Enys Road Surgery
New Patient Questionnaire
The Doctors and staff welcome you to the practice, in order for us to provide you with good quality care; it would be helpful if you could complete the questionnaire below to provide us with some information regarding your personal details and your medical history.
Surname / First NameDate of Birth / Sex
Address / Tel. no. Home
Postcode / Mobile
Next of Kin / Address & Tel.
Your Ethnic Group (circle where appropriate)
White British / White Irish / White other / Mixed white and black Caribbean / Mixed white and Black AfricanWhite and Asian / Other mixed background / Indian / Pakistani / Bangladeshi
Other Asian background / Caribbean / African / Other Black background / Chinese
Your Medical History
Do you have any of the following illnesses? (Circle if appropriate)Diabetes / Asthma / COPD/Emphysema / Epilepsy / Hypothyroidism
Stroke/TIA / Heart Disease / High Blood Pressure / Kidney Disease / Cancer
Mental Illness / Depression / Heart Failure
Please list other illnesses/operations that you have had or have (with dates).
Are you allergic to anything? (e.g. medication, sticking plasters, bee stings, eggs etc)
What medication do you take?A repeat prescription counterfoil from your previous GP would be useful, please attach if you have one.
Family History
Is there any of the following in your immediate family (Parents/Grandparents/uncles/Aunts/Brothers/sisters)Heart Disease (heart attack, angina) / Y/N / Which family
Stroke / Y/N / Which family
High Blood pressure / Y/N / Which family
Diabetes / Y/N / Which family
Cancer / Y/N / Which family
Other / Y/N
Do you smoke? / Y/N / How many a day?Have you ever smoked? / Y/N / When did you stop?
Do you drink? / Y/N / How many units a week?
1 unit = small glass of wine = half a pint of beer/lager = 1 pub measure of spirit.
Do you exercise regularly during the week? / Y/N / How many times?
Do you eat a balanced diet? Y/N / Do you need to lose weight? Y/N / Do you add salt to your food? Y/N
Female Patients only
What form of contraception do you use?(circle please)Pill/condoms/coil/injections/sterilised/other/not sexually activeHave you had a cervical smear test in the last 3/5 years?
(25-64yrs) Y/N / Date
Where did you have it done?
Have you had a hysterectomy? Do you still have a cervix? / Y/N / Date
Dates of pregnancies (full term if any)
Dates of miscarriages (if any)
Dates of terminations (if any)
Date of last breast screening (aged between 50-70yrs)