Knight Talk

Orate Pro Pace

Knights of Columbus

St. Clare of Assisi Council 12963

Volume Nr. 13, Nr. 12June 2014

Council Meetings:

June 26– Social Meeting, Fraternal Year End

  • Rosary 7:05pm Church - Meeting 7:30pm Church Basement
  • We will recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of our Young Man & Woman of the Year, Family of the Year, and Knight of the Year. The Worthy Lecturer will provide us with a homemade lasagna dinner.
  • Please join us! You and your spouse or guest are welcome to attend.

Grand Knight’s Article:


Knight Talk

Orate Pro Pace

Knights of Columbus

St. Clare of Assisi Council 12963

Volume Nr. 13, Nr. 12June 2014

My Worthy Brothers,

There is much to share in this last update of the fraternal year. I first want to thank and congratulate Marc Burner as our next Grand Knight. Marc’s accomplishments and experience in his Army career brings a lot of organizational skills and a can do attitude to our Council. The list of officers which was shared with you a few weeks ago was approved by all, and will support Marc in the upcoming year.

At the last meeting I took the opportunity to thank and recognize those that took the responsibility to chair and organize events that helped our parish. Family of the Month Awards went to the Jim Mark, Art Luna, and Skip Coffman families. Pete Fisher, Jerry Walsh, Mark Roddy, and Chris Grecek, were given Knight of the Month Awards. I may have left some names out, so I will also thank Chris Montano, Tony Less, Dick Nadolski, Paul Dressler, Brian Turner, George Bolash, Mike Dash, Bill Ossenfort, Rich Stretton, and George Alexa for their contributions of hard work during this past year. I apologize if I have left anyone out, but I think it’s important to let those who “GIVE OF THEMSLEVES” know that their works are appreciated!

I would like to let you know that the KOVAR fund drive was also successful even though the amount raised was not as high as I had hoped. The donations from the weekend along with those made during the year came to almost $2,000. We were about $500 less then what we have raised in the past, but considering all things I am proud as the Chairman to have raised that much for those with intellectual disabilities.

In some of my past messages I mentioned that we needed to share what we have raised with our Parish family, and that did happen! The new gravel service road, recognition of altar servers and youth choir members, and new tables for the Parish hall…aka basement, are the most noticeable things. The other “stuff” is just part of what being a Knight of Columbus is all about.

I wanted to share this information with you all so that those of you that do not have the time to volunteer for an event can get a sense of how just about 25% of us can make a difference in the lives of others. This year we only had ONE new brother Knight Alfredo who has a busy career and four children, but he found time to sell art and do road clean up. But his biggest contribution is that he helps make it fun and rewarding doing what we do!

My last meeting as Grand Knight will be Thursday June 26th. We will be having a social meeting to honor the Young Man & Woman, Family, and Knight of the Year. Our Worthy Lecturer will provide a nice Italian dinner with all the fixings. You may not get this newsletter in time as a notice, but I know that if you have attended, you had a good time celebrating the accomplishments of our St. Clare K of C Council. My sincere thanks to you all for your support! May God bless you all.

Vivat Jesus,

Bob, GK

Your Council Officers, 2013-2014 Fraternal Year:

Grand Knight / Marc Burner
Deputy Grand Knight / Chris Montano
Chancellor / Pete Fisher
Warden / Tony Less
Treasurer / George Bolash
Financial Secretary / Brian Turner
3-Year Trustee / Bob Stzelecki
2-Year Trustee / Rich Stretton
1-Year Trustee / George Alexa
Advocate / Bill Ossenfort
Recorder / Michael Dash
Inside Guard / Michael Johnson
Outside Guard / Alfredo Giro Quinche
Lecturer / Jim Mark
Chaplain / Fr. Thomas Lehning