Wharton ISD Athletic Code

Conduct of Athletes

Participation in athletics is a privilege and means more than competition between two individuals or two teams representing different school. It teaches fair play and sportsmanship, understanding, and appreciation of teamwork; the fact that quitting means failure, while hard work means success.

Athletes must always remember they are representatives of their school and community. The athletes must make a constant effort to project a positive, respectful image. Athletes should always be considerate of those around them and never allow themselves to get into embarrassing situations that may disgrace themselves or the athletic program.

The conduct of an athlete is closely observed in many areas of life. It is important that this behavior be above reproach in all areas.

An athlete that quits a sport will not be allowed to go to another sport until the sport is over. An athlete competing in two sports during the same season will not be allowed to quit one sport without forfeiting their right to participate in the other sport.

If a student becomes academically ineligible for two six weeks in a row, they will be dismissed from athletics until such time that they demonstrate academic stability for re-entry. Athletes who are dismissed from the program or quit a program will forfeit their letter award.

Minor Violations

1.  Excessive use of profane or vulgar language.

2.  Displaying fits of temper and demonstrating lack of self-control.

3.  Demonstrating inappropriate conduct toward teachers and other students.

4.  Being disrespectful towards officials, coaches, or administrators.

5.  Wearing jewelry during athletic work-outs or events.

6.  Skipping athletic period.

7.  Being tardy to athletic period.

8.  Failure to wear school issued shorts and t-shirts during the athletic period. (Shorts around the waist and t-shirts tucked in)

Penalties for Violations of Rules 1-7

Violations of these rules are subject to 1 mile, or 1 swat with a paddle. (Given by Athletic Director, Girls Coordinator, or J.H. Coordinator)

Punishment for cursing is 10 push-ups. This can be enforced at any time during the school day, at any school sponsored activity, and will be enforced immediately.

Major Violations

9.  The use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, any illegal drugs (narcotics, marijuana, etc.), illegal steroids and performance enhancing drugs.

10. Breaking the law (example: theft, vandalism, etc.) This does not include

traffic violations, unless alcohol or drugs are involved.

11.  Engaging in any sexual conduct on school campus, or during any school sponsored activity.

12.  Committing any discipline offense that may cause you to be suspended from school or placed in alternative school.

Penalties for Violations of Rules 9-12

First Offenders of rules 9-12 must run 200 bleachers, 20 liners, 2 miles, and set out the next 2 athletic contests, after any school discipline action has been taken. This disciplinary action may be in addition to any other disciplinary action taken as a result of policies that are applicable for all students. Parents will be consulted by the coach or Athletic Director if any action is necessary. Counseling will be recommended.

Second Offenders of rules 9-12 whose violations occur within two consecutive semesters (fall to spring, spring to fall) will be dismissed from the athletic program for a minimum of four calendar weeks up to a maximum not to exceed the remainder of the school year. A review committee will be formed to determine the length of the expulsion. The committee shall include the athlete’s present coach, campus head coach of that sport, campus principal, and district athletic director. The district athletic director will chair the committee. Factors entering into the decision shall include but not be limited to the following criteria:

1.  Material in personal file such as conduct reports, personal attitude, demerits, attendance records, academics record, and general reputation as a student.

2.  Willingness to submit to athletic guidelines.

3.  Behavior since first offense committed through the dismissal time.

The disciplinary action recommended may be in addition to any disciplinary action taken as a result of policies that are applicable for all students.

Third Offenders of rules 9-12 whose violations occur within two consecutive semesters (fall to spring, spring to fall) will be dismissed from the athletic program permanently. The student athlete will not be allowed to participate in any athletic activities once dismissed.

Attendance Policy

Attendance to Practice is mandatory.

Excused Absence- Athlete notifies a coach of their sport before practice starts that they will not be in attendance.

Unexcused Absence- Athlete does not notify a coach of their sport before practice starts that they will not be in attendance.

Make-Up for missed Practice

Excused absence in the week of an athletic contest- Athlete must make up conditioning before they are eligible. (In all team sports, the athlete is not eligible to start.)

Unexcused Absence in the week of an athletic contest- Athlete is not eligible to play in that contest and must make up conditioning.

(Conditioning for excused absence) Indoor sport- 10 *liners and 50 bleachers

Outdoor sport- 1 mile

(Conditioning for unexcused absence) Indoor sport- 20 *liners and 100 bleachers

Outdoor sport- 2 miles

*Liner- in gymnasium start at baseline and run to free throw line and back, half court line and back, other free throw line and back, other baseline and back=1 Liner.

Conditioning may carry over from sport to sport if athlete does not make up owed conditioning before the season is over.

Student Signature______

Parent Signature______