Graduate Council Curriculum Consent Agenda, November 13, 2014

College of Arts and Science


Course Number / Title / Change
ANTY 401 UG / Anthropological Data Analysis / Change prereqs


Course Number / Title / Change
BCH 694 G / BiochemBiophys Seminar / Change repeatability, title

Communication Studies

Course Number / Title / Change
COMX 575 / Seminar: Rhetoric & Environmental Controversy / EVST 575

Division of Biological Sciences

Course Number / Title / Change
BIOM 407 UG / Clinical Diagnosis / Change description, prereqs
BIOM 408 UG / Clinical Diagnosis Lab / Change prereqs
BIOB 507 G / Organismal Function / New course
BIOB 505 G / Genetics and Evolution / New course
BIOB 506 G / Ecology / New course
BIOB 483 UG / Phylogenetics / New course
BIOM 505 G / Metagenomics / New course


Course Number / Title / Change
ECNS 451 UG / Behavioral/Exper Econ / New course


Course Number / Title / Change
LIT 502 G / Topics in Ecocriticism / New course
Level I / New Option / EcocriticismMA

Environmental Studies

Course Number / Title / Change
ENST 510 G / Native American Issues / New course
ENST 410 UG / TEK of Native Peoples / New course
ENST 570 / Ethics & Restoration / NEW
ENST 593 / Professional Paper / UPDATE
ENST 599 / Thesis / UPDATE


Course Number / Title / Change
GPHY 486 UG / Transport, Planning & GIS / Change credits
GPHY 588 G / Spatial Analysis and Modeling / Change description, learning outcome, title
GPHY 488 UG / Applications of GIS / Change title
Program Modification / MA and MS degrees / Add professional paper and non-thesis tracks


Course Number / Title / Change
GEO 451 UG / Petroleum Geology / Delete course
GEO 426 UG / Sedimentary Geol Field Trip 2 / Delete course
GEO 442 UG / Architecture of Sed Deposits / Delete course
GEO 435 UG / Magnetics in Tect, Struc, Expl / Delete course

Mathematical Sciences

Course Number / Title / Change
M 467 UG / Big Data Analytic Projects / New course
M 462 UG / Theoretical Big Data Analytics / New course
M 461 UG / Practical Big Data Analytics / New course


Course Number / Title / Change
PHL 504 / Topics in Environmental Philosophy / Crosslist with EVST 504

Political Science

Course Number / Title / Change
PSCI 521 G / Globalization / Change description
PSCI 451 UG / Ancient & Medieval Pol Phil / Change prereqs
PSCI 502 G / Intro to Nonprofit Orgs / New course

College of Education and Human Sciences

Counselor Education

Course Number / Title / Change
IYFD 510 G / Intercultural Skills / Change credits
IYFD 520 G / Critical Issues / Change credits
Level II / Counselor Education / New PhD

Communicative Sciences and Disorders

Course Number / Title / Change
CSD 530 G / Voice & Motor Speech Dis / Change credits, description, learning outcome
CSD 688 G / Capstone / Change description, number, title (New Course )
CSD 698 / CSD Research Paper / Delete Course
CSD 565 G / Aphasia & Acq. Apraxia / Change description, learning outcome, title
CSD 570 G / Clinical Procedures I / Change credits
CSD 571 G / Applied Clinic I / Change credits, number, title (New Course)
CSD 575 G / Clinical Procedures II / Change credits
CSD 576 G / Applied Clinic II / Change credits, number, title (new course)

Curriculum and Instruction

Course Number / Title / Change
C&I 527 G / Discip Literacy Strat / Change description, learning outcome, title
C&I 540 G / Lang Arts Ped and Prac / Change description, learning outcome, title
C&I 530 G / Trends & Rsch in Read and Writ / Change description, learning outcome, title
EDEC 540 G / Neuroscience Ch. Dev. / New course
EDEC 550 G / EC Cur Analysis DsgnAssmt / New course
EDEC 515 G / EC Prof WrkFam Adversity / New course
EDEC 560 G / Pol. Adv. Ldershp ECE / New course
EDEC 520 G / Mtg standard play basdenv / New course
EDEC 530 G / SocEmotDvlpmnt in Yng Child / New course
EDEC 510 G / Families, Communities, Culture / New course
EDEC 508 G / EC Principles & Practices / New course
EDEC 595 G / EC Fieldwork/Practicum / New course
EDU 497 UG / Teaching and Assessing / Change description, prereqs
EDU 451 UG / Clinical Exp: Level 3 / Change description, prereqs
C&I 533 G / AsmtInst for Div Lit Lrnrs / Change description, title
C&I 546 UG / Sup/TchgYngAdlt Lit/Rdg / Delete course
EDU 481 UG / Content Area Literacy / Change prereqs
C&I 557 G / Literacy Practicum / Change title
EDU 441 UG / Leadership and Advocacy / Change description, learning outcome, title
C&I 541 G / Genre Studies / Change description, learning outcome, title
EDSP 470 UG / Resp to Interv Best Practices / Delete course
EDU 450 UG / Fld Experience K-3 with Mthds / Delete course
Level 1 / New Option in M.E.d. / Early Childhood Education
Level 1 / New Option in M.E.d. / Early Childhood Education (advanced)

Health & Human Performance

Course Number / Title / Change
HHP 523 G / Case Studies in Perf Psych / Change credits, description
ATEP 535 G / AT Tech II / New course
ATEP 580 G / Pharm for Sports Medicine / New course
ATEP 534 G / Tech Athl Train I / Change description, title
ATEP 540 G / Pract in AT I / Change description, title
ATEP 541 G / Pract in AT II / Change description, prereqs, title
ATEP 542 G / LE Assess / Change description, prereqs, title
ATEP 544 G / UE Assess / Change prereqs, title
ATEP 546 G / Gen Med Assess / Change description, prereqs, title
ATEP 550 G / Pract in AT III / Change description, prereqs, title
ATEP 551 G / Pract in AT IV / Change description, prereqs, title
ATEP 578 G / Org & Ad in AT / Change description, prereqs, title
HHP 542 G / AdvStdy Mind/Body/Spirit / New course
AHAT 479 UG / Topics in Sports Medicine / Change credits, prereqs
HHP / Level I / Change name of the Community Health Options to Community Health and Prevention Science
HHP / Program Modification / Community Health
HHP / Program Modification / Generalist
HHP / Program Modification / Change requirements in Graduate- Generalist Option
HHP / Program Modification / Replace course in Community Health Program

College of Forestry and Conservation

Natural Resource Management

Course Number / Title / Change
NRSM 465 UG / Restoration Ecology / Change description, level, number


Course Number / Title / Change
PTRM 500 / Conservation Social Science Methods / Cross list with NRSM 500

Wildlife Biology

Course Number / Title / Change
WILD 562 G / Wildlife Habitat Modeling / Change credits, description, level

College of Health Professions and Biomedical SciencesSocial Work

Course Number / Title / Change
SW 472 UG / Relational Development / New course

Physical Therapy

Course Number / Title / Change
P T 576 G / Clinical Reasoning II / Change credits, description
P T 561 UG / Research in PT / Delete course
P T 583 G / Integrated Clinical-Ortho PT / New course
P T 584 G / Integrated Clinical-Neuro PT / New course
P T 588 UG / Clinical Internship II / Delete course
P T 587 G / Clinical Experience I / Change description, prereqs, title
P T 589 G / Clinical Experience II / Change description, prereqs, title
P T 680 G / Clinical Internship / Change prereqs, title
P T 516 G / Movement System Exam & Eval / Change prereqs
P T 519 G / Musculoskeletal Management I / Change prereqs
P T 569 G / Musculoskeletal Mgt II / Change prereqs

College of Visual and Performing Arts

Media Arts

Course Number / Title / Change
MART 500 G / Core Rsrch: Digital Tech in th / Change title
MART 510 G / Core Rsrch: Narr and Expmnts / Change title
MART 578 G / Grad Studio / Change credits, repeatability, title
MART 688 G / Media Prac / Change credits, repeatability, title
MART 690 G / Pro Pract / Change title
MART 687 G / FnlPrtflio I / Change title
MART 699 G / FnlPrtflio II / Change credits, title

Theatre & Dance

Course Number / Title / Change
THTR 539 G / Grad Methods Tchg Theatre / Change credits

School of Business Administration

Accounting and Finance

Course Number / Title / Change
BFIN 429 UG / Fin Mgmt I:Thry/Analysis / Change prereqs
BFIN 439 UG / Fin Mgmt II: Analysis/Problems / Change prereqs
BFIN 473 UG / Multinational Financial Mgmt / Change prereqs
ACTG 410 UG / Cost/Mgmt Acct I / Change prereqs