Grants available fromthe Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairstowardsfuture translations/publications of Italian literaryor scientificworks (digitalor hard copy) or production/translation, dubbing or subtitlingof ashortor feature- length film,documentary,or television program

Updated March 2016

Applications for grantsand awardsareaccepted onceayear(seebelow).


I) Opportunities

Agrantwill beusedtowardsthefuturetranslationand publicationofanItalianliterary orscientificwork(digitalorhardcopy)orforthe production, translation, subtitling or dubbing ofashortorfeature-lengthfilm,documentary, or television program.

Grants requested forworksalreadypublished/producedor thatwillbe published/producedbefore the nextapplicationdeadline (see below) will notbe considered.

Grants will be revoked for works not published, translated, dubbed or subtitled within 3 years from the date of concession.

II) PresentingtheApplication

TheapplicationmustbesubmittedtotheItalianCulturalInstitutenolaterthanApril 15, 2016. Applications received after the deadline can be submitted againthe following year.

The application must include:

1. Briefdescriptionand motivationoftheliteraryorscientificwork (digitalorhard copy),

ortheproduction, translation, dubbing or subtitlingofthe film, documentaryorprogram.

2. Resumeofthetranslatoror theperson/agencyentrustedwithtranslation, dubbing or

subtitlingand a copyofthe contract with thepublisherorproduction agency.

3. Briefbusinessplan,indicatingthedetailedcostsforthepublication (including total cost, which must be in line with the local market trend, number ofpages, number of copies, possible additional costs), production, dubbing orsubtitling,and amountof requestedgrant.

4. Deadlines forthepublication, production and diffusionofthework.

5. Completed information sheet (attached).

ForLiterary orScientificWorks:

  1. copyofthefirst and fourth coverpages of theItalian version of the book.
  2. copy of rights acquisition, duly signed by both the Italian and foreign publisher or producer. Alternatively, a letter of intent submitted upon presentation of proof of acquisition.
  3. a1-2pagesdetailedreportinEnglishorItalianexplaining therelevanceof theworktobetranslatedfromascientificoracademicpointofview.Thereport shouldhighlight the editorial value and impact of the work in promoting the Italian language and culture in the United States.

For theproduction, translation, dubbing or subtitling offilms or television


Applications will be evaluated upon presentation of the following:

a.DVD of the movie, in the original language, tobeproduced, dubbed orsubtitled.Inthe eventthata DVDhasnotbeenproduced yet,a presentationofthe subjectandscript orscreenplay(outline,in caseofadocumentary) should be submitted

b.resumeoftheproductionagency,post-productionagencyin charge of dubbing, movie director, dubbing director, dubbing actors and mainactors,and movie translator

c. a valid and legibleID copy ofthelegal representative

d. corporate bylaws

e. In the event of new productions, a report by the director is required


Awards will be assigned to works published or diffused no earlier than January 1st of the year preceding the date of the application, and until the application date. Applications can be presented for

  1. Translation and diffusion of Italian literary and scientific works, even in digital format
  2. Production, dubbing, or subtitling of short and feature-length films, documentaries or TV programs.

For the year 2016 four awards in the amount of €5,000 each will be assigned as follows:

  1. 2 to languages of the Mediterranean and Arab world;
  2. 1 to a work in Farsi;
  3. 1 to a work in English

TheapplicationmustbesubmittedtotheItalianCulturalInstitutenolaterthanApril 15, 2016. Applications received after the deadline can be submitted againthe following year.

What already described in detail for the grant application must be submitted for the award application. In case of subtitling, a resume of the foreign distributor is required as well.

The text translated and published in the foreign language must be enclosed with the application or digitally submitted (DVD of the movie or TV program produced, dubbed, or subtitled).

Publisher or producer must submit copy of the acquisition rights.



CulturalInstitute once thepayment has beenauthorized bytheMinistry of Foreign Affairs.

  1. Ifafinancialcontributionisgrantedforliterary orscientificworks,thefollowing sentence mustappearinthebook, andproof of suchmustbeforwardedtotheItalian CulturalInstitute in order to process the payment:

“This book has been published with a translation grant awarded by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation” or an equivalent expression of acknowledgement.

  1. Ifafinancialcontributionisgrantedfortheproduction, dubbing,translation orsubtitling offilmsor televisionprograms,the product must contain thefollowingcaption:

“This film (documentary or program) has been produced (dubbed or subtitled) with a grant of theItalianMinistry ofForeignAffairs and International Cooperation” or an equivalent acknowledgement.

Copy of compliance with the above requirements (article 1 and 2) must be submitted to the Italian Cultural Institute in order to process the payment.