Graduate Student Association Senate Minutes
Belk Library, Room 421
April 4, 2011
Miriam took attendance at the beginning of the meeting, from approximately 6:00pm-6:09pm.
Nominations for the GSAS Executive Council members will occur between now (April 4, 2011) and Friday (April 8, 2011). Elections will occur on April 11, 2011, Belk Library Room 421 at 6:00pm, which is the last official meeting of the year.
Dave said a lot of people are interested in GSAS, but don’t know a lot about it. Spread the word, and let people in your department become involved. Miriam reviewed the GSAS Constitution with all senators present. Specifically, she focused on descriptions of the executive council positions as listed in the GSAS Constitution.
Miriam stated Jeremy Hanes is interested in Director of State and National Affairs position (newly created GSAS position). No senators present suggested amending the position description for the new executive council position, GSAS Director of State and National Affairs. Kyle wanted to know why it is important for GSAS Director of State and National Affairs to be concerned with what the undergraduate student government association is doing. Brandy stated it was important because the GSAS Director of State and National Affairs would need to know the views of people who could potentially be voting against measures related to GSAS.
Responsibilities of the Director of State and National Affairs were discussed, and approved for inclusion into the GSAS constitution through unanimous consensus of senators attending.
Miriam stated that the current GSAS members should advise the incoming GSAS members to review NAGPS (National Association of Graduate-Professional Students). It was suggested that “Chris” should lead investigation of this organization and its associated initiatives.
Dr. Huntley knows where the contacts for the 30th GSAS Anniversary, to be held during Homecoming 2011, are but someone may need to collect the names and put them all in a database. Dr. Hirst suggested that GSAS representatives contact David Taylor, Executive Director of the ASU Foundation. He works with Arts and Sciences mainly—but he also does general fundraising and advancement advising; this person can give GSAS marketing tips, and possible strategic plans for designing and implementing the 30th GSAS Anniversary Celebration.
Dr. Hirst said the Graduate School does not have a development officer—nor does it have a substantial endowment fund. She further stated ASU will be launching its capital campaign this Fall (2011).
GSAS Senators in attendance unanimously approved minutes from the last meeting.
Members of the committee to compile the transition documents for the next Executive Council are: Matt Hepler (others TBD).
Should a decision not be reached by Summer 2011, the next GSAS body (2011-2012) may have to continue supporting the referendum to amend the SGA by-laws to allow for a graduate student delegate at the Association of Student Governments (hopefully during Fall 2011).
Delegation of GSAS Senators should attend the Board of Trustees meeting in June 2011. It is during this meeting that the BOT will vote on a resolution involving providing graduate students with an ex-officio representative on the BOT.
GSAS Senators signed thank you cards to present to all members of the ASU and Greater Boone communities who assisted with the Pieoneering Research Pie Auction held at Char last week.
Miriam will be attending the university-wide meeting concerning the increase in the athletics student fees by $70.00 per student. GSAS Senators in attendance unanimously approved supporting the resolution from the Sociology department to the faculty senate.
The meeting concluded at 6:50pm.
Charles E. Gibson III, M.A.
LES Department GSAS Senator
Acting Secretary