Private donors generally earmark their donations for specific purposes, and fewdonate to the university just to help cover operating costs. Some give to specific programs, somefor specific purposes, and many give money for student scholarships. We cannot use these funds for other purposes, not without violating the trust of our donors and, perhaps, the law.


Grants and contracts are awarded competitively by organizations external to the university, mostnotably by the federal government through agencies such as the National Science Foundation,the National Institute of Health, and the Department of Energy. Most grant-funded research isdone in the fields of medicine, engineering, and the physical sciences, as well as in agriculture through the experiment station. Expenditures from grants are restricted by the granting agencies and can only be expended for the expressed purposes specified in the grant award, on budgetedexpenditures like lab equipment, graduate research assistants, and wholly grant-funded researchfaculty. Funds from grants and contracts are not available for other purposes such as instruction,and cannot be used in any way to offset state budget shortfalls.Funds from grants and contracts are not available for other purposes such as instruction.

Reference: University Budgets: A Guide for the Perplexed

Elliott Parker & Bruce Shively

University of Nevada, Reno

March 23, 2009

Foundation/Development & Alumni Relations

UAM 1600:UNR

Last Revised: April 1999Gifts..

Administrative Manual : 500-1,999: Fiscal and Business Affairs : Gifts and Fundraising : 1,600: UNR Foundation/Development & Alumni Relations

The University of Nevada, Reno Foundation, founded in 1981, is designed by the university as the organization through which all fund raising for UNR academic, research, and public service programs will be conducted. The Foundation's officers, trustees, and staff provide consultation and assist university officials in soliciting prospective donors to support important institutional programs and objectives. To that end, the Foundation will involve itself only in activities which are beneficial to the University of Nevada, Reno and are consistent with adopted university plans, programs, and policies. The President of the Foundation is also the Vice President for Development & Alumni Relations.

The Foundation will:

1. Solicit or receive gifts, grants, conveyances, devices, or bequests from all sources for designated uses specified by donors only when they are consistent with university objectives and policies approved by the Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents.

2. Approve expenditures (e.g., equipment purchases, travel, hosting, etc.) only if they are consistent with university objectives and fiscal policies approved by the Board of Regents.

3. Transfer funds from its gift accounts to the University of Nevada, Reno only through Board of Regents gift accounts and in the following prescribed manner:

a. The distributable earnings from designated endowment funds in annual or other installments, or a directive by the donor with the endowment was established for use by the campus for the specific purpose stated by the donor;
b. All designated funds upon demand by the university representative with authority for such funds;
c. All designated funds annually, or as requested, for uses as the Foundation Board of Trustees designate, less amounts necessary for operational, endowment, and campaign expenses.

Proposals for awards/grants received by the Foundation to be funded from unrestricted gifts will be submitted to the university President or designated campus committee for review, prioritization, and recommendation. The President of campus committee will forward all such proposals to the Foundation Board of Trustees with its prioritization and recommendations.

The Foundation will make no awards/grants for any proposed uses which are inconsistent with UNR objectives and policies approved by the Board of Regents.

Awards/grants will be made only by transfer of funds from the UNR Foundation to the NSHE Board of Regents for the use designated by the Foundation and accepted by the campus.

Administrative and Accounting Guidelines for the Foundation are published in the Board of Regents Handbook.

Gift Checks

When a check is received please use a transmittal form and send it the UNSOM Development Office, Attn: Rebecca Rumbaugh, Pennington Building MS/0530, Reno NV 89557-0530

1300 / Restricted Gifts-Budgeted
1301 / Restricted Gifts-Non-Budgeted
1311 / UNR Foundation
1320 / Federal Grants & Contracts
1321 / Non-Federal Grants & Contracts
1330 / Federal Research Grants & Contacts

Use the Balance & Activity Report for 1300 & 1301 Use the Project Activity Report for 1311 accts.