Main Ideas: Ideal times: 7:30 pm weeknights, 2:30, no later than 3:30, weekends. Helpful to include other times.
Invitation tips: Use a script with some key phrases:“Sampling and Tasting,”“Fun,” “Grand Opening,” “Unique Products,” “Products designed to make life easier and simpler.” Email invitation with details.Email a quick reminder the day before, and call on day of party to be sure they got the directions, etc.
This is a Party! But not a “drop in when you can” Party.Start promptly and end time.
It is meant to be fun!The first 30 minutes involve “showing” a dozen or more products to a group of people in the living room/family room.It is designed to produce sales and customers.DO NOT try to create IBOs here.Total time 1 hour.
Have lively music playing as people arrive.Turn off the music when the MC starts. Start on time. Do not serve food or pass out literature during “the show.”Sampling/tasting comes later.
Tell the attendee to pick up a pen and a Product Order Form (Attached order form is changeable for products you really like).Have inexpensive matching ballpoint pens available.Guests put the name and IBO# of the person who invited them at the top of the page.Let the guests do this. This gives them a sense of ownership.If a husband doesn’t pick up a form, tell him that he will get a chance in the drawing whether he orders or not.
The MC maintains a lively discourse.Applause for the hosts at beginning and end,and applause for other opportunities of acknowledgment. A “fireside chat” setting is best: around a coffee table or kitchen/dining table.Show only the products on the Order Form.Ideally have products in a container on the floor. Bring one out at a time, talk about it, and place the “opened” or product on the table, so folks can see, smell, touch, feel, taste, when the MC is done. Show in order shown on the Order Form.Spend one minute on each product, 30 minutes maximum.Chatting and personal testimonies are good. Keep it fun!But stay on schedule.
The Party follows the MC’s talk.Usually in the kitchen where demos, tasting, discussions are done. Cut up protein bars, have pitcher of Twist Tube drink, small samples of XS, etc.Turn the music back on. Allow 15-20 minutes to complete the Order Form.
Hosting IBOs supervise tasting, demonstrating, and answering questions about the products. Help your guests fill out Order Form. Have a laptop open to view product pages (and to use to place orders on Sundays or holidays).
One or two IBOs handle the ordering which is done through the 800# to Amway.The prospect has filled out the information on the form.Let the customer talk to the Amway representative themselves, getting their customer # and placing their order from the Product Order Form. This insures they feel comfortable ordering again.
At the start MC announces:
Host(s) names: (e.g. Scott and Linda). Clap and cheer! Mention their names three times during Show.
Customer number is free! Drawing for a door prize (Ribbons album) at end of Show.
Amway Satisfaction Guarantee, 6 months for a refund.
Products are Exclusive to Scott and Linda’s business!
Sampling will take place after the Show.
For all details read the box after the Show.
Repeat money back guarantee 3 times during Show/Party.
Give payment options: Credit Card, Cash, Check.
Free shipping on orders of $95 or more.
Repeat the drawing announcement frequently with a “count-down” time.Create excitement.
Send a hand written note. Include their customer number, the 800 number, Website address, and your name and phone number.
Call them 3 days after their ship day and ask if they got their order.Take questions, intro other products.
Offer to order for them, or give a tour of the Website.
Remind them of 100% money back guarantee.
Note: Like any other event, “inviting can be a challenge.” Suggest a phone call 4-5 days in advance, followed by an email and possibly another call 24-48 hrs before the Party.
IMPORTANT: Call all “no-shows” asap within 20-24 hours and set an individual appointment at their place.