GradNation Community Summits
Social Media – Tweets & Posts

Social media is a fun and and effective way to promote your GradNation Summit. Through social media you can build a community of followers who support your goals by engaging in conversation, sharing photos, information and inspirational messages. Most importantly, social media can help to raise visibility for your efforts and continue the dialogue.

Connect with America’s Promise Alliance:

Are you following America’s Promise Alliance on Facebook and Twitter? Make sure to follow our official accounts and connect before the summit!

Official social media accounts:


Twitter: @americaspromise


Have a Plan:

Have you designated a volunteer or staff member to live tweet during the event? Have you scheduled tweets announcing your event on social media? Make sure to dedicate one or two volunteers to capture high quality images and live tweet the event. Coordinating in advance will ensure that volunteers or staff have all the information they need to effectively cover the GradNation Community Summit on the day of the event.

Prior to printing or promoting any materials with social media information, please email our Digital Manager, Sarah Boison to coordinate social media coverage for your summit.

Sample Tweets and Facebook Post:

Below are sample Twitter and Facebook posts that can be used to promote your GradNation Community Summit on social media. We ask all summit conveners to use #GradNation as their hashtag for promotion, live tweeting and post-event coverage. You may use a secondary hashtag that is more tailored to your event and region for tracking purposes. Hashtags help to create momentum around your event and allow for easier tracking of your digital reach. Also, be sure to share the hashtags with your attendees by highlighting them in Summit publications and presentation materials. On the day of the event you may want to ensure the hashtag is posted on slides and easily visible to attendees.


We’re hosting a #GradNation Community Summit in #CityName on [Insert date]! Help us raise grad rates. @AmericasPromise

Learn about @AmericasPromise #GradNation Community Summits--100 summits across US thru 2016! #CityName

#GradNation Community Summits focus on accelerating local efforts to reach 90% grad rate by 2020! #CityName

#GradNation Community Summits join leaders from all sectors 2 support youth & raise grad rates in our community! #CityName

Participate in the #CityName #GradNation Community Summit! We’re working to raise local high school grad rates!


We’re partnering with America’s Promise to host a GradNation Community Summit in [CITY NAME] on [DATE]! Learn more about our efforts to keep our students on track to high school graduation!

We’re happy to partner with America’s Promise to host a GradNation Community Summit in [CITY NAME] on [DATE]! Register to join us today!