Grant start and payment request form (Small Grants)
This form must be signed by a senior member of the university’s central administration (e.g. Research Office or Finance Office), where the grantholder is employed. Retired staff should contact the Trust to make other payment arrangements.
Please read the Terms and Conditions of Award overleaf before accepting the grant by signing this form.Grants will not be paid until a reference number is issued by the grantholder’s university.
Carnegie referenceYour reference for the grant
Grantholder’s name
Grantholder’s university
Grant start date
Amount of award
In accepting this Award, the University recognises that the undertakings given by the grantholder at the time of signing the Application Form are “conditions precedent” and the University will ensure that they and their employees will continue to abide by the undertakings given throughout the lifetime of the grant.
I, the University representative, Research or Finance Officer, hereby acknowledge and accept the Terms and Conditions of Award and will raise an invoice to request payment of the award. The award will be paid by cheque to the university.
Signed / DateName (in full)
Address for payment
Please return this form to Ms Julianne Black, Administrative and Financial Officer, by email to:
Andrew Carnegie House, Pittencrieff Street, Dunfermline KY12 8AW
T: 01383 724990 F: 01383 749799 E: W:
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland is a charity registered in Scotland, SC015600
Terms & Conditions of Award
(Small General Research Grants)
- Payments will be issued only on receipt of this signed Acceptance Form AND of an invoice issued by the grantholder’s university. Grants unclaimed by 31st August of the year following the year in which the award was made will be cancelled.
- Awards will be paiddirectly to the university the grant holder is affiliated with. Other arrangements may be made in the case of retired staff.
- Invoices are processed on a weekly basis. Please allow up to 3 weeks for the payment to be made.
- The principal criterion for the award of a Research Grant is that the research should benefit the universities of Scotland
- Should the grant holder move to a different Scottish university, the Trust will allow the transfer of any remaining balance to the new institution, on receipt of a request in writing.
- Should the holdermove to a university outside Scotland, the Trust must be notified in writing and any remaining balance on the grant repaid to the Trust. The grant holder must intend to remain in post at a Scottish university for at least six months after the award period has ended.
- Any changes to the research project detailed in the application must be notified in writing and approved by the Trust.
- The grant holder must inform the Trust in writing of any delays to the start and/or completion of the approved research project.
Report and Acknowledgment
- Once the project has taken place, the grant recipient will provide the Trust with an electroniccopy (in Word) of the report on the work undertaken with funds awarded. The report form is available on the Trust’s website at:
- The university managing the award must also complete a Statement of Expenditure detailing the costs incurred during the lifetime of the grant and return this to the Trust. A template is available on the Trust’s website at:
- Any unspentfunds (over £30) must be returned to the Trust.
- The support of the Trust should be acknowledged in any publication resulting from the funded research. An electronic copy of such publication(s) should be sent to the Trust.A copy of the Trust’s logo may be requested by email to:
Updated September 2013
Andrew Carnegie House, Pittencrieff Street, Dunfermline KY12 8AW
T: 01383 724990 F: 01383 749799 E: W:
The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland is a charity registered in Scotland, SC015600