Table 5A Instructions:
List in groups all past and current pre-doctoral graduate students for whom the faculty member was/is the thesis advisor or the dissertation advisor (for the past 10 years only). If the training occurred at a different institution, indicate in parentheses under the student name where the pre-doctoral training with the faculty member occurred. Exclude medical interns and residents, unless they are heavily engaged in laboratory research. For each student indicate the period of pre-doctoral training and degree received; previous institution, degree, and year awarded prior to entry into training; title of the research project; and for past students, their current positions or for current students, their source of support. Designate students who were/are U.S. citizens or permanent residents by an asterisk (*). In renewal applications, denote students who were or are supported by this training grant with a double asterisk (**).
Table 5A. Rationale:
The data in this table permit an evaluation of the success of the proposed faculty in facilitating the progression of students in their research careers, the ability of the faculty to commit appropriate time to mentoring additional graduate students, and the institutions from which their graduate students are selected.
Table 5A. Pre-doctoral Graduate Students of Participating Faculty Members For the Past Ten Years
Faculty Member / Past / Current Graduate Student / Student Name(Where Training Occurred) / Full Student Period
(Degree) / Prior Academic Degree
Institution(s) / Prior Academic Degree(s) / Prior Academic Degree
Year(s) / Title of Research Project / Current Position of Past Students/
Source of Support of Current Students
Noble, William / Past / Chen, Xiaoyu / 09/2007-07/2011
(PhD) / McGill University / BS / 2006 / Discovering and characterizing tissue-specific regulatory motifs in the human genome / Illumina
Noble, William / Past / Diament, Benjamin* / 6/2009-6/2011
(PhD) / UC Berkeley / MS / 2000 / Ultrafast peptide identification from tandem mass spectra: method and applications / Mass spectrometry software start-up
Noble, William / Past / Klammer, Aaron* / 09/2004-06/2008
(PhD) / University of California, Santa Barbara / BA / 1999 / A Machine learning approach to peptide identification with tandem mass spectrometry / Pacific Biosciences
Noble, William / Past / Lewis, Darren* / 07/2000-07/2006
(PhD) / Hofstra University / MS / 1993 / Combining kernels for classification / Postdoctoral fellow, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Noble, William / Past / Mann, Tobias* / 06/2003-06/2007
(PhD) / University of Washington / MS / 2002 / A thermodynamic approach to PCR primer design / Director of Bioinformatics, Progenity, Inc.
Noble, William / Past / Reynolds, Sheila* / 9/2005-12/2009
(PhD) / George Washington University / MS / 1990 / Classification and labeling of biological sequences using dynamic Bayesian networks / Research Scientist, Institute for Systems Biology
Noble, William / Past / Serang, Oliver* / 09/2007-06/2011
(PhD) / North Carolina State / BS / 2006 / Accurate and efficient characterization of complex protein mixtures / Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Free University of Berlin
Noble, William / Past / Weber, Kris* / 6/2010 – 7/2012
(MS) / U Washington / BS / 2010 / Characterizing the clonal population of a single cancer using high-throughput sequencing /
Noble, William / Past / Halloran, John* / 1/2011-present (PhD) / University of Hawaii / MS / 2010 / Dynamic Bayesian networks for peptide identification from shotgun proteomics data / Postdoctoral associate, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington
Noble, William / Current / Hu, Alex* / 6/2013 – present (PhD) / U Texas / BS / 2012 / Computational methods for the analysis of data-independent acquisition shotgun proteomics data / Mentor research grant
Noble, William / Current / Libbrecht, Max* / 9/2011 – present (PhD) / Stanford University / BS / 2011 / Measure propagation for improved genomic segmentation / Mentor research grant
Noble, William / Current / May, Damon* / 6/2015 – present (PhD) / University of Washington / MS / 2005 / Analysis methods for ocean metaproteomics / National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Research Fellowship
Noble, William / Current / Pino, Lindsay* / 6/2015 – present (PhD) / Penn State University / BS / 2009 / Proteomics technologies to uncover the molecular phenotypes
of aging / NIH training grant
Noble, William / Current / Durham, Timothy* / 6/2015 – present (PhD) / Williams College / BS / 2009 / Machine learning methods to impute epigenomic maps / Mentor research grant
Noble, William / Current / Schreiber, Jacob* / 9/2015 – present (PhD) / UC Santa Cruz / BS / 2013 / Deep learning of promoter-enhancer contacts / NSF IGERT