GradProf SRTs
Graduate/Professional Teaching Responsibilities For SPRING 2012 and Beyond
at the University of Minnesota
Twin Cities, Morris, Crookston
Please complete the following table, listing all academic year (Fall and Spring) graduate and professional courses taught by the candidate STARTING IN THE SPRING 2012 SEMESTER, and providing the requested data from student teaching evaluations for each course. Fall 2016 courses need not be included. Summer course may be optionally included. Those who have been on leave or sabbatical in 2012 or later should include data for an equal number of terms, using pre-2012 terms as needed.
Use a separate copy of this form for each course level taught by the candidate, e.g. 5000, 6000, 7000.
Course Level: / The instructor was well prepared for class. *** / The instructor presented the subject matter clearly. *** / The instructor provided feedback intended to improve my course performance. *** / The instructor treated me with respect. *** / I would recommend this instructor to other students. *** See Note. / I have a deeper understanding of the subject matter as a result of this course. *** / My interest in the subject matter was stimulated by this course.***Example: Delete this row after completing form
Semester/year: Spring 2014
Course Designator and No.: Biol 6003
Course Title: Genetics
Enrollment Total / Undergrad Enrollment: 18/17
Format (e.g., lecture, lab, seminar, studio): seminar
No. evaluations received: 16 / 5.5 / 5.1 / 5.2 / 5.0 / 5.3 / 5.2 / 4.9
Course Designator, No. and Section:
Course Title:
Enrollment Total / Undergrad Enrollment:
No. evaluations received:
Course Designator, No. and Section:
Course Title:
Enrollment Total / Undergrad Enrollment:
No. evaluations received:
Course Designator, No. and Section:
Course Title:
Enrollment Total / Undergrad Enrollment:
No. evaluations received:
Note: Enter percent “yes” for semesters in which that was the measure on the forms. Otherwise use SRT scale.
*** SRT Scale: 1= strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = somewhat disagree, 4 = somewhat agree, 5 = agree,
6 = strongly agree