Grant of Permission:

Are you/the organisation the rightsholder, or has copyright been assigned to you? [Yes/No]

If you do not own all of the intellectual property rights in the sound and film please indicate with a tick below which rights you are able to give us:

Are you granting permission to use the materialin its entirety?? [Yes/No]

If not, please explain: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Please note that if you are not the rightsholder, or not able to represent them, or have assigned your copyright of the material to somebody else, you will not have the rights to grant the permissions the programme is seeking.

Please indicate here if this might be the case.


Please can we have your full name: First name, Middle name(s),Family name, or other name such as institution name if applicable (as you are signing on behalf of the organisation who owns the copyright.)


Full title / description of the material supplied to the British Library:



Attribution information: please specify how you would like the material to be credited:


I have the right in regards to the intellectual property rights outlined above to enter this agreement, and I / (We) hereby grant the British Library Board:

a) a non-exclusive licence to store, access, use, reproduce and distribute the materials supplied to the British Library in accordance with the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 Licence and any successor version as published by Creative Commons;

b) non-exclusive licence to use and release any catalogue information or metadata associated with the materials supplied to the British Library in line with the CC 0 Public Domain Dedication.


Name (PRINT)......

Organisation ……………………………......

Date …………….………......

Please note if the person / organisation is not the copyright holder then this form should not be used.


Schedule 1

Catalogue Information / Metadata

Creative Commons CC0 –Public Domain Dedication

Any metadata / cataloguing data supplied by you or created from the Materials supplied by you will be made available freely available to anyone who wishes to use them for whatever purpose they intend. The British Library will issue these records under Creative Commons 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.

For more information on this please see:

Schedule 2

Legal and Ethical Usage Policy

The Endangered Archives Programme / British Library has a framework for dealing with ethical issues. We take extremely seriously ethical issues and use of cultural property, traditional knowledge, and moral rights. We will therefore display wording the same, or similar in intent, to the following:

The respective owners whose material is represented in the Endangered Archives Programme have kindly agreed for the inclusion of certain digitised objects from their collections to appear on this site. The collections include culturally sensitive materials, which should not be altered or used in ways that are likely to cause offence to the originating communities. This would include offence to the present-day communities and custodians of, traditional knowledge, craftsmanship, oral traditions and include but not be limited to expressions (including religious expressions), social practices, rituals, festive events, lyrics, music, stories, performances etc. embodied in the material.

Some of the archives, particularly the photographic collections, play an important role in understanding history and ethnographic documentation. These methods may now be considered outdated or inappropriate. The Programme would like to take this opportunity to apologise if any of the images cause offence.

Whilst the contributors to the Endangered Archives Programme may be the owner of intellectual property in the materials themselves or the works may be in the public domain, the Library recognises that broader rights and interests in intangible cultural heritage, including traditional knowledge and other creative expressions embodied in the materials may, under national, customary, religious and other laws or practices, reside with the traditional custodians of such materials. Therefore the prior informed consent of the owners, archival partners or other contributing third parties, as well as the traditional custodians, is required for the commercial use of part or the whole of these materials.

The Programme and the respective archives take considerable care not to distort or alter this underlying material in any way that could be deemed to be inappropriate. In the event, however, that any community or community representative feels aggrieved by the digitisation and making available of these materials, the British Library invites such community to contact it via the link below in order to resolve the matter amicably through mutual discussion.

If you are concerned that you have found material on our website, for which you have not given permission, you would like to discuss the ethical implications of, or contravenes privacy laws, is obscene / defamatory and in terms of copyright law is not covered by a limitation or exception, please contact or visit for more information.

The British Library would like to thank the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) for their help in creating this Ethical Usage Policy.