Graduate English Society

Executive Meeting Minutes

30 August, 2016

Present:Kerry Manzo (President), Leah Heilig (Vice President-Elect), Luke Morgan (Treasurer), Kate Simonian (Secretary).

Next Meeting: Budget Preparation, September 15


  1. Discussion


--We currently have 597 dollars left, 79 dollars of which is owed to SigTauDelta.

Duties of Secretary:

--Luke Morgan and Kate Simonian will be swapping roles, as Luke can better perform the treasurer role, as complications have arisen with Kate’s international student status. Duties of secretary outlined. Luke must accompany Kerry to Bank to be signed onto the account. Secretarial folder was passed to Kate.


--We need to update our constitution. Leah will do this and we will go over it at our next executive meeting and perhaps share it at our next general meeting.

Meet N’ Greet:

--Luke came up with a snappy name for this annual event: “Food for Thought.” The Meet N’ Greet will take place on Sept 15, from 12-2. Students will be asked to bring a dish that in some way relates to their area of study/expertise. Some extra discussion of ways to make more money there. We will promote the Food Plains Bank Excursion and the GES webpage at this event. Possibly, we will have a competition for best satirical “Graduate English student” design, to be coordinated during the Meet N’ Greet as a bonding activity that taps into students’ wit and competitiveness. Kerry will make posters.

South Plains Food Bank:

--Scheduled for Oct 1. We will solicit interest at the Meet N’ Greet. Must be booked one month in advance. Luke remains the liaison for this.

--Volunteer Hours for the South Plains Food Bank are from 9-12, on Nov 5.


--Check-In. Should we plan a follow-up on the initial peer-mentoring session at orientation? What form should this take? The TCR model of “Working Alone Together” was suggested. A donut-coffee and chat session was proposed and agreed upon. The date of Oct 6 was settled on, as it is not too close to crazy end-of-semester dumpster-fire. Locations discussed: 201, 359, graduate lounge. Kate will book the room. Kerry will make a doodle or contact students and mentors to see when is an appropriate time for check-in.

--Leah will send “Tips for Mentoring” around to the mentors and peers, including useful instructions, such as how to find people on the email database.

Brown Bag Lunches:

--These are being rebranded in some way. There will also be some kind of interdisciplinary panel at the end of the term.


--We will try to organize a panel with SigTauDelta. This will function as a kind of recruitment platform for the GES, but also professional development for SigTau students and those who speak on the panel. We will reach out to Hachenbracht, the SigTau rep.

--The panel will feature academic speakers and alt ac representatives.

--Possible topics: CVs, majoring in English, PhDs.

--Discussed possible speakers.

Money for the GES:

--Ways to get it. Ideas floated: book sale, grants (South Plains Humanities, would need a budget to apply), chocolate sales, idea of witty T-shirt description of grad students at the Meet N’ Greet.

--Most grants require us to raise an equivalent amount through fundraising.

Upcoming Action:

--Luke: go to bank with Kerry. Keep finger on pulse of South Plains Foodbank. Advise with Kate re sign-up sheet for this at Meet N’ Greet. Try to devise a snappier name for Peer Mentor Check-In.

--Leah:Update the constitution. Send a “Tips for Mentoring” document to mentors (and mentees?)

--Kerry: Posters for Meet N’ Greet. Give $79 to SigTauDelta. Organize Financial meeting with Luke and Brandy. Make a Doodle for peers and mentors to determine what time to have the Peer Mentoring Check-In (and possibly the date, if we’ll change it?) Contact Ryan re a SigTau Panel.

--Kate:Make sign for GES website promotion at Meet N’ Greet. Make sign-up sheet (in conjunction with Luke) for South Plains food bank sign up. Type minutes and put on both GES website and send to the Webmaster. Book room for Peer Mentoring Check-In.

Upcoming Dates:

--Meet n’ Greet; “Food for Thought”, Sept 15

--Budget Prep with Luke, Kerry, Brandy, TBD: maybe Sept 15, 11-1?

--South Plains Food Bank Volunteer Event, October 1st

--Peer Mentoring Check-In, 5 pm, Oct 6. Location TBA: possibly 201, 359, graduate lounge.

Meeting adjourned at 4.05 p.m.