Application Instructions
Themaximumawardavailablefor afacultymember individual or group is a total of upto12workloadunits release timeinonequarterduringtheACADEMICYEAR. The twelve credits may be spread among a team of faculty (no larger than three members), and each member’s WLU must be designated in this application as well as the roles each member will have in the development of the graduate program or certificate.
Thehomedepartment(s)willreceivetheappropriatereimbursementbasedontheCBAregulations to provide adjunct replacement.
Themaximumawardavailable per SUMMER APPOINTMENTfor afacultymember individual or group is $5,000.00 with faculty benefits deductions.
Pleasecheck the School of Graduate Studies and Research’s (SGSR) website (cwu.edu/masters) for this year’s application deadlines. TheoriginalapplicationmustbereceivedintheSGSRoffice(Barge214;Mailstop7510)by5p.m.onthe appropriatedeadline.
SponsoredbytheSGSR,theFacultyDevelopmentandResearch Council(FDRC)hasestablishedalimitednumberofcompetitiveFacultyReleaseAppointmentstoassist CWUtenured/tenuretrackfacultymembersto develop a proposal for a new graduate degree program, specialization or certificate.Theseactivitiesareexpectedtobenefitthescholar(s),theirrespectivedepartments,andgraduate studiesingeneralatCWU.The proposal should be ready for submission to the Graduate Council Curriculum Committee.
Theapplicant(s)must haveafull-time, continuingacademicyearfacultyappointmentatthe rankofassistantprofessororhigher.Applicantsonprofessional leave orunpaidleave ofabsence are noteligible foracademic-year appointments. Itisexpectedthatthefacultymember(s)shall returntoCWUfor one academic yearfollowingcompletion of theFacultyRelease Appointment.Appointeesare faculty employees of CWUregardlessof their physical location,withthe usual responsibilitiespertainingto on campus employment.Applicationsmust be endorsed by thedepartment chair andcollege dean. It is highly encouraged that the applicants meet with the SGSR dean for advisement on the new program, specialization or certificate before the application is started.
Outcomes of Appointment:
The applicant(s) mustwork toward developing a new master’s degree, specialization or graduate certificate proposal at the end of the appointment. Enhancement to current programs to include online, multi-modal or 4+1 is also supported. The development of modification of individual courses not leading to a new degree, specialization or certificate is not supported by the appointment.
This proposal must follow the Faculty Senate Curriculum Policies/Procedures found at
1.Theapplicant(s)shouldexpect toutilizethe campusofCWUashomebaseduringtheappointmentperiod unlessappropriatejustificationforoff-campusorCWUCenteractivitiesisprovided.
2.Prioritywillbegivento applicantswhohavenot receivedan appointmentorfellowshipthrough theFDRCinthepreviousfiscal year.ForthoseapplicantswhohavereceivedpreviousFDRC funding,pastperformance,asjudgedbythequalityofthefinalreportandpublications,will beaconsideration.
3.Afacultymember canreceive no morethanone appointmentina givenfiscal year(July1– June30).
Special consideration will be made for submissions by applicants who have not received FDRC funding in the past two years.
Attachments (unless they are documents included in the curriculum forms list) are not allowed and will result in disqualification.
Development of interdisciplinary programs, specializations, certificates, existing program enhancement (to online, multi-modal, moving to a non-thesis experience, 4+1) are encouraged. Recommendationson proposalsare madebyavoteoftheCommittee.
Final Report
Within three months after the end of the appointment, the faculty member(s) will submit a detailed report of activities and results to the Dean of the graduate school and for new program development, it is expected that the proposal will be submitted to the Graduate Council for consideration.
The Committee may take the following actions:
- Nottofund
- Requestforfurtherinformationorclarification
- Partiallyfund
- Fundcontingentonavailabilityoffunds
- Fundin full
Allcommentsbythe chair anddeananddiscussionsoftheapplicationsare consideredconfidential.Thetextoffundedproposalsare availabletothepublic.
The SGSR may request reimbursement of the funds if the proposal is not complete by the appointed quarter.
Failure to submit a proposal will be grounds for denying future support. The lack of submission of a proposal may be taken into consideration when decisions are made on future funding.
Application Specifications
Please upload 1 pdf with the materialsbelow.Only one application should be submitted for a group proposal.Incompleteapplicationswillnotbereviewed. Itistheresponsibilityoftheapplicant(s)tomakesurethattheapplicationhasalltherequiredelements.
Please submitvia the web application ( and attach in one document the following:
- Typedsummarystatementoftheprogram, specialization or certificate to be proposed (nottoexceed 500words).
- Typed project description of 4 pages or less (double spaced, 12-point font) that includes
the following sections:
- State the proposed degree/certificate title and why a Faculty Release Appointment is necessary in order to accomplish the proposal
- Program Description and Rationale
- Provide an overview of the proposed program and its goals
- Describe the state, regional and national demand for the program
- Provide any available data that demonstrates student and employer demand
- Describe the role of eachadditional team member (if applicable)
1)VITAE:attach curriculum vitae or resume(up to 2 pages;singlesided)emphasizing appropriateresearch,scholarly,orartisticachievements. If this is a team proposal, include a vitae for all applicants.
Note: Attachments (unless they are documents included in the above appendix list) will not be accepted and will result in disqualification.
Updated December 2017