Graduate Council

2005-2006 School Year


1. Change the GPA requirement for Graduate School entry from 3.2 to 3.0 for last 64 credits for a student to be admitted as Final status without having to take the GRE. See p. 355, #3, of 06-07 catalog.

2. Change wording in the catalog regarding the Comprehensive exams, (see p. 352, #6 of 06-07 catalog), from “Pass a comprehensive examination over the graduate program.” to “Meet comprehensive exit requirement(s) as determined by each graduate program.”

3. Graduate Student Appeals process was clarified and language changed. See p. 360 of 06-07 catalog.

4. Reworded and clarified information for the Interdisciplinary Masters Degree. See p. 364-365 of 06-07 catalog.

5. Create an option for students to get a Second Masters in Counseling with 30 credits if the student had already completed 18 counseling credits as part of an Interdisciplinary Masters Degree, as long as all 48 credits are within the standard 7 year period.

6. Reviewed and approved School of Education procedure for students to request the use of courses older than 7 years for their graduate degree.

7. Corrected wording and process in the catalog regarding Alternative Licensure through School of Education to correspond with actual process. See p. 382-385 of 06-07 catalog.

8. Critiqued the Program Reviews from Educational Leadership and the MBA program and forwarded to the VPAA.

9. Approval of the following new courses:

BSAD 535: Fraud: Prevention and Detection

CMPS 501: Intro to Information Security

CMPS 525: Computer Forensics

CMPS 545: Cryptography: Algorithms and Applications

EDUC 564: Teacher Education Program Field Experience (replaces 505 and 507)

SOC 506, 550, 560, 570 (Courses already exist at the 400 level)

10. Course Changes:

-Change prefix for all Chemical Dependency courses from CJUS (Criminal Justice) to

CHDP (Chemical Dependency) and remove PSY and SOC prefixes from CHDP courses.

-Make CHDP 508, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors Institute, a repeat course

-Standardize numbering system for Graduate courses across disciplines

-Delete HIST 525, Role of US Army in the SW and HIST 553, Business and Economics

History of the US.