College of Business & Economics

Graduate and Research Committee

Proposed New Certificate Program

The MBA Core Team has approved the following certificate program and respectfully request that College Policy review and approve the certificate for implementation in Fall 2004.

Title of New Certificate Program

Certificate in Organizational Leadership

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Certificate in Organizational Leadership is to develop the leadership knowledge, skills and abilities of working professionals to enable them to make better decisions, communicate more effectively, understand and strengthen their personal leadership style, lead their areas or teams in times of crisis and change and enhance their negotiation skills.

Identify the proposed market and or clients that this program is designed to address

The Certificate in Organizational Leadership is designed to meet the needs of department heads and other middle managers including technical personnel who want to improve their ability to lead their areas effectively and move into positions of increasing responsibility and decision making. This certificate is not positioned to address strategy-level leadership topics.

Rationale for the new program

The Certificate in Organizational Leadership will become part of the CBE’s portfolio of certificate programs aimed at developing the skills and abilities of working professionals. Leadership skills are crucial to the success of business managers and the organizations where they work. The coursework in this certificate will broaden our students’ perspectives in a wide range of leadership and managerial concepts and applications.

Description of Proposed Program

Admissions Criteria

Students are required to have afour year undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university and at least two years of professional, post baccalaureate work experience. Students currently enrolled in graduate degree programs at Lehigh and who have the required work experience may enroll without meeting additional requirements.

Students may also enter the program as non-degree students. These applicants must meet the admission criteria set by the CBE for non-degree students. Students must have a minimum of a 3.0 grade point average in their undergraduate degree or have earned a previous masters degree. Other criteria that will be evaluated by the admissions committee include number of years and quality of work experience.

Students may take this program on a non-credit basis. The admissions criteria will include a 4 year undergraduate degree and at least 2 years of professional, post-baccalaureate work experience.

Program Requirements (12 credits)

Required Courses (6 credits)

GBUS 447 – Negotiation (3 credits)

GBUS 459 – Survey of Project Management (3 credits)

Electives (6 credits)

Students may choose from the following electives. Additional seminars may be added in the future as our market’s organizational needs change.

Crisis Management and Communication (1 credit)

Effective Team Leadership (1 credit)

Ethical Decision Making (1 credit)

Leadership Styles and Assessment (1 credit)

Translating Vision into Strategy (1 credit)

Cross Cultural Communication (1 credit)

Change Management (1 credit)

Leadership Skills Assessment and Development (1 credit)

Course Descriptions

GBUS 447 – Negotiation (3 credits) Existing Course

The class examines the behavioral foundations of the negotiation process. Topics include the negotiation process, negotiation planning, power in negotiations, communications in negotiations, tactics, concepts of win-win and win-lose, social styles, individual and team negotiations, ethical considerations, cultural differences, negotiating in sole source (customer) situations, using third parties. The concepts will be exposed through both lectures and simulations.

GBUS 459 – Survey of Project Management (3 credits) Existing course

Provides an overview of the project management framework and knowledge areas. It deals with the day-to-day, hands-on problems of managing a project (defined as a temporary structure within a permanent organization, set up to achieve a specific objective). Areas covered will include: project integration, project scope, project planning and implementation, project control and evaluation, project cost and risk management, project resource management and organization, and project communication. Cases are used to illustrate problems and techniques to solve them. Students use a project management tool during this course.

Crisis Management and Communication (1 credit)

This course deals with the principles and procedures involved in effective crisis planning and management. The course focuses on how best to assess and respond to various levels and types of crises, and how to communicate with key publics directly through the news media. Topics include defining true crisis, assessing and prioritizing risks, categorizing crises by types and levels, designing a crisis plan, crisis team roles and responsibilities, spokesperson selection and training, ethical decision-making, public expectations and social responsibility.

Effective Team Leadership (1 credit)

Given that team leaders exert a disproportionate effect on team success, it is critical that organizations carefully select and train qualified individuals to assume this demanding position. While anyone can be a formal team leader, not all team leaders will effectively demonstrate leadership. This course addresses the skills that team leaders must have to demonstrate effective leadership. It also includes a component on leading virtual groups and teams. The instructor, acting as a group facilitator, presents an overview of each topic and assists in class discussion, hands-on analysis and application, and role-playing.

Ethical Decision Making (1 credit)

An examination of the moral dilemmas facing business executives in making day-to-day business decisions. This examination will look at the impact of business decisions on all corporate stakeholders and will draw examples from the world around us. Readings, case studies, role-plays, and simulations will be used to illustrate the dilemmas facing business executives in today’s highly competitive, global economy.

Leadership Styles and Assessment (1 credit)

By studying numerous leaders, this course provides students with an understanding of successful leadership practices in various settings. In addition, by using the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), this course provides students with an opportunity to obtain feedback on their specific leadership abilities and learn how to become better leaders, broadly defined. Specifically, the LPI provides students with the opportunity to obtain feedback from supervisors, peers, subordinates, friends, colleagues, and themselves on five key behaviors required for successful leadership: challenging processes, inspiring a shared vision, enabling others to act, modeling the way, and encouraging the heart.

Translating Vision Into Strategy (1 credit)

This seminar focuses on how proven leaders shape a vision and deliver a mission for their organization. This process forces a long-range view of the firm and provides an organization with strategic direction and purpose. It begins with correctly assessing the external environment, identifying core competencies, and understanding internal capabilities. The ultimate goal and challenge of leadership is to translate into concrete action one’s vision for the future in a manner that involves all levels of an organization. Through readings, case study, fieldwork, guest speakers and panel discussion, students are exposed to the realities of what separates high from low performance businesses.

Cross Cultural Communication (1 credit)

Our diverse workplace environment provides communication challenges to managers. In addition, to be successful in global marketplaces and to managemanufacturing facilities around the worldrequires cultural awareness and sensitivity. This course provides the building blocks to recognize and appreciate cultural differences and their effect on communications. Cross cultural teams are also addressed.

Change Management (1 credit)

Today’s leaders require the skills to guide in an atmosphere of continual change. Global markets and competition, changing regulatory environments, integrating mergers and acquisitions, reengineering and major reorganizations are all a part of our constantly changing business environment. This course addresses how leaders prepare their organizations for strategic change. It examines structural and employee resistance to change and the leadership and communications skills required to motivate and maintain forward progress.

Leadership Skills Assessment and Development (1 credit)

This one credit hour course provides students an opportunity to (1) participate in a validated LeadershipAssessmentCenter exercise and (2) build skills in behavioral areas required of successful leaders. During the videotaped assessment center exercise students complete multiple tasks, including group presentations, leaderless group discussions, and organization activities, in order that objective raters can evaluate individual performance. Following written feedback on individual and normative performance, students participate in skill building lectures and activities in the areas of decision making, leadership initiative, group processes, oral and written communication, and organization and planning.

Academic Impact Statement:

  1. Is the proposed new program interdisciplinary? If yes, identify the programs and or departments involved.

The program is not interdisciplinary.

  1. Identify any known effects of the proposed new program on other programs at the University.

No known effects on other programs at the University.

  1. If there are known effects, individuals in charge of the affected programs must be consulted about the proposed new program and the following information provided.


  1. Identify any known effects of the proposed new program on the University’s commitment to diversity

The cross-cultural communications course promotes diversity in the workplace and provides the knowledge and skills to increase the effectiveness of communications in a diverse working environment.

Resource Impact Statement:

  1. Library impact statement

No impact is anticipated on library resources.

  1. Computer impact statement

Several of the courses in the certificate program are offered on-line. The development of additional modules will require the use of LTS instructional designers and administrative services of the Office of Distance Education. In addition, some students may prefer to do assignments on-campus using university facilities. However, the overall increase in the use of on-campus facilities will be limited due to the intended audience for this program. Most of the students will be part-time professionals with computer resources available to them at work and in their homes.

  1. Faculty impact statement

Several of the courses listed are currently taught and are used for other programs including the Supply Chain Management Certificate and the MBA Program. The Certificate in Leadership Development will not require new sections of these courses. Negotiation and Project Management Essentials are currently offered both on-campus and on-line. Effective Team Leadership and Leadership Styles and Assessment are also taught on-campus on a regular basis. Ethical Decision Making, Crisis Management and Communications are already scheduled as summer 2004 courses. Translating Vision into Strategy is scheduled for Fall 2004 within the regular teaching load. Adjunct faculty will be used for the Cross Cultural Communications and Change Management courses.

  1. Facilities Impact Statement

Since several of the courses are already being taught as a part of other programs and the others will use our professional education classrooms, There should not be any impact on the current facilities.

Provide a statement indicating who will assume financial responsibility for any new resources required:

Financial responsibility for the certificate program will be borne by the College of Business & Economics.

College of Business & Economics

College Policy Committee

Proposed New Courses

Certificate in Leadership Development

Since the topics and delivery methods for the one credit seminars are likely to change as industry needs change, the CBE is not proposing that these courses be given permanent catalog numbers. However, these courses are designed and will be offered in a similar context to meet the needs of the Certificate in Leadership Development. Therefore, the answers to many of the questions on the new course form are identical for all. For brevity’s sake, those “overall course descriptions” are given below with the specific course descriptions listed at the bottom of the page.

Instructional mode:

The courses will include a mixture of lecture, case studies, panel discussions and experiential exercises. Each one credit course will have 14 contact hours.


The new seminars along with our current courses in Negotiation, Project Management Essentials, Effective Team Leadership and Leadership Styles and Assessment will provide a cohesive set of skills and abilities in the leadership area for the working professional.

Academic Impact Statement:

a.Is the proposed course crosslisted?N/A due to the constantly changing environment in business and our need to change offerings to meet industry needs, the courses will not be assigned permanent numbers nor will they be crosslisted.

b.Identify any known effectsof the proposed courses on other programs at the University. No known effects.

c.If there are known effects, individuals in charge of the effected programs must be consulted about the changes. N/A

d.Identify known effects of the proposed new courses on the University’s commitment to diversity. The Cross-cultural Communications course promotes effective communication skills in a diverse work environment.

Resource Impact Statement

  1. Library impact statement. No anticipated new library resources required.
  2. Computer impact statement. Some of these seminars may be offered on-line in the future. When that occurs, assistance from LTS instructional designers and the administrative services of the Office of Distance Education will be needed.

Our target population of students will have computer resources at their workplace or in their homes. It is unlikely that any new computer resources will be required for this program.

  1. Faculty impact statement. Several of these courses will be taught by regular Lehigh faculty in the summer sessions. Others will be taught in-load during the regular semesters. Two courses, Cross-cultural Communications and Change Management will be taught by adjuncts.
  2. Facilities impact statement. No significant impact on facilities is expected.

Provide a statement indicating who will assume financial responsibility for any new resources required: The College of Business & Economics will be financially responsible for the certificate program.

Specific Course Descriptions:

Crisis Management and Communication (1 credit)

This course deals with the principles and procedures involved in effective crisis planning and management. The course focuses on how best to assess and respond to various levels and types of crises, and how to communicate with key publics directly through the news media. Topics include defining true crisis, assessing and prioritizing risks, categorizing crises by types and levels, designing a crisis plan, crisis team roles and responsibilities, spokesperson selection and training, ethical decision-making, public expectations and social responsibility.

Effective Team Leadership (1 credit)

Given that team leaders exert a disproportionate effect on team success, it is critical that organizations carefully select and train qualified individuals to assume this demanding position. While anyone can be a formal team leader, not all team leaders will effectively demonstrate leadership. This course addresses the skills that team leaders must have to demonstrate effective leadership. It also includes a component on leading virtual groups and teams. The instructor, acting as a group facilitator, presents an overview of each topic and assists in class discussion, hands-on analysis and application, and role-playing.

Ethical Decision Making (1 credit)

An examination of the moral dilemmas facing business executives in making day-to-day business decisions. This examination will look at the impact of business decisions on all corporate stakeholders and will draw examples from the world around us. Readings, case studies, role-plays, and simulations will be used to illustrate the dilemmas facing business executives in today’s highly competitive, global economy.

Leadership Styles and Assessment (1 credit)

By studying numerous leaders, this course provides students with an understanding of successful leadership practices in various settings. In addition, by using the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), this course provides students with an opportunity to obtain feedback on their specific leadership abilities and learn how to become better leaders, broadly defined. Specifically, the LPI provides students with the opportunity to obtain feedback from supervisors, peers, subordinates, friends, colleagues, and themselves on five key behaviors required for successful leadership: challenging processes, inspiring a shared vision, enabling others to act, modeling the way, and encouraging the heart.

Translating Vision Into Strategy (1 credit)

This seminar focuses on how proven leaders shape a vision and deliver a mission for their organization. This process forces a long-range view of the firm and provides an organization with strategic direction and purpose. It begins with correctly assessing the external environment, identifying core competencies, and understanding internal capabilities. The ultimate goal and challenge of leadership is to translate into concrete action one’s vision for the future in a manner that involves all levels of an organization. Through readings, case study, fieldwork, guest speakers and panel discussion, students are exposed to the realities of what separates high from low performance businesses.

Cross Cultural Communication (1 credit)

Our diverse workplace environment provides communication challenges to managers. In addition, to be successful in global marketplaces and to manage manufacturing facilities around the worldrequires cultural awareness and sensitivity. This course provides the building blocks to recognize and appreciate cultural differences and their effect on communications. Cross cultural teams are also addressed.

Change Management (1 credit)

Today’s leaders require the skills to guide in an atmosphere of continual change. Global markets and competition, changing regulatory environments, integrating mergers and acquisitions, reengineering and major reorganizations are all a part of our constantly changing business environment. This course addresses how leaders prepare their organizations for strategic change. It examines structural and employee resistance to change and the leadership and communications skills required to motivate and maintain forward progress.