Mr. Joseph Kievit


All Mathematics Classes


40% TESTS (2-3chapter tests per marking period)
40% QUIZZES (4-5 mid-chapter or concept based quizzes per marking period)

Classroom Rules

Laptops, Tablets, and Phones – Zero Tolerance Policy:

Only CHROMEBOOKS will be permitted in class. Under no circumstances will any other devices be allowed in class. If I see any of these items being used, they will be confiscated (in accordance with school rules) and turned over to Mr. Roberts. Note taking must be done in a loose-leaf or 3-ring binder.

Classroom Expectations:
1. All school rules will be strictly enforced. Disregard for these rules will result in a detention. Repeat offenses will result in dismissal from class, school detention, and severely impact your grade.

2. If I see you sleeping at your desk, you will be dismissed from class and sent to the nurse’s office.
3. Take your assigned seat upon entering the classroom. If you are not seated at the bell, you are late for class. You will be sent to the attendance office to get a late pass and will receive a detention. Remain seated throughout the entire class.
4. Raise your hand to ask/answer questions. Mathematics is a subject that requires focus and attention.
5. Show respect to your teacher and each other at all times.
Every day you should bring the following to class: PENCILS/ERASERS – NO PENS, textbook (or CHROMEBOOK), and notebook. Calculators are optional. The standard at SJR is the TI-30XIIS. Students are expected to take notes, listen attentively, and ask/answer questions.
Many homework assignments will be done using DELTAMATH. Written homework should be maintained in a 3-ring notebook (preferred) or a spiral bound notebook. It should follow any notes taken that are relevant to the lesson material that was covered in class. Homework is checked real-time on DELTAMATH and on a random basis for written assignments. It is assigned almost every night.

Extra Help:
I am available BY APPOINTMENT as requested by the student after school. Students should inform me that they need extra help so I can coordinate schedules and accommodate all requests.

Extra help is defined as requiring additional assistance, even though the student is paying attention in class, doing all the homework, and making every effort to learn, yet is still having difficulty understanding certain concepts or processes.

Students who do not pay attention in class, do not complete homework, and do not put forth an honest effort will not be granted extra help.