Classroom Grant Process & Application

Innovative & Essential Needs


Grant Requirements and Guidelines

(Keep this page for your records)

Who may apply? Northshore School District teachers, students and/or staff/community members sponsored by certificated NSD staff.

What is the grant size? Up to $1000

What is the selection criterion? Each grant will be judged against the following specific criteria:

§  Demonstrates Innovation or an Essential Classroom need

§  Aligns with the goals of the Northshore Schools Foundation and the Northshore School District

§  Maximizes impact on students

§  Demonstrates collaboration between teaching teams, grade levels, funding sources

§  Meets grant guidelines (does not exceed $1000, submitted on time, in correct format, with signatures etc.)

§  Sustainability of products funded

Lower funding priority will be given to requests for:

§  Books, software and transportation requests without strong ties to a project

§  Projects & technology that are able to be supported by District or capital project funds

§  Passive student involvement

§  Previously funded grants

When will the funds be available? After June 16, 2014

When must the funds be used? During the Academic Year following the grant award 2014-2015

When is the deadline? Monday, April 21, 2014 by 5:00 PM. Incomplete, unsigned or late submissions will not be accepted.

What to submit? Completed Grant Application not to exceed 6 total pages, including cover sheet. Completed Grants must be submitted via email in PDF format with all signatures to . The form can be found on our website at,

Will I have any assistance? Attached you will find a separate document that will talk you through strategies for writing a successful grant. We will also offer a free grant writing workshop at a date TBD. You can also feel free to contact prior to April, for assistance.

Where can I get questions answered? Contact the Foundation office at 425-408-7680 or , at any time.

The Northshore Schools Foundation raises funds and builds partnerships that support academic success and excellence for all Northshore students, in alignment with district priorities.

Northshore Schools Foundation Funding Priorities:

Literacy & Arts Basic reading proficiency is the foundation to future student success in all subjects. Strong literacy skills are closely linked to academic success and the probability of having a good job, decent earnings and access to training opportunities. The Foundation is supporting classrooms by providing literacy enhancement materials for students of all ages.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (S.T.E.M.) The workforce is changing and a student’s proficiency in science, technology, engineering and math is required for a successful career in the 21st century. NSD has adopted a variety of curriculum and expanded program options for students to develop these skills. The Foundation is committed to ensuring students have the programs and equipment necessary to successfully embark on a comprehensive S.T.E.M. learning experience.

Advanced and Disadvantaged Learners: Meeting the Needs of ALL Students Northshore School District strives to provide a world-class education to each of its more than 19,000 students. The District provides rigorous curriculum, programs, and opportunities to meet the varied needs of students and challenge them to excel academically. The Foundation is committed to ensuring that our brightest and best, as well as our most challenged learners have the opportunity to meet their potential.

Health & Enrichment Since our inception, the Northshore Schools Foundation has focused on supporting opportunities that enhance the learning experience for students. The Foundation continues to prioritize programs that extend and enrich the learning environment and experience for our students. Fitness, health, service and other activities not only ensure that students are ready to learn, and provides support for beyond classroom essentials.

Teacher Excellence The Foundation provides funding to support teachers pursuing National Board Certification. Teacher Excellence is not an applicable category for classroom grants as funds for this funding priority are accessed through a different process.

Northshore School District Goals

Goal 1: Student Achievement and Success at Grades Pre-Kindergarten - 12 and Beyond /
/ /
1.1 Build a comprehensive district assessment plan
1.2 Increase the percentage of students ready for kindergarten
1.3 Increase the percentage of students exceeding the state reading standard by the end of the 3rd grade
1.4 Increase the percentage of students exceeding state learning standards by gender, ethnicity, income level and special needs
1.5 Increase the percentage of students exceeding the state math standard by the end of 5th grade
1.6 Increase the percentage of students successfully completing algebra by the end of the 8th grade
1.7 Increase the percentage of students on track by the end of 9th grade to graduate
1.8 Increase the percentage of students proficient on all state assessments required for graduation
1.9 Increase the percentage of students completing two or more Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), College in the High School and/or Tech Prep courses
1.10 Increase the percentage of students taking higher level math courses beyond Algebra 2 (Core 3)
1.11 Increase the percentage of students taking three lab science courses including at least one algebra-based lab science course
1.12 Increase the percentage of students scoring college ready on entrance and placement assessments
1.13 Increase the percentage of students meeting the Higher Education Coordinating Board (HECB) 4-year college entrance requirements
1.14 Increase the percentage of students who feel connected to school
1.15 Increase the on-time graduation rate
1.16 Increase the extended graduation rate
1.17 Decrease the drop-out rate
/ /
/ Goal 2: High Standards of Performance /
/ /
2.1 Increase the capacity and utilization of effective instructional practice
2.2 Increase the number of National Board Certified teachers
2.3 Align school, department and individual goals to district goals and performance measures
/ /
/ Goal 3: Fiscal Stability to Support Student Learning /
/ /
3.1 Prioritize resources to support student achievement
3.2 Implement capital bond and capital levy projects on-time, within budget and as approved by voters
3.3 Meet applicable state and federal audit standards
3.4 Maintain a committed fund balance in accordance with School Board Policy
/ /
/ Goal 4: Effective Communications and Community Involvement /
/ /
4.1 Increase community partnerships that support student learning
4.2 Increase opportunities for community engagement and involvement
4.3 Increase the efficiency, timeliness and accessibility of district communications
4.4 Increase favorable coverage of district students, staff, programs and events in local media

Northshore Schools Foundation Classroom Grant Application Definition Reference:

Sustainable: Supplies are able to be used for more than one year or the program will continue on after funding, thereby affecting more than one year of students.

Innovative: Advanced, original, new, pioneering, state-of-the-art, groundbreaking, yet in alignment with District policies.

Essential: Equipment and supplies that is required to fully implement existing programs or curriculum in the environment.

Project Title r Innovative or r Essentials

Circle applicable area(s) of focus: Literacy & Arts; Science, Technology, Engineering , Math; Advanced and Disadvantaged Learners; Health & Enrichment

School: Grade Level(s):

Project Leader: Amount Requested:

($1000 maximum)

Total Number of Students Impacted Year One: ______Number of years of impact:

Estimated total number of students impacted during the life of the project:

Project Leader/Grant Contact: / ( ) Staff ( ) Student
( ) Parent ( ) Community
Primary Phone: / Email:

Other individuals involved in writing and/or implementing this grant:

Name: / Email: / ( ) Staff ( ) Student
( ) Parent ( ) Community
Name: / Email: / ( ) Staff ( ) Student
( ) Parent ( ) Community
Name: / Email: / ( ) Staff ( ) Student
( ) Parent ( ) Community
Name: / Email: / ( ) Staff ( ) Student
( ) Parent ( ) Community

Project Leader Statement of Understanding:

I have read the terms of the Grant Acceptance Form and commit to following those guidelines should my grant be funded.


Principal's Support:

I have read this proposal and will support its implementation. It is compatible with Northshore School District curriculum but cannot be funded through our building or District budget.


Packet including cover sheet should not exceed 6 pages. Please submit one copy of application by PDF by 5:00 PM, Tuesday, April 21, 2014 to


Please briefly describe the project you are proposing using this format. You may expand the application and /or use additional pieces of paper. You may also include catalogue pictures or brochures to demonstrate equipment, supplies or other item(s) requested, if any. Please limit your answers to 5 total pages.

Please specifically address the following in your proposal:

1.  Overall project description.

2.  What makes this project innovative or essential?

3.  How will students benefit by this project?

4.  How will you know if this project is successful? What do you hope to achieve as a result of this project?

5.  Where and when will this project take place (include start and completion dates)?

6.  What strategies will you use to measure success and evaluate the impact on student learning?

7.  What research was done to insure that this solution is the best one and/or the equipment you would like to purchase is the best value?

8.  Please describe who will be involved (teacher, students, parents, community reps., etc.) and how will they be involved?

9.  How will this grant address the Northshore School Foundation’s funding priorities?

10.  Does this project support the NSD School Board Goals? If so, please cite the appropriate School Board Goal number(s).


Please list anticipated categories of expenditures and amounts for the complete project. Indicate the expected sources for financial support and/or donations of goods or services.

Expenditure Amount Source

Materials / Supplies:



Personnel / Consultants:

(The Foundation rarely supports personnel costs)
