Graduate Student Council GSC General Meeting Minutes

Monday March 3, 2014

12:00-1:00 p.m. Waters Hall 137


Dr. Carol Shanklin, Taylor Wadian, Amanda Fairbanks, Kavitha Penugonda, Erik Garcia, Lacey Solheid, Bethany Quesnell, Amanda Martens, Emily Reinhardt, PavanManepalli, Caleb Garten, Nick Colsch, Damien Donner, Ana Claudia Sant’Anna, NedaDadashzadeh, Michael Reichenberger, Cameron Hunter, Bettina Jancke, Star Lengas, and Emilie Guidez

Call to Order

1.0 Review and Approval of Agenda

T. Wadianasked the General Council if there were any additions or corrections to the agenda as presented.

Motion #1: Move to approve the meeting agenda as distributed.

Action: Motion approved. No discussion.

2.0 Review and Approval of GSC General Meeting Minutes from February 3, 2014

T. Wadiannoted that he had attached the incorrect meeting minutes to the agenda. The February 3, 2014 meeting minutes will be included in next month’s General meeting agenda for approval.

3.0 Officer Reports

President: T. Wadian reported that the Diversity Program Committee has approved the request for funds to support Dr. Orlando Taylor’s visit to campus. Dr. Taylor will be giving a colloquium titled “Re-Considering Diversity as Social Justice: A Compelling National Need of Global Imperatives”. The presentation is scheduled on March 25.2014 from 3:30-5:00 PM, in the KSU Alumni Center Banquet Rooms B & C. His schedule is still tentative and when details are established they will be communicated in the GSC weekly email. There are two openings for graduate student senators. They are interim positions that need to be occupied until the elected graduate senators take office. If you are interested, please contact Taylor Wadian. Elections for Executive Officer positions are quickly approaching. If you are interested in your name being placed on the ballot for President-Elect, Treasurer, or Secretary, read the information about applying in the weekly GSC email. The election will be conducted using Qualtrics, the University’s survey system.

President-Elect: A. Fairbanks reported the Executive Committee is revising the Executive Handbooks. They are being updated because the structure of the GSC is changing and calls for a change in how the Executive Committee is organized. A. Fairbanks stated the Executive Committee ate lunch with President Schulz and discussed adding more Donoghue scholarship money, graduate student space and health insurance.

Treasurer: K. Penugonda reported that approximately $37,000 of the Presidential allocation has been spent and the current balance is approximately $87,000. High volume travel months have been identified and more money will be allocated to those high volume months in future fiscal years. The Foundation account has approximately $3,700.

Question from General member: Would it be helpful for us (General members) to discuss important travel dates with our respective groups and report high volume travel months to the GSC?

T. Wadian stated that solution is a viable option to ensure that the Presidential allocation is properly spent in the future.

Secretary: E. Garcia present but no report

Advisor Report:

Dean Shanklin reported there is a Distinguished Graduate Faculty presentation on Monday March 3, 2014 from 3:30-4:30 in the Big 12 room. Today, March 3, 2014 is the deadline for applying for graduation through iSIS. March 12, 2014 is the first workshop for graduation deadlines and requirements. The workshop is in room 206 in the K-State Union from 10:00-12:00 PM. The nominations for Alumni Association awards for Leadership and Service or for Academics are due March 20, 2014. The application can be found at She informed the group that K-State’s organizational structure and staffing will be evaluated by visiting consultants to help align it with Graduate School’s strategic plan for K-State for 2025.

4.0 Graduate Student Senator Reports

M. Reichenberger: Present but no report

5.0 GSC Committee Reports

Allocations: K. Penugonda reported that allocations received 45 applications of which 41 were complete. Approximately$18,000 was allocated for April travel.

Research Forums: A. Fairbanksinformed the General Council that Kansas Research Forum is March 26, 2014. If you are available to help set up, or moderate sessions, please contact Amanda Fairbanks. Capitol Graduate Research Summit and Master’s Research Day were both successful events. The Master’s Research Day will not be held next year, only Capitol Graduate Research Summit will be showcased in Topeka.

Student Affairs: T. Wadian reported the Linear Trail bike ride will be in April but dates are tentative right now. The Tax workshop was a successful event. The tax event had approximately 30 students attend. Next year’s workshop will likely be held in December and will likely be videotaped and archived on the Graduate School’s website.

International Student Affairs: T. Wadian reported on behalf ofM. Rai. T. Wadian stated that on Friday March 7, 2014 at 4:00 there is a Brazil Coffee Hour in the International Student center.

Professional Development: L. Solheid stated that the Finding a Post Doc Brownbag is on March 11, 2014 from 12-1:00 PM in the Union Big 12 room. There will be a grant writing workshop on April 3, 2014 from 3:30-5:00 PM in Union room 226. Dean Shanklin reported there are three financial education enhancements events. The first is March 12, 2014and will be held in Fairchild Hall room 009 and will focus on using online financial resources such as SALT and GradSense. The second event is March 27thfrom 1-2:00 PM in the Sunflower Room in the Union and will focus on transitioning to workforce: understanding career and employee benefits. The third event will be on April 10, 2014 from 2-3:00 PM in the Sunflower room and will focus on repaying student loans and getting loans forgiven. For the first 50 participants in each of the workshops they will receive a $25.00 gift certificate, and for those who attend all 3 they will be entered in a drawing for an Ipad mini if they complete a financial quiz.

Fundraising: K. Penugonda reported that the Fundraising Committee attended a fundraising workshop. The Fundraising Committee is continuing to work on fundraising opportunities for GSC. The Fundraising Committee is exploring opportunities on campus and in the community to raise funds.

Awards & Recognition: A. Martens stated that the form for the Scholarly Achievements Newsletter is active. Please encourage faculty, and advisors to nominate graduate students so the student can be recognized in the Spring Newsletter.

6.0 University-Wide Representatives

Health Insurance: J. Nyagol present but no report.

Union Governing Board:K. Grinter absent butno report

Library: No report. This position is open if you are interested please contact T. Wadian for more information.

Campus Master Plan: P. Sukthankar absent but no report.

8020: K. Grinter absent but no report

State Affairs: No report.

Women of K-State: K. Penugonda there will be a Salina campus tour on March 8 from 11-5:00 lunch is provided but RSVP is required. On March 12, 2014 there is another event focused on exercising without a gym.

University Sustainability Task Force: E. Garcia reported that the University Sustainability Task force has drafted a document. The document has been presented to the Dean’s Council and will be available for public comment starting on March 10, 2014. After all comments are received, they will be incorporated into the final document.

University Budget Advisory Committee: T. Wadian reported the Committee is identifying the process by which the University’s money is allocated. The aim of the committee is to make the allocation of funds more transparent.

University Climate Survey Committee: A. Fairbanks reported that the University Climate Committee has started organizing focus groups and organizing survey questions.

8.0 Summary of Upcoming Events: T. Wadiansummarized the upcoming events. Please check the GSC weekly email for a quick review of the upcoming events. SGA elections are this week.

9.0 Adjournment: T. Wadianadjourned the General Council meeting at 12:50 PM.