Grand Oak Elementary School

Expectations Matrix

Expectations / In the Classroom / In the Dining Room / In the Hallway / In the Restroom
Safety First /  / I will keep my hands, feet and objects to myself
I will walk to my assigned table
I will place trash and my tray in appropriate area
I will eat only my food (no sharing) / I will walk facing forward
I will move quickly & quietly during emergency drills
I will keep my hands, feet and objects to myself
Stay on the right side of the hall at all times / I will use the toilet correctly and keep it clean
I will use the bathroom as intended
I will wash my hands after each bathroom visit
Own our School by Showing Pride /  / I will keep my area clean
I will clean the table when it is my turn at lunchtime
I will stack my tray appropriately
I will keep food on my tray when not eating it / I will look without touching artwork or bulletin boards
I will pick my feet up so that they do not scuff the floor or make noise
I will pick up any trash in the halls to keep our school clean
Give “silent” waves to staff and teachers in the hallway
Make sure shoes are clean before entering the school building / - I will keep the bathroom clean
I will flush the toilet once when finished
I will drop my paper in the trashcan
I will pick up any trash that is on the floor
Act Responsibly /  / I will eat first and then talk
I will get everything I need the first time I go through the line
I will stay in my seat until I have permission to get up
I will take only one dessert and always eat a fruit or vegetable each day
I will talk only to people across or next to me
I will enter the cafeteria quietly and leave quietly
I will raise my hand for help
No open food or containers can leave the dining area / - I will keep hands and feet to myself
I will walk directly to and from my destination
I will carry my belongings appropriately
I will stop and yield to others
I will use a pass and nametag whenever I am outside of my classroom without my teacher / - I will patiently wait my turn
I will clean up any mess I make
I will only use the amount of supplies needed
I will keep hands and feet to myself
I will ask to use the bathroom only when necessary
I will report problems to an adult
I will return promptly from the bathroom.
I will keep my hands, feet and objects to myself and my feet on the floor
Respect Everyone /  / I will use good manners like “please” and “thank you”
I will wait my turn in line
I will talk appropriately at the table
I will be a Grand Oak “Bucket Filler” at all times
I will only bring one classmate with me to eat with family or visitors / I will respect learning by walking quietly without touching objects on the wall
I will stay in my space and accept my place in line
I will listen and follow directions of all adults (the 1st time)
I will be a Grand Oak “Bucket Filler” at all time / I will give others privacy and keep my eyes to myself
I will be silent while in the bathroom
I will follow directions given by adults (the 1st time)
I will be a Grand Oak “Bucket Filler” at all times
Expectations / In Assemblies / To/from & on the Bus / To and from Carpool / Play Areas
Safety First / I will walk quietly during arrival and dismissal
I will sit appropriately: criss-cross, hands in lap
If I am called on stage, I will enter and exit only by the side steps
I will watch and wait for my teacher to dismiss my class
I will keep my hands, feet and objects to myself / I will keep my hands, feet & objects to myself and out of aisles
I will walk to& from the dismissal area
I will always face the front of the bus and stay in assigned seat
I will only talk to the person sharing my seat
I will talk in a quiet voice at all times / I will keep my hands, feet and objects to myself
I will walk to and from the dismissal area
I will stay on the sidewalk until my ride stops
I will walk to my car
I will enter the car only after it stops
I will use the car door closest to the sidewalk / I will walk safely to and from the playground
I will leave nature, mulch, sticks, rocks and sand on the ground
I will use equipment properly
I will stay in my designated area
I will avoid talking to strangers
Own our School by Showing Pride / - I will recognize the “Grand Oak Quiet Sign” and demonstrate it when prompted
- I will show each presenter the best Grand Oak behavior / - I will keep my feet off the seats and on the floor
- Pick up any trash and throw it away as you exit the bus / - I will remind my parent to
use the carpool line numbers / - I will take care of equipment
I will keep the playground clean
Act Responsibly / I will remain seated and stay with class
I will applaud or clap appropriately
I will think before I ask or speak, and will keep questions on the subject
I will look forward, sit quietly and pay attention
When raising my hand, I will wait patiently and quietly to be recognized
I will participate fully by listening and responding
I will use the restroom prior to the assembly
I will follow all staff directions (the 1st time) / I will be ready with all materials by 3:10
I will know my bus number and bus slot
I will stay in line until dropped off at the bus by the teacher
I will enter and exit through the proper doors
I will go straight to my destination
I will report problems to the bus driver, teacher or administrator
No eating or drinking on the bus / I will look for my ride and listen for my number to be called
I will be ready with all materials by 3:10
I will go straight to the main entrance
I will sit quietly in my area
I will wait patiently for my ride to pull up
I will enter and exit through the proper doors
I will enter the car only after it stops
I will stay in my assigned area unless given permission / I will stay in the eyesight of an adult
I will tell a teacher if I am having a problem that I can’t solve peacefully
I will use words and actions that show good sportsmanship
I will keep hands and feet to myself
I will wait my turn and play fair
I will walk away from conflicts and arguments
I will line up and come inside when my teacher instructs me
Respect Everyone / I will exhibit a positive attitude in ALL types of programs
I will maintain my personal space and honor that of others’
I will remain quiet and attentive during the performance or assembly
I will be a Grand Oak “Bucket Filler” at all times / I will use good manners, like “Good Morning” and “Goodbye”
I will wait my turn to get on the bus
I will walk quietly on the way to and from the dismissal area
I will listen & respond to adults (the 1st time)
I will be a Grand Oak “Bucket Filler” at all times / I will use good manners like “Good Morning” and “Goodbye”
I will walk quietly on the way to and from the dismissal area
I will listen and respond to adults(the 1st time)
I will be a Grand Oak “Bucket Filler” at all times / I will give others personal space
I will share with my friends and others
I will include all children
I will listen for when my teacher signals us
I will listen and respond to any Grand Oak staff
I will be a Grand Oak “Bucket Filler” at all times

Parent Signature______Date______

Student Signature______Date______