Graduate Education Mission
The mission of the Graduate Education Department at Wilkes University is to provide the educational community with opportunities to become leaders in classroom instruction and in the administration of schools. As such, the Graduate Education Department seeks to promote the highest levels of intellectual growth and career development through a collaborative environment that supports teaching in a diverse learning environment, while valuing commitment to the educational communities it serves.
Course NumberEDIM 509 / Course Title
Practical Research through Teacher Inquiry
Section/Semester / Location
Online / Meeting Times
Instructor Contact Information
Instructor Name / Office Hours (if applicable)Phone Number / E-mail / Best time(s) to be contacted
Course Description from Graduate Bulletin
In this course, students will identify a topic for which they will design, implement, and analyze a teacher inquiry research project. The culminating project will include a literature review, inquiry brief, written analysis and reflection.
Required Textbook(s) & ReadingsAt least one course text is required
Fitchman, D. and Yendol-Hoppey, D. (2014). The Reflective Educators’ Guide to Classroom Research: Learning to Teach and Teaching to Learn Through Practitioner Inquiry (3rd Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin
RecommendedReading List or Resources
American Psychological Association (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Student Learning Objectives Evidence of Student Learning
The students will attain the listedlearning objectivesby completing the key instructionalassignments, activities, or assessments as evidence of learning in this course.
Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLO)
Students will develop and demonstrate through coursework, learning experiences, co-curricular and extracurricular activities:
- the knowledge, skills, and scholarship that are appropriate to their general and major field areas of study.
- effective written and oral communication skills and information literacy using an array of media and modalities.
- practical, critical, analytical, and quantitative reasoning skills.
- actions reflecting ethical reasoning, civic responsibility, environmental stewardship, and respect for diversity.
- interpersonal skills and knowledge of self as a learner that contribute to effective team work, mentoring, and life-long learning.
School of Education Learning Outcomes (SELO)
Education students will develop and demonstrate the following learning outcomes as appropriate to their selected level and field:
- the knowledge, skills, and scholarship appropriate in their chosen field of study;
- effective written and oral communication skills;
- information literacy that fosters intelligent and active participation in the educational community;
- technical competence and pedagogical skill to infuse technology in support of the teaching and learning process;
- practical, critical, and analytical thinking strategies;
- the ability to make informed decisions based on accurate and relevant data;
- actions reflecting integrity, self-respect, moral courage, personal responsibility, and the ability to understand individual differences in order to meet the needs of the students and communities served
- collaborative skills that promote teamwork.
Graduate Education Student Program Outcomes (GEPO)
- The student will develop the knowledge, skills, and scholarship that are appropriate to the educational program.
- The student will demonstrate effective written and oral language skills appropriate to knowledge acquisition and professional responsibilities of the discipline.
- The student will demonstrate data driven decision-making skills.
- The student will demonstrate an understanding of diversity by applying differentiation to the educational process.
- The student will understand the critical role of collaboration in creating an effective educational process.
Instructional Media Program Outcomes (IMPO)
- Students will participate in professional networks in the global educational community.
- Students will examine research-based, pedagogically proven instructional strategies that promote student-centered learning.
- Students will design learning environments that lead to the construction, communication, and demonstration of knowledge.
- Students will develop safe learning spaces that promote digital and global citizenship.
- Students will apply leadership skills in the area of technology integration.
Course Requirements & Assessments
Student Learning ObjectivesThe students will:
(Need 6-8 objectives listed below) / Evidence of Learning
~ Key Instructional Assignments, Activities, or Assessments ~(Align course assessments to stated objectives)
To develop students’ skills around data collection strategies /
- Discussion Forum
- Needs Assessment
- Literature Review
To increase student knowledge and understanding of educational research /
- Discussion Forum
- Needs Assessment
- Literature Review
- Culminating Project Plan
- Teaching Research Lesson Plan
To identify/utilize/examine instructional strategies focused on increasing computational and research skills among classroom students. /
- Discussion Forum
- Needs Assessment
- Literature Review
- Culminating Project Plan
- Mini Research Studies (2)
To analyze digital tools that can be used when planning, conducting, composing, and evaluating a research project. /
- Needs Assessment
- Literature Review
- Culminating Project Plan Design
Major Course Requirements and Assessments
Requirement/Assessment / DescriptionNeeds Assessment / Students will conduct a needs assessment identifying the need/topic they will address in their research and culminating project.
Literature Review / Students will conduct research and create a literature review document addressing the need/topic they will address in their culminating project.
Culminating Project Plan Design / Students will create a culminating project design plan (draft) for review and feedback from the course instructor prior to final submission in week seven.
Mini Research Studies (2) / Students will design two mini research studies as part of their culminating project design. These studies will be included in the final culminating project submission.
Teaching Research Lesson Plan / Students will create a lesson plan on teaching research to their K-12 students using the UbD lesson plan design template. This lesson plan will included in the final culminating project submission.
Culminating Project Final Submission / Students will submit their culminating project to the assignment drop box. All required components must be included in this final submission.
Unit / Topic(s) & Readings
1 / Overview of educational research
- Needs Assessment
2 / What is Educational Research?
3 / How is Educational Research used in a K-12 setting?
- Literature Review
4 / How to conduct Educational Research
- Culminating Project Plan Design
5 / Resign Design Process
- Mini Research Designs
6 / Teaching Research to K-12 Students
- Teaching Research Lesson Plan (UbD)
7 / The Culminating Project: Final Submission
Course Templates & Rubrics
Discussion RubricAdvanced
4 / Proficient
3 / Basic
2 / Below Basic
1 / No Submission
Initial Post: Knowledge and Understanding of Content / Provides a substantive and well-supported post by citing and referencing information and concepts presented with insightful information that indicates depth and engagement in the topic / Provides a well-supported post by citing and referencing information and concepts presented with insightful information that indicates engagement in the topic / Provides a limited and/or insufficiently supported post that may be based primarily on professional experiences and/or lacks information or citation of concepts / Provides a very limited and/or unsound post based primarily on professional experiences without support and/or citation of concepts / Does not provide an initial post
Replies: Contribution to the Online Learning Community / Responds appropriately to two or more students with insightful information that enriches discussion and demonstrates strong engagement with peers / Responds appropriately to at least two students with information that adds to the discussion and engages peers / Responds appropriately to two students with information but lacks sufficient insight to engage peers / Does not respond appropriately, and/or provides a superficial response that does not engage peers and/or responds to only to one student / Does not reply to peers
Linking Content to Reflective Professional Practice / Establishes strong reflective connections that link content to research-based professional practice / Establishes reflective connections that link content to professional practice / Makes reflective comments that do not clearly link content to professional practice / Makes limited or no reflective comments and/or does not link content to professional practice / Does not post to discussion
Writing Conventions and Adherence to APA format / Demonstrates strong control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage and sentence formation; citations are included following APA guidelines / Demonstrates sufficient control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, and sentence formation withminimal errors, and/or citations are included that may or may not follow APA guidelines / Demonstrates limited control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage and sentence formation withmultiple errors, and /or citations may be included but do not adhere to APA guidelines / Does not demonstrate control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage and sentence formation, and/or citations are not included or do not adhere to APA guidelines / Does not post to discussion
2 / 1 / 0
Timeliness / Submits initial post on time and provides responses on time / Does not submit initial post on time and/or does not provide responses on time / Does not post to discussion
Formal Writing Assignment Rubric
Content (20pts)
Point Values: / Advanced
20 / Proficient
15 / Basic
10 / Below Basic
5 / No Submission
Content / Provides substantial,
specific, and/or
relevant research-based content
sophisticated ideas and development. All expected
assignment components are
present. / Provides
specific and/or
relevant research-based content demonstrating effective ideas and development. All expected assignment components are present. / Provides
specific and/or
relevant research-based content demonstrating adequate ideas and development. Most expected
assignment components are present. / Does not provide specific and/or relevant research-based content and/or demonstrates inadequate ideas and development. Few expected assignment components are present. / Does not submit an assignment
Written Communication (20pts.) / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Organization / Presents sophisticated arrangement of content with evident transitions. All required sections are clearly identified / Presents effective arrangement of content with evident transitions. All required sections are clearly identified / Presents adequate arrangement of content without clear transitions and/or required sections are not clearly identified / Does not demonstrate arrangement of content and/or required sections are not clearly identified / Does not submit an assignment
Focus / Provides distinct and coherent points made about a specific topic with awareness of task / Provides coherent points made about a specific topic with awareness of task / Provides coherent points without consistent focus on the specific topic but demonstrates awareness of task / Does not provide coherent points and/or lacks awareness of task / Does not submit an assignment
Voice and Tone / Uses sophisticated language that conveys professional voice and tone / Uses effective language that conveys professional voice and tone / Uses adequate language that conveys professional voice and tone / Does not use language that conveys professional voice and/or tone / Does not submit an assignment
Conventions / Demonstrates sophisticated control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, word usage and sentence formation / Demonstrates control of effective grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage and sentence formation / Demonstrates adequate control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage and sentence formation / Does not demonstrate control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage and sentence formation / Does not submit an assignment
APA Format / Follows APA guidelines for format / Follows APA guidelines for format with minimal errors / Follows APA guidelines for format with multiple errors / Does not follow APA guidelines for format / Does not submit an assignment
UbD Lesson Plan Template
Lesson Plan Template
Adapted from Wiggins & McTighe, Understanding by DesignStage 1: Identify Desired Results
Content Standard(s):Understanding(s)/Goals- Big Ideas
Students will understand that… / Essential Questions
Student Objectives/Outcomes
Students will be able to…
Stage 2: Determine Evidence for Assessing Learning
Performance Tasks: / Other Evidence:Stage 3: Build Learning Plan
Introduction/Anticipatory Set:Learning Activities:
Differentiation Opportunities for Content and Assessment:
Materials & Use of Technology
Potential Implementation Challenges and Resolutions
UBDComponent / Exemplary
(meets the standard of excellence and demonstrates exemplary understanding and implementation of the framework) / Meets Most Requirements
(meets the acceptable standard by demonstrating understanding of the framework but not excellent implementation) / Emerging
(needs additional work to be acceptable)
Points for each category as
listed in column below / 3 / 2 / 1
Essential Question & Big Ideas/Enduring Understanding Points
Essential Question / The essential question is a big idea or core concept and is global in nature. / The essential question is important but may be described as an important knowledge or skill. / Essential question is narrow and can be answered with one correct answer.
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings / Describes the most important understandings that will emerge from the instruction. These understandings are useful and valid in authentic settings outside of school. / Lists topic goals that are too specific and could be unit objectives. They are not connected to authentic situations. / Big Ideas/Enduring understandings read as goals or objectives
Learning Objectives & Alignment to Standards & Anchors
Goals and Objectives include:
Essential Questions
Knowledge & Skills / Lists the objectives students must meet in order for the enduring understandings to develop.
Knowledge and skills are applied and the verbs indicate areas of understanding and the implementation of the framework. / Objectives clearly stated but all of the elements needed to provide the needed knowledge and skills for the enduring understandings have not been included.
Skills are clearly different than knowledge. / Unclear and do not link to the essential questions or enduring understanding.
Knowledge and skills and appear the same or are limited.
PA Academic Standards and Assessment Anchors / Standards and anchors are thorough and linked to the learning objectives. / Appropriate standards & anchors are identified but some links to the standards or anchors may be missing. / Incomplete or inaccurate correlation to standards & anchors.
Assessment Strategies
Varied Assessment Strategies / Sound assessment strategies are integrated in addition to the key assessment that will provide the identified evidence that the goals and objectives have been met.
Includes a variety of strategies, e.g. formative, summative, benchmark and/or diagnostic as well as portfolios, rubrics, performance tasks, peer review or culminating projects. / Measures tasks, standards and objectives and includes different strategies. May or may not be clearly linked to learning objectives and assessment anchors. May be only project-based or fairly traditional. / Consists only of traditional evaluation methods such as true-false, multiple choice or short answer questions.
Acceptable Evidence / Rubric or other assessment tool used that links to objective and has clear link to the enduring understanding assessment plan.
The assessment tool can clearly be identified as appropriate to measure the learning objectives. / Rubric or other assessment tool used that links to objective but no clear link to the enduring understanding assessment plan. / No clear assessment tool that can be linked to the task objectives.
Learning Activities
Learning Activities reflect the following key elements:
1) Research Based Instructional Strategies
2) Big Ideas, Concepts, and Competencies
3) Technology integration or hands-on instructional techniques (labs) / Each activity reflects objectives and supports attainment of the standards and anchors and the assessments.
All key elements are included within the learning activities.
Learning activities are framed around research-based instruction. / Learning activities reflect objectives, standards, and anchors and support student success on assessment.
Some but not all of the key elements are clearly identified or fully described to meet the objectives and standards. / Learning activities do not clearly support the objectives or assessments.
May not include elements 1, 2, or 3.
Total Points Earned (out of 21 possible points)
Course Schedule
Week One / Teacher as Researcher: Defining Teacher Inquiry /- Read Chapter One
- Discussions Post/Responses
- CulminatingProject Introduction
- Needs Assessment Project
Week Two / Defining Your Passion Project /
- Read Chapter Two
- Discussion Post/Responses
Week Three / Data Strategies /
- Read Chapters 3-4
- Discussion Post/Responses
- Literature Review
Week Four / Planning your Research Project /
- Read Chapter 5
- Discussion Post/Responses
- Culminating Project Design Plan
Week Five / Student as Researcher: Modeling Best Practices /
- Read Online Publications assigned
- Discussion Post/Responses
- Mini Research Projects (2)
Week Six / Data Analysis and Presentation /
- Read Chapter 6-7
- Discussion Post/Responses
- Teaching Research Lesson Plan (UbD)
Week Seven / A Community of Practice /
- Read Chapters 8-9
- Discussion Post/Responses
- Culminating Project Final Submission
Course Grading
Discussions / 10 pts / 7 / 70 ptsNeeds Assessment / 20 pts / 20 pts
Literature Review / 40 pts / 40 pts
Culminating Plan Design / 40 pts / 40 pts
Mini Research Projects (2) / 40 pts / 2 / 80 pts
Teaching Research Lesson Plan / 21 pts / 21pts
Culminating Project / 40 pts / 40 pts
Total Points / 311 pts
Grading Scale
4.0 / A / 94-100% / Academic achievement of superior quality
3.5 / B+ / 87-93% / Academic achievement of good quality
3.0 / B / 80-86% / Academic achievement of acceptable quality in meeting graduation requirements
2.5 / C+ / 75-79% / Academic achievement of adequate quality but below the average required for graduation
2.0 / C / 70-74% / Academic achievement below the average required for graduation
0.0 / F / Below 70% / Failure. No graduate course credit
A grade of "X" indicates assigned work yet to be completed in a given course. Except in thesis work, grades of "X" will be given only in exceptional circumstances. Grades of "X" must be removed through satisfactory completion of all course work no later than four weeks after the end of the final examination period of the semester in which the "X" grade was recorded. Failure to complete required work within this time period will result in the conversion of the grade to 0. An extension of the time allowed for the completion of work should be endorsed by the instructor in the form of a written statement and submitted to the Registrar.