St. John’sUniversity

Graduate Sport Management Program

Final Evaluation of Field Training Experience

This form is to be completed by the intern and returned to their internship advisor upon the completion of the internship.


Please answer each of the following questions. If you need additional space, attach separate sheets.

  1. Were you satisfied with your placement?

Yes No

If not, please explain.

  1. Did you feel comfortable with the temporary adjustment from student to employee?


If not, explain why you were uncomfortable.

  1. Were you fully aware of your duties and responsibilities as an intern?


  1. Were you familiar with the functions and purposes of the agency in which you were placed?

Yes No

  1. To what extent did your duties as an intern relate to your academic background?

Not at all Somewhat A great deal

  1. Do you feel that you, as a trainee, made an important contribution to the agency?

Yes No

  1. Did you experience any problems as a result of your field training?


If so, explain the problems in detail.

  1. Did you feel free to discuss any problems with your agency supervisor?


  1. Do you feel you were treated as a professional?


  1. Were you allowed to make decisions on your own?


  1. Were you responsible for providing your supervisor with written reports of your activities?


  1. How would you rate your overall field experience?


  1. Would you recommend this field-training agency to other students?


If not, explain why.

  1. Was this experience what you expected?


If not, explain how the experience could have been modified to meet your expectations.

  1. Was this experience worth the amount of college credit you are receiving for it? Yes No

If not, how many credits should the internship be worth?

  1. Was the university supervision you received adequate?

Yes No

If not, explain what your internship advisor should have done differently.

  1. How could the internship have been made more meaningful?
  1. What information would have liked to receive from our internship advisor before starting the internship? What about from the agency to which you were assigned?
  1. Was there background information that you now feel you should have had prior to your field experience that you did not receive from the Sport Management Program? Explain.
  1. What suggestions or recommendations can you offer for improvement of the overall experience at this agency?
  1. In what ways do you feel this evaluation procedure could be improved?
  1. May we transmit a copy of this information to the agency once your training is completed?




If this form is emailed, no signature is necessary.