Lab Hours: 0
Credits: / 3
Prerequisites: / AH110, AH112, MOAA130 / Corequisites:

Catalog Description: HIT students will learn multiple terminologies, vocabularies, code sets, and classification systems in detail. In addition, students will understand key systems to know how to prepare for the adoption of the electronic health record (EHR). Students will discover how the various data sets can be created, accessed, combined, manipulated, and shared.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

·  Understand the components making up the infrastructure of electronic health records

·  Comprehend standard diagnosis and procedure code sets and how they interact with emerging code sets and data standards

·  Recognize new terminologies, vocabularies, and classification systems and how they work together with HIPAA standard code sets in the identification and organization of clinical data

Required Text(s):

Healthcare Code Sets, Clinical Terminologies, and Classification Systems, Current Edition by Kathy Giannangelo, MA, RHIA, CCS, CPHIMS AHIMA press

Outline of Content:

·  Review of electronic health record components

·  Review of diagnosis and procedure code sets interaction

·  Emerging code sets and data standards

·  New terminologies, vocabularies, and classification systems

·  HIPAA standard code sets

·  Clinical data organization

·  ICD-9, ICD-9-CM; ICD-10, ICD-10-CM, and ICD-10-PCS; CPT-4, HCPCS, and other common code sets

·  Survey of current terminology

– Drug terminology systems

– Nursing practice terminologies

– Specialty international classifications

– Emerging systems

·  Data set and data interchange standards

Assessment Addendum

Acceptable substitute (such as curriculum specific PBLOs) may be attached instead of this addendum.

Instructions for completing the Course Content Outline Addendum:

Identify assessment techniques used to measure student learning outcome.

Use this form to explain assessment methods identified in the Course Content Outline.

1.  Identify assessment technique used to measure student learning outcomes.

  1. Identify the learning objective for this assessment. What will the student know or be able to do on completion of the course?

b. Identify the outcome measures used to document student learning.

Required Methods of Evaluation:

Performance is measured by examination, assignments, and/or quizzes. The letter grade is based on the percentage of total points earned throughout the semester based on the following scale:

Letter Numerical Grade Quality

·  A 93.33-100.00

·  90.00-93.32

·  B+ 86.67-89.99

·  B 83.33-86.66

·  B- 80.00-83.32

·  C+76.67-79.99

·  C 73.33-76.66

·  C-70.00-73.32

·  D+ 66.67-69.99

·  D 63.33-66.66

·  D- 60.00-63.32

·  F Below 60.00

·  Grading Outline:

Class Participation / 15%
Home Work and Projects / 25%
Quizzes / 10%
Exams / 50%
Total / 100%

·  A Final Grade of C or better required.

·  Course may be retaken only once


The college reserves the right to terminate the enrollment of any student whose attendance is unsatisfactory or disruptive to the classroom process or lab setting as determined by the director. To be in compliance with federal funding guidelines, students who have not attended two consecutive classes or clinical days without informing the instructor will be given a grade of “AD” (academic withdrawal). Attendance is strongly recommended. Missing more than two classes consecutively may leave the student unable to “catch up”. By missing class, the learner loses the opportunity to enhance his/her knowledge and the opportunity to apply it.

Absences of 3 or more without medical excuse will constitute an “F”

Cell phones are a disruption to the class. Please leave cell phones off. No texting in class.

Office Hours: Mon/Wed: 2:30-3:00 Thursday 8:30-9 or 5:00-5:30 or by appointment

Student support:

If you have a documented learning disability that may require special arrangements for support in this class, please advise the instructor immediately. Students with disabilities who choose not to disclose their disability will not be eligible for services unless they provide documentation of the disability to the Coordinator of Disability services at (603)-775-2376. All information is kept confidential. There is no additional cost for this assistance.

Student email policy

Upon registering, students are assigned a student email address which supersedes any existing personal email address stored in The College system’s records. The College student email is the primary communication vehicle between the student and all college departments and courses.

Any email notices, course information, and communications from The College will be directed to a student’s college email account only. Any message sent to or from a personal email account is subject to quarantine and/or removal from the CCSNH email server.

***All Emails are to include a salutation and signature. Any emails without the appropriate salutation will be returned without response.